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Everything posted by Nash

  1. sounds good :) so... whoever was next according to lego tell me what you want :
  2. its still your shop :) so its up to you if you want my name.
  3. anytime : so... who was next on skull's list?
  4. :shock: im afraid i cant quite agree with you there. ;) btw hey littleboy long time no see.
  5. here jim jim :) sorry no border or name, id rather you put your own border or text because i dont know what style text you prefer etc. as for helping lego do his work cause he r too fat to draw nao :lol: i guess hes gotta tell me whos next and ill work on it. he can do his part of them once he has time :
  6. hey jim, i dont remember which one was yours :oops: if you tell me what it was ill redo it and make u a better one :)
  7. :roll: I hope you're kidding :lol: I think it's some of my best work personally. bahah i love it, if you make it more detailed id use it as siggy for life i might even just use ur sketch haha edit: i noticed ur pretty busy, maybe we could share the load and ill help you out? we can do collab pixels for everyone (meaning we both work on all the sigs together, not split them up) could be fun... but i understand it is YOUR shop and i understand if u dont want to share
  8. hmm maybe it could start out as single player world, then slowly transform it into a mmo if we like the way its going.
  9. :o the only difference between pomars current one and my idea is mine involves muliplayer right?
  10. well it was a fun idea while it lasted... oh well lol
  11. harder then making a runescape private server i guess?
  12. hey lego :) id like a SIG please:) something like this: a fat guy up front with a sad face and tears in his eyes and a guy in the background doing cartwheels, then another guy pointing and laughing at the fat guy saying "Lego is too FAT to CARTWHEEL!!!" thats as specific as i need, ur free to do the rest :) oh yeah 8-) , <3
  13. hello everyone in the gallery :) some of you might remember me but ive noticed alot of new faces around here. I cant remember if this thread should be in the gallery or somewhere else but since its relating to pixels i figured it belongs here. heres my question; -after watching pomar's rpg grow over the last (half year now?) ive been curious about whether or not a MMORPG could be made. Ive heard of people making private runescape/wow/etc servers, how much harder could making our own server for our own mmorpg game be? it seems like we'd need two groups, a group of graphic people and a group of technical people. I say a pixel styled game because its the only thing im familiar with and i think a game with a pixel world would be pretty cool :) (isnt maplestory a pixel mmorpg?) itd have more dimensions then Maplestory though, itd be more like Zelda: A link to the past. im not sure why im throwing this out there, i guess its summer, i need something to do and the idea of making our own game would be so cool.
  14. So i guess i was thinking about making a dk on whichever server has the most tifers on it? is that burning blade? and is it a waste of my time because your all lvl 80 and always busy doing heroics and such.
  15. dude how the hell did you pull that off. i'm still just 72 and i have like 10 days played or something like that :-\ I dinged 72 last night and am at 8d 17h played and I've done most of the Instances up to this point (Got like 3 classic ones to do) and a bunch of other things. when you guys say 8 days, are you on 24/7 playing? or am i just so nooby it took me 3 months to get to 55 \ but i got my dk finally and they pwn, i might ditch my other toons for this dk :lol: ---also, nadril if your bored, come role a dk on my realm and raid horde cities with me :thumbsup:
  16. thats the word i was looking for... yeah listen to them they know stuff :thumbsup: also hai guys whats crackin?
  17. *gasps at lack of perspective* just kidding :) nice job for your first pixel. i really must insist you change the perspective of how your looking into the room, i would make it more... "how you would view it in your eyes" not like your looking out from a helicopter from way above. heres my example: please excuse the ugliness, im using a laptops touchpad mouse, paint default colors, and lack of time (spent 2 mins on it.) i hope you get the point though. if you need to look at other pixel artists work heres some links to mine and some friends that i can find/remember off the top of my head. mine: http://z15.invisionfree.com/PixelMood/i ... wtopic=279 Assasin pkers: http://z15.invisionfree.com/PixelMood/i ... wtopic=104 Hiimbens: http://z15.invisionfree.com/PixelMood/i ... owtopic=37 Acejacks: http://www.zybez.net/community/index.ph ... ic=1231386
  18. in the holocaust we refered to him as kota the triceratops. indeed we did, and we called me c14 zimbabwe. and squig was squigly.
  19. I heard it through the grapevine that you quit rs. :o :D win? fail? lolwut? nice you do track, i r too fat to run :oops:
  20. alright sweet :) next question... little more shady question im assuming... i can get the code for the expansion for $10-$20 cheaper on a site thats not Wow.com... legit? are they a scam and/or will Blizzard ban my [wagon] as soon as i try to enter in the code?
  21. "Simply having a character of at least level 55 on the realm where you'd like to play unlocks the ablility to create a new level-55 death knight of any race on that realm (if on a PvP realm, the death knight must be the same faction as your existing character). Upon entering the world, your neophyte death knight will undertake a series of quests designed to teach you your new abilities. You will be able to create one death knight on each realm that is already home to at least one level 55+ character of yours." to me this sounds like if i have a lvl 55 on underbog, the only place i can have a dk is on the underbog but my friend (hes lvl 71) got WotLK and made a dk on a dif server (one that didnt have a lvl 55 on it). do you guys know whats up with the dk situation? cause i was planning on making a horde dk on burning blade :/
  22. i made a guild called victorias secret lol randomness much
  23. is there any part of the WoW website where it tells you the % of horde and alliance on the server, like 60% this and 40% that? cause people tell me numbers and i wanna see for myself -.-
  24. i got 39 levels to go and its killing me > . >
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