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Everything posted by Mecakoto

  1. [hide=My Logic. (If you post of how this is blasphemy without reading this, your post will mean nothing)]I, like many who are reading this, am a gamer. A hard core, die-hard, give-it-everything-you-have-and-more gamer. Through years of experience, knowlage comes naturally. That, and curiosity of how things work within and during a game. I have found that, save for very rare occurrences, numbers that have effect on events in a game are rarely not related to another number that relatively close to to the original event number base. Allow me to explain... A is a base number that can be manually altered by a person through various means. B is the thing that an alteration of A can change. C is a value that involves B, but isn't supposed to be affected by A, or is affected very little. A's value is x1, while B is y1 and C is y2. Based on complex factors and equations of luck, the value of x can be changed to a value that causes the final luck equation to meet a climax of factors influencing luck in your favor. This is called luck manipulation. Both y1 and y2 MAY be affected by the final equation's values, which can be manipulated by x's value. Now, generally, every action you do in a game can have an effect on the final outcome's value. This value is x2, and is always changing. If you try pressing or holding a button down when playing a game that involves "luck," you may have something happen in your favor, or to your distaste. So, luck manipulation by pressing buttons... Here is your crash course. (Skip this if you want) To do this, simply press a button or do an action. That is it. Remember the Megaman series? You can change a drop from an enemy by shooting an enemy earlier or later. You can change it's drop from anything to nothing, to a free life. You can see this in RPG games to a bigger effect. Want an enemy's unblock-able attack to miss? Try pressing any button right before the damage comes up. The reason you should try this in general playing is to make life easier. That's basically it. Anyone can test it by repeating an action with the same timing, but altering button presses for a few frames. Best done on Emulators with Savestates. If you don't have access to one, start any game from a save point and hold a button to any direction. When you get to an enemy, kill it. Then repeat it, only letting the enemy survive a longer or shorter time. If the enemy has a drop, you will get something diffrent if you wait a bit. I do not recommend this for trying in an online game, as doing this activity is impossible to tell the timing for it because you don't start from a save point. The closest you can get to this is altering values you can control, such as x1.[/hide] Now, Jagex has stated that the Kill Count at Barrows does not affect item drops. It may be that they were trying to avoid this sort of thing, or it is an unintended error in the game. Either way, I have found that an 11 kill count has a very high Rune/Rack/Barrows item drop rate. My longest dry run with an 11 Kill count is 17. Now, I am not very lucky in Runescape. I've killed thousands of Black dragons, Hundreds of King's and Metals, and my best drops have been a D Med and a Dragon Skirt from a Steel and Iron respectively. The Rarest drop from the Black drags was a single Dragonstone. My charicters luck value is low. Now, either I have ungodly luck in Barrows, or something is working for me. Keeping in mind that this is a discussion thread of my discovery (or lack thereof,) I would ask some people with long dry runs, or people who Barrow quite a bit, to try the 11 Kill count for a while and report back the results. It may even be that there is a Kill count luckier then 11, or it might change from person to person based on other factors. I'm not sure entirely how it works for Runescape yet. This will all come in time. Please, have an open mind. It will allow for more discoveries, or further discoveries such as this, at Barrows and beyond. I'm off for the night, so... K.
  2. I'd like enter a new option: When the site and game are completely removed. (IE: You put in http://www.runescape.com and nothing comes up) Until then, I will continue playing. Also, to anyone who decides to make a statement along the lines of, "What about when they make an update that will kill the game for you?" My response is a dignified: "I adjust and adapt way to fast for this to happen." When Player Killing in the wilderness was taken out, I just continued my 1 vs 1 matches at the duel arena.
  3. Runescape Name: F2P or P2P Mecakoto: P2P
  4. I have gotten permission to post this from the original creator via email. He/She is A.Furry of IGN's Runescape Boards. They would like it to be credited to them if used anywhere else with the simple title of "A.Furry of IGN." You have his/her permission. A.Furry: In the grand scope of things, they have lost few of their paying members. I'd think that they have lost 10% of their paying player base. Along with the ads that pay to be put up on the sight and free to play version of the game, they will still have enough players to recover nicely. Overall, most of the Pkers will continue playing because of the fact that pking wasn't about the loot. That was just a perk. Pking was about just getting a kill and having that adrenaline rush of simply destroying and/or killing someone. Players can still do this in Duel Tournaments, Castle Wars, and Fight Pits, which is where all of the non-pure pkers have gone, me included. Also, if the 1 vs 1 area is how it should be, then even pures will come back, or even remain active until it is implemented, along with all the other big Pker fans that want loot along with thrill. Summoning will also keep people playing, simply because it is a new skill. Not really anything else I can say about that, other then the mere hype will keep people playing. Finally, there is the biggest aspect why people will keep playing: the sheer amount of time people have put into there characters. Most of the people who have been playing for 1+ years will continue, simply because they have put so much into their accounts. And, as the first big interface change, the Pest Control change, and various other things that have been big, things will be tweaked, and people will adjust. That is basic human nature: adjusting to new things, and finding ways to work with them. Proofreading this, this oddly sounds like something Jagex would say... That in mind, it doesn't make it any less true, except for the Pkers leaving statistic I gave. It isn't confirmed, just an estimate... All in all, I think 'ol Runescape has a few more years, if not more. If the Price is Right can continue on, despite not having the same feel, so can a simple game of pixels. (Yes, I do still watch it with Drew as Host. Bob will be sorely missed. Despite it, the rating will recover, and new fans will be made) *********** I agree completely. I just thought you all needed to see this. That is why I asked to post it. It was posted as a response to someone else, so it is directed at that person, but oddly enough, to every player. EDIT: Found a typo, fixed it. Ill tell Furry. EDIT2: A.Furry is planning to make an account here tomorrow. Until then, I;m not allowed to give out Email Adresses.
  5. This is what happens when I don't get the Gravekeeper random for a a few hours while ranging black dragons. Yes, I am a mage nub and yes, I collect the darts and the javs. Now, if only the Visage would come up...
  6. I don't think they are dropped by Reds. Anyone confirm it?
  7. 1/10000 doesn't sound right. I think the drop rate is about 1/300 for a D chain from the KQ. Anyone know of any Black Dragon logs I can look at to help me?
  8. I was told that there is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled before things will drop them. Is there? I've talked to the guy that sells Rune Plates at Edge, and, when picking through the options, he said that dragons drop them, and that my quest for one will be long. Was that the requirment?
  9. You shake the snowglobe when you get it. It creats piles in random places.
  10. To much free time. =P I'm just going to random worlds to do it.
  11. Pro: Since I can imagine the life runes, if used, can be made with Runecraft, it'd make Runecrafting a bit nicer for those people using it to make money for the first month.
  12. I play because I still enjoy it. I wasn't a big pker, and I get an oddly high amount of joy from fishing. Plus, 99 fishing took forever. Don't want to give it up so soon after I have gotten it. :P Let us not forget friends, to. :P
  13. Well, to me, Random Events break the monotony of skilling because as long as the random isn't Evil Bob or Molly, the most time consuming in my opinion, I'm fine with them interrupting me every so often. I can only imagine what it would be like if there were no randoms when you are skilling or doing something. The repetition would kill me. :P
  14. You have Firefox and use IE? :ohnoes: Nice level though. Internet Explorer, and thank you. :D I know it's Internet Explorer (A.K.A. IE). Why use it when you have Firefox? :? For the screenshot question, I'm using a laptop, which can take screenshots by using the {FN} key and pressing {Insert}, which takes the shot. To the IE question, I prefer it. EDIT: I use Firefox if some sites require it.
  15. You have Firefox and use IE? :ohnoes: Nice level though. Internet Explorer, and thank you. :D
  16. I just go around in a desert robe set and some white flowers when I skill. It is my newest set. :P
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