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Everything posted by jammie911

  1. Im the same, been using tipit for years and only discovered forums today :)
  2. One thing i could suggest would be to even out your levels a bit, that way you can ease yourself into each skill a little at a time. Dont forget to look at the great tip it skill guides to help you. Secondly, I think joining a clan would be very helpful. Clannies can be very helpful with all sorts of info. Try one of the larger, more mature clans, they tend to be more stable. Also they tend to be kinder and more patient with newbies. There are threads especially aimed at recruitment in the RS forums. Good luck :)
  3. You could try the strange rocks. I love doing them because it gets you doing skills you dont normally like doing, but only for a relatively short peroid. And you can go after another skill as soon as you have both rocks, which means you dont get bored grinding on just one skill. Shame you can only do it once a wekk if you ask me. Challenges are good too, as somebody has mentioned - gets you doing stuff you wouldnt normally do. Mini games are alwayd good to try out too, work your way thru the list of minis listed on tip it. Theres plenty to do there without having to grind :)
  4. Im sitting on 6k saras thanks to the bonus exp weekend. I hope as someone suggested that the price stabalises after eos arrives, else Ive wasted a heck of a lot of money :(
  5. I for one will be looking forward to this update. I get fed up trying to put decent people together that you like playing with, then trying to get them together at the same time. I soloed up to lvl 79 and tbh I preferred it that way.
  6. I really think we should get rid of wildy again and trading - RS was really great then.
  7. Yeah, somebody said it already, ignore the spamming and gambling etc, you can still enjoy the game. Find a decent clan, usually one full of mature people if you want to meet some genuine people.
  8. I just thought I'd introduce myself, I love playing RS and am a complete addict :) I love tip it too, its my first goto page for everything, and now I've joined the forums, I hope to be an active member here too :)
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