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Everything posted by Nash

  1. well looking at the fact she hasnt been on for a while and people in her shop have come to the conclusion that shes left for a while i suppose we need to get a mod to take over or something :( its a shame she left, shes a talented pixel artist. I hope she comes back soon because i really enjoyed seeing her new works.
  2. this idea was awesome! mind if i borrow it for pixels? 8-) if yes then thank you mucho. btw i vote for team 2 if im not late :oops:
  3. a one poster wonder man where you instantly know about everything eh? :roll: i said nothing about more drops, its very old, both since r2s (and bkd is from classic ffs) and im just saying they need a graphic change, kbd for example is just a round room, you should add rocks and slopes to make it more interesting, and have the kbd move around more (fly? like kq?) atm, the kbd is one of the bosses you WOULDNT want to brag and show your friends. as well as kq.
  4. i went back to get my ROW and so far ive done 3 "rounds" and got twice as many crimsons but less gold and green, perhaps it just helps give better chances to more crimsons and less greens and gold?
  5. my outfit is: ahrims hood, top skirt, barrows gloves, mystic boots, guthix cape (mage arena) guthix book, ring of life, and ancient staff
  6. umm the spot where u get 9 i think, and i think its because of the rol, stupid kids in evil mumms chat said not to use a row but im starting to get mad i wasted 1k spells and only got 100 crimsons :( and i know i have a great mage bonus etc...
  7. those numbers seem veeery high compared to how many im getting :oops: im using ring of life, maybe theres the flaw?
  8. every 1k burst how many crimson charms should i be getting and how much xp should i be getting and ring of wealth vs ring of life
  9. trust and listen to gil hes the ranging god :lol: and nice updates on your pixel siggy gil ;) i see you took my advice a little on the contrasted shadows
  10. triplewich those numbers are crazy :shock: id say expect at LEAST a warrior every trip :thumbsup: but of course you get a few oddball runs with nothing.
  11. when i say murdered i mean it goes from "we can get 30 more kills easy!" to... "can i have a brew? or else this is my last few kills" thats just from my 10-20 runs or so of experience :? and thanks :) vote for it in the contest its entered in alright? (my sig)
  12. hmm never knew that :oops:
  13. albino rat is gold charm m8 :) spinner is teh blue charm
  14. tbh i have 80 range, i got with 5-6 people we are GOOD, as soon as it hits 4 ppl we all get murdered, thats just the way it goes, u need 90+ def and 90+ to do anything under 4 people :?
  15. i want oro to try it out for me but i guess its like albino rat but instead of 2hp cheeses it makes 6-12hp fruits. possibly great summoning for dk and gwd?
  16. you should just pray on ahrim, karil and dharok, and tank the rest: heres my method that i love. bring torag or something with GOOD def. bring like 14 ppots and 8 sharks (and also like 150 sharks noted and some cash) black salamander!! just rebuy sharks from genstore when needed and i stay there forever with this setup
  17. in rsc i bought a green h'mask for 18gp in the gen store \ im pretty sure the fixed all that though :lol:
  18. i have drops too you know -.- i just dont BRAG in my siggy :lol: leave me some blog comment love id say with a spinner no... i hate guthans btw cause its like this :: "k 50hp, better guthans to heal... *guthans and heals full* *puts staff and and BANG #14# #12# damage by spinos* *puts spear back on and the chain keeps going -.- * well that trip was good! i got 5kills more then i would without guthans! :D " your setup without having to use mage pray would be this: 85+ def 350+ range def void mace bunyip/ fruitbat at LEAST, if you have a titan though...
  19. pretty much using the actual runescape character as an anatomy reference is NEVER a good idea. although using it for colors and the overall looks of the armor is fine. my advice would be look up marvel anatomy drawings (because personally marvel comic characters pwn anatomy) and work off of that style until you find your own : my C/c is just work on anatomy for a while :-# i had(have) the same problem
  20. you could try blood/ice bursting undead monkies if you really dont want charms :? i want 79+ summoning so im doing lobs. you could try metals, you go through casts FAST but to me i dont like expecting a ddrop so i can pay off the runes. and if you want to browse forums/ watch movies and dont care about spending forever you could just use mind rune fire spells on the fire mage south of fally, its about 1gp per 1xp i guess it just takes foreeever cause you only get 12-14xp a cast :lol:
  21. dont worry about your stats i did fine at 75 def. you will definately want to get 80+ def though because it is much much easier. id say you get a drop every 700-1000 casts, after 25+ kills your bound to get a drop if you havent already. use amazing range def (300+ bonus) use slayer dart try duoing for a bit or going with 2 hybs so you dont get pounded by spinos too often
  22. your in the same boat ad me skully heh im looking for a cheap way to get hp xp while i train magic, my method is: get drops from rex and waste on bursting lobs but ive tried maging green dragons and you profit from it. you spend probably 2k-3k per dragons and make 1k profit each dragon :/ but your rich so you prob dont care about 1k here and there lol.
  23. so maging rex on weekends and then bursting lobs on weekdays sound good? also heres one of my master schemes... blood bursting rex? you think youll break even or even make some profit? (blood bursting heals you and damages rex if you didnt know)
  24. i like toasts idea, i forgot about the 70 agil shortcut. and as for making all the supplies to alch... :wall: i need the 99 mage fairly quickly? and i need hp xp so alching is 100% out of the question :/
  25. clever :P but im cheap buddy otherwise i would do that, i want to get half way to 99 before bursting.
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