Yeah well. i want to alch my way to 99 magic, and well. what can i buy in bulk, alch, and not lose alot. and no. dont say yew longs. because on forums everybodys buying, and in ge you can get 100 an hour thats it.
feel free to pm me on this. but from my fishing erxperience. sharks are fastest cash once you have 80 fishing. until then, lobsters, or monks, are great cash. if you want xp and cash, do monks. or if you cant do those, lobsters.
nicely set out. I had an ownage blog like this before the wipe, but whatever. i msure you will succed, make sure to check out my blog. BADLY needs support.
Well i have to re write because it was deleted. but here we go. i still have alot of pics. Unfortunately i have been lazy about pics lately so heres what i got. [hide=My method (VID!)]Im doing barbarian heavy rod fishing currently. However I fished sharks 82-92. Then i jumped around to 96. Then did barb to 97, and will be here till 99.This method is fairly simple and i have made a short tutorial for you all. You can watch it here.[/hide] [hide=Levels Passed]82 fishing, the very start. 85 fishing. 86 fishing 90 fishing! thanks firenova 91, last screenshot taken. [/hide] [hide=What I look like]This is Me in Runescape. And the real me. =\ [/hide]
uhm. 18m isnt too much really. if you wanted quickness. i suggest keeping the 18m in bronze arrows and decent gear. then see how many chins you can afford with 18m. then when your a bit higher. buy chins and use those on zombie monkies.
fletching isnt too hard or anything, sdo yeah just string yew longs, good xp and good budget. personally hate fletching. couldnt even come close to getting 99 it bored me. not sure how i got so far in fishing but goodluck with your goal