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Everything posted by l0l0lpur32

  1. Stop the closing of the gap between the grades awarded the top students and the grades awarded to the bottom students. Scrap university tuition fees - although I suppose the money to send 50% of all students I think it is? to university has to come from somewhere. Make school be more about preparing people for life rather than to pass exams.
  2. What incentive is there for people to work if everyone receives an equal amount of income? (I'm pretty sure everyone having an equal income was never part of communism/socialism anyway).
  3. 207 to 138 - CA is pretty much 100% guaranteed to be Obama so he has practically already won.
  4. BBC claiming 27 84 Is there a reason why the east cost counts faster than west? The east coast is in a different timezone, so closed earlier.
  5. Of course all economic systems have problems, but a 100% command economy is not the solution.
  6. I think you'll find the US national debt is much more than $458 billion - I think it's around 20 times that?
  7. I've never understood why people say this lol. I know, the Soviet Union worked great. Oh... East Germany, for sure. No... China? Uh-uh. North Korea? We don't know... Cuba? I'll go look for one of the folks on floating goats. That (the fact nearly... no every communist state has/had to put it very lightly, political repression) wasn't even my point, I've just never understood why people always say it - more specifically, how many actually mean it and can back it up, and aren't just saying it because they heard someone else say it.
  8. I've never understood why people say this lol.
  9. What about when it starts affecting other people? e.g. drunk/drugged driving. The way "telling someone what they can and cannot do with their own body" can be justified is that irresponsible behaviour is dangerous to other people, not just the person who is acting irresponsibly.
  10. Most people who kill skillers do it because they can't get pks in proper fights, but I don't get why they (the skillers being killed) complain - it's a risk they take.
  11. wow, both the stupidity of them posts and you bothering to track them reminds me why I stopped playing rs :)
  12. How many people have being killed in communist regimes worldwide? Almost 100m isn't it?
  13. The demand isn't high enough for the investment needed to build the infrastructure required for the "mega speeds" to be worth it.
  14. No point, there's already so many companies doing it you wouldn't be able to compete.
  15. Rubbish. (unless by hereditary, you mean people learning bad lifestyle choices off their family members)
  16. If we had a spending freeze it would only take a few years until we had a surplus instead of these massive deficits. You're out of your [bleep] mind, and so is John McCain; not even Ron "Get Rid of Most of the Federal Government and End All Spending" Paul is that insane. You don't have a total spending freeze, even people who aren't Keynesian Economists know that. Just as a rule you don't stop buying everything except bread in hard financial times, you buy durable goods. This man is not just an idiot or insane anymore...he's dangerous. The current policy of massive spending isn't sustainable. Define "no issues"...
  17. yeah, just look at north korea, 1917-1991 russia etc :roll: Ah, the "the USSR wasn't really marxist/socialist/communist" argument.
  18. yeah, just look at north korea, 1917-1991 russia etc :roll:
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