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Everything posted by Sanitys_Requiem

  1. I forgot, as BladeWing pointed out, take into account Bank time. I assume you'll have some form of teleportation, so it's just the walk/run back. So maybe subtract a minute to a minute and a half from the end product.
  2. When you start to attack one, time how long it takes to kill it, do that maybe 5 times. Make sure you write down each individual time. Add up all the times when you're finished, then take the sum and divide it by 5. Take that number and divide it by 30, the answer is how many you would kill (on average) in 30 minutes, you can divide it by 60, 120, 180, etc. etc. Hope I helped. :)
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3 <3 <3

  4. Nope, I never use row, always explorers (3) or zerker Never a Ring of Life? :P Nice, 10/10.
  5. This GIF rocks. Night, gonna head over to the College tomorrow morning and check out my teacher(s) and classrooms.
  6. Thanks, commented your profile, I have questions. :unsure:
  7. The website isn't loading up for me, I tried through Google as well.

  8. ...realise that sarcasm dosn't work with text unless you use sarcasm tags (because sarcasm is entirly intonation and body language, which is everything that text does not convey) Mostly true, but the way posts are written can convey intonation to some extent, e.g "Yeah, REAL smart." I don't think a lot of people would assume that I'm calling the person smart. :wink: ...get 99 slayer. I smell self loathing! I'm kidding.
  9. Do your homework, nerd! You beat me to it. :(
  10. I sometimes see people's signature change every time I refresh the page, I'm wondering how you do that. If anyone knows, tell me please. :D
  11. I can tell you're a fan of Assassins Creed lol. I pick up my copy on the 18th when it comes out, Ezio better be as amazing as Altair.
  12. Just finished sign ups for a 33 Unit total course in Computer Sciences, once I'm finished I get my Associates in COMSC (Computer Sciences) and I'm taking about 9 Units involving Graphic Design, Photoshop and the like, doing it all at a Community College near my house, should be fun! :D
  13. I'd buy all the buyable 99's. See how much cash I have left after selling the things I made while getting the 99's, regardless of if I profited or not. Invest a lot in Barrow, Slayer, PvP, and GWD gear. Then horde the rest and spend on things I need whenever I need them.
  14. I totally agree, Smelly. Regardless of your total level/total XP nice players come in a variety of shapes. Whether they be skillers or combat focused players, their total levels/total XP will vary.
  15. Most RuneScapers will never talk to nearly half of their friends list.
  16. Dammit. Was hoping I would get to flame somebody. ;) I'm kidding, very nice, get 200M! 10/10. Keep it up!
  17. Most Runescapers will never realize that the word "dude" isn't spelled "dood."
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