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Everything posted by Nash

  1. heh thanks sanno :) yeah ill be cooking with you all the way i guess :twss:
  2. wow 99 agility. and 99 in everything... and i think 99 mage and cooking is hard =P~ =P~ good luck.
  3. :roll: <-wtf? and all im saying is if it could stack on the real helm it might be more useful, refering to when you said theyre useless? makes sense doesnt it... situation: Easter, wear bunny ears while slaying, but now, i wont suffer the low def bonuses, now its more useful. but thats not the point of this discussion, im asking who else agrees theyre useless and could use an update on the usefulness area, AND who just discards them.
  4. i think some people are misunderstandind the putting them ontop of reg armor :lol: i edited it. sorry.
  5. if it belongs in questionares i guess move it there :wall: i just wanted to see if anybody agreed. whats the difference between questionares and gen discussion? questionares seems like a bunch of "what ifs"
  6. Alright first time making a discussion thread so go easy on me :oops: . With a lot of speculation on what the new holloween item will be, i cant help but realize all the items theyve given us have seemed to be, well, "noob oriented". Most people in their lvl 80+'s would rather wear a black cav then their easter cape/chicken suits/reaper hoods/etc. because the black cav shows that you worked hard enough to have something worth the 500k range. And at that, i would rather just wear armor that gives the def/attack bonuses i want. So i came across an idea, why not have the holiday items act as a cover up on regular armour? That way you can still have your defense bonuses, and also be in the holiday theme. Do you guys feel the same way? Are these items considered junk to you? Do you just enjoy the holiday quest and the item means nothing to you? so the discussion questions im asking if you couldnt be bothered to read the crap above: 1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank? 2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you? This doesnt mean you literally have bunny ears on top of your dmed -.- it means the dmed hides and the bunnyears is what you see, you just get the def bonuses of the dmed now. 3: Do you really just enjoy the quest. 4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?
  7. personally i wish theyd give us something that would just go ontop of the orginial armor/wep. example: santa hat that apears as a santa hat on you, but your wearing it over a dmed so you get the same def bonuses as a dmed, or that jack o lantern chins thing, just the skin/cover over the real chins, but it would look cool. anybody? :oops:
  8. whats the point of your rules? to me pvp deserves some strategy, if your strategy gives you an advantage on your oppenent (thats the [bleep]ing reason jagex introduced the combat triangle ffs) then you deserve to win, whether it be eating/surviving long enough to fill the spec bar to 1 hit ur oppenents final hp or if your an ankient mage who can ice burst and mage from affar. why would you make fighting 100% solely on who got the lucky hits? if you havent noticed the wilderness (or new pvp worlds) is the "street fighting" of runescape, go use your rules in the duel arena is what id have to say. in pvp worlds anything goes unless your safing and not letting your hp drop below 50hp, then your just pathetic... start eating at 49! duh! :roll: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: 2 thumbs down.
  9. thanks guys and kota smd im getting 99 mage and cooking, mage because ive loved mage all thru rs2 and cooking cause i want it trimmed nao. when we pking noob?
  10. lets steal them lego and make them our sigs and credit me :twisted:
  11. not that these are signatures or anything, but i thought id show them since theyre my favorite pixels ive seen by far, these made me say "im not worthy!!! =P~ =P~ "
  12. this kind of style. i really like it, people out in the world like it too, more so then pixels anyways. so i was wondering how hard/how much time does it take to make something like this. does anybody have any tuts to share with me? also what program do i use for it? i have macromedia fireworks :x thanks :) sorry if this doesnt belong here. ~C14
  13. "im not crazy heh heh hehhehehehe who ever said anything about being crazy? hge he ma heh he *cough cough gag gag* *sufficates from talking to fast and much* ilu dude but lolwut at the moodswings :P
  14. yeah were with immature babies you cant expect much out of them. my advice is: -never use rsof people... just no, they suck, each and every one. 9/10 times i use rsof i get crappy team mates -ignore the kid yelling at you. haha and i half object to lurign being bad, if somebody crashes me im not going down without a fight :twisted: make those bastards get rol'd out of that cave :twisted: :twisted:
  15. oh cause the dude looks like hes wearing an arma helm :oops: were there any cool drawings similar to that one wherever u found it? id like to make one of those sigs too :thumbsup:
  16. hiimben sorry to sound dumb but whats A/A stand for :oops:
  17. i see your not a fan of skilling so i can assume your like me, id say get 70+ cmb stats and go boss hunting :thumbsup: its my addiction.
  18. 2 feathers... some people just have all the god damn luck
  19. not saying your stats suck but theyre by no means amazing, i think thats the way it sucks. to quit it when you have multiple 99s and you realize the hours wasted, anyways i didnt post to put down ur rs account :? actually saying i give you props for leaving before you get the "higher level" addiction of getting 99s. i never knew you that well, but you always seemed like such a cool person, goodluck in whatever it is that you do : solong and thanks, for all the fish :lol:
  20. sdnoob is back :thumbsup: \ i hardly got to know you before you did something stupid to get banned :P just wondering howd you get unbanned?
  21. at posts 2 posts and a recently new register date im going to say welcome to tif :) and now im going to translate this: "say your secret money/training spot so i can use it" :lol: i use green dragons for profit and i use bandits for xp. pretty obvious places.
  22. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] nice dk luck tbh who made your sig btw?
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