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Everything posted by Sanitys_Requiem

  1. I had some extreme irl issues to deal with. I'm good now but my comp fried so no RS for a while..
  2. You PC'ed your DK trip on me. Pro. I'll miss you Q T Pi. 10000/10. Bows
  3. Or he just knows how to play. Don't judge people you don't even know. And his speed is not even close to extreme the last few months. Lrn2sarcasm. I'm saying overall for his speed, btw.
  4. Oh, Congrats! ME ME MEEEEEEEEEE thats y were getting married rite :?: Lol, sorry t3h, spots taken. And thank Sithy! Bows
  5. I'd either GoP or FoG. GoP being more entertaining I think I'd use those robes. And Armour, just use what you can.
  6. Gertjaars speed is ridiculous, though I just recently came back I have been watching the Hi-Scores. He definitely has no life. Either that, or his bots work fast.
  7. I always listen to it, either that or music from Grooveshark. Favorite song -- Fishing. Bows
  8. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! -Zach
  9. Haibrid Bows is getting Void. He's lookin' sexy with Blue D'hide Chaps (G) on. That's all thanks to Silvermist. :D :D :D IFLY. Anyway, today's the day. I leave in four and a half hours, 5:00 AM Est, to Yosemite, it's a 3 hour drive, so we'll be there at 8:00 AM. Of course no internet so you won't be hearing from me. I've asked silver to bump my blog every now and then, don't care if he does or not though. Anywayyyyyyyyyy. That's about it! I'm going camping baby! Bye everyone! -Zach
  10. Sheynara! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! That's something I hope to achieve, but for now it's out of my reach, enjoy your future 'Scaping! One more thing though, why don't we talk and catch up like we used to? :( Keep in touch hun! -Zach
  11. Been a while since I updated this, and you know I don't like taking pictures, so I didn't. LEVELS: ALOT. I'm 57 Ranged, 49 HP, 30 Slayer, and some other random levels. QUESTS: A FEW. Animal Magnetism, Priest in Peril, Ernest The Chicken, Restless Ghost. Uhm, Yeah, I'm doing Pest Control for Void. Which means I'll be getting 42 Defense. Don't give me any sass about it either. It's Void Range. On another note-- my first account, Spiritabove was found to be **UN-BANNED** so I logged into it, best stat was 81 Woodcutting, and I couldn't remember the bank pin, so I have 7 days until I can check it again. ANOTHER NOTE-- I'm going camping in 2 days. I'll be gone for 5 days, to the 19th. Hope you guys don't miss me too much! Bye! -Zach
  12. On my Hybrid, I train on Banshees, they are decent Green Charm droppers. Besides, the Pure Essence, Dark Mystic Gloves and Grimy Ranarr's and such aren't bad either. ;) Hope I helped! -Zach
  13. Very nice. :) Loving the other 99's. They seem to cancel out the fact you got 99 Fletching, lol. But enjoy your new skill total! 10/10. -Zach
  14. Haibrid Bows is a member, just bought it yesterday. Going to kill some Goblins for level 1 Clue Scrolls for cash. BAINOW. -Zach
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