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Everything posted by Nash

  1. im trying to download gimp but it doesnt make any sense where to download it on their site :shock: . then c4ds, do u guys make them or get them off a site?
  2. thanks k resized it and made wall little more nice: its done! ok! its now ENTIRLEY DONE! (this is nodie in a day "well now that i look at i~" no). :-# heh im just messing around :lol: alright nodie thats what ive got as a final result. tell me if theres any minor touches you would like. 8-)
  3. oh yeah that would explain why it seems difficult :wall: #-o
  4. hey thru whens my deadline :-# and my entry vs shinyredplanet. is that the same entry i have vs the next person? or do i get to make a new one?
  5. gasp i love it thank joo. and yea unfortunatley for me the sig size is 500 wide and the limit is 450 :wall: :wall: so i get to cut that bank empty wall down i suppose :twisted: and i use macromedia fireworks for smuding :?
  6. i agree with jopie its got serious potention but its lacking detail. for example, the ocean meeting the grass/sand? would never just cut off like that, the water looks like standing water is all im saying really. otherwise youve always made nice pixels : keep it up
  7. wtf they lowered the size :wall: :wall: -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-
  8. im actually tempted to make pixel cursors for you to give out to people. sound fair?
  9. so uh shinys in my group but im competing against him as well?
  10. pixel: Smudgy thing: like the smudgy thing? :pray: oh yeah and a quick av for halloween :) New Smudy? thing:
  11. well i think im pretty much done :pray:
  12. i dont think ive been spotted :twss: :twss: :twss:
  13. I R Too lazy :twisted: been busy on nodies sig and this failed attempt at thrus contest heh. thanks tho :) ima try to make a sig with that guy too :shock:
  14. i see, you guys hatin on the pixelers eh :shame: . haha still put me on there ill just fail at soa's style
  15. Pixel entry Pl0xZ? if not im working on macromedia flash mx style, and then if not that err dare i say: whatever it is that soa does :ohnoes: smudging?
  16. heh i know rite? :oops: my way of getting around my problems
  17. heh i rather hate eyes, mind you a year ago i would have said i hate drawing people in general. now its down to heads/eyes. and yeah a potm sounds fun :thumbsup: whered destro go he die? :ohnoes:
  18. yea since summer time :shock: cant wait to finish it and stop hearing nodie go "hows the sig?" :lol: ilu nodie
  19. thanks . yeah finishing it... how long have i been working on this haha. never have any time :oops:
  20. i think im pretty much done, that text for his name is NOT permanent, i am currently asking jopie to write in his name for me because jopies text= win . rate/hate/appreciate :lol: [hide=old][/hide]
  21. for 15 minutes you are a genius! show me your ways =P~ or at least make me one heh
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