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Everything posted by Howlin0001

  1. Banned for not knowing how to spell capitalising.
  2. Thanks It's fixed now thanks, if you come across anything else please let us know
  3. Thanks we are aware of this and is currently being fixed should be up within the next day. EDIT:It's fixed now thanks, if you come across anything else please let us know
  4. Banned for misspelling roomy and not having a capital r at the start of your name.
  5. Interesting how you think that all Administrators are older than the other staff. I see where you come from though. On another note, nobody knows anything about Cowman, not even his name, he is a mysterious part human, part cow being. Well his name is actually ManCow I think I have the true story behind it but I want to make sure he isn't around first :anxious: :anxious: :anxious:
  6. You shouldn't have told them that :lol: Do we count as mods? I want to play along too ;) You can guess how old I am if you like, I know most of our ages, but I can tell you that Howlin is 10. (No, not really, although he does act 10 years old ;)) Come on don't insult me you know I'm not 10 or even act 10, I act like a 5/6 year old. You're being too generous with your self If I put myself any younger I wouldn't be able to type.
  7. .1/10 (Who is that girl, never seen her before now. Anyone know?)
  8. You shouldn't have told them that :lol: Do we count as mods? I want to play along too ;) You can guess how old I am if you like, I know most of our ages, but I can tell you that Howlin is 10. (No, not really, although he does act 10 years old ;)) Come on don't insult me you know I'm not 10 or even act 10, I act like a 5/6 year old.
  9. Wexford. But I think atm a lot of people I know have the feeling that it's not a yes or no vote but a YES or We can keep doing this until we get a yes vote.
  10. Hmm seems that you are actually right, I was looking up on google for any more sites to have something about this but seems like non do really. Also found http://jamesomalley.co.uk/blog/2009/01/ ... s-me-good/ Todays Daily Express front-page is screaming EU WILL GRAB BRITAINS GAS - and as you might expect, what with this being the Daily Express theyve got it wrong again. The story concerns an apparent clause in the Lisbon treaty that would apparently share Britains gas supplies with other EU states in times when supply is compromised, such as in the current situation of Russia turning off the taps to the Ukraine (and thus the rest of eastern Europe). Of course, The Express being The Express, are completely misrepresenting the issue at stake here: that of energy security. The report contains quotes from a Tory MEP and UKIPs crackpot leader Nigel Farage saying that Britain shouldnt share its supplies with the rest of Europe - apparently the Conservative party will resist any moves towards EU common energy resources. This is unbelievably short-sighted. Its all well and good wanting to hang on to the gas youve got - but thats no good if youve got none in the first place. So sorry for this then it can be locked if needed or just left here.
  11. Not the one I saw but I only saw that heading and read it.
  12. Do you think the E.U is getting a bit too much power? I ask this because of the article I saw in the paper today [hide=EU WILL GRAB BRITAIN'S GAS]BRITAINS vital North Sea oil and gas supplies are to be taken over by Europe under emergency plans revealed for the first time in Brussels yesterday. EU leaders are demanding control of British energy reserves to prevent power blackouts that have left millions of eastern Europeans without heat in Arctic weather due to the Russian gas blockade. Euro-MPs are calling for the creation of a European gas reserve, made up of British and Dutch supplies, which member states can tap into in the event of any future shortage. The transfer of ownership would be enacted under secret powers written into the controversial Lisbon Treaty. It gives Europe the legal power to take over individual states supplies to ensure security of energy supply in the Union. Ultimate control over Britains vast natural gas and oil fields by far the biggest resource within the EU will fall to Brussels if the new treaty, which has already been ratified by Britain, is adopted throughout Europe. Last night, however, there were calls for Britain to stand firm against the seizure of our oil and gas. UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: Brussels has already stolen our fish. Now they want our oil and gas. These are vital resources to Britain and we demand that the British Government vetoes these proposals. This shows how vital it is that the UK holds a referendum on our future in the European Union. Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague said: EU Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso is right to say that the EU needs to help eastern Europe with its energy security. But giving the EU control over our national energy reserves is totally the wrong way to go about it. This is a regretful example of how the renamed EU constitution would give the EU too much power over our national affairs and why so important a treaty should be put to the British people to decide in a referendum. What we really need is a proper free market in energy in the EU. The EU already has the power it needs to achieve that. Syed Kamall, Conservative MEP for London, said: Conservatives will continue to resist any moves towards EU common energy resources. The Common Fisheries Policy has already decimated our fishing industry. An EU common energy resource policy would do the same to what little is left of our oil reserves. Russian and Ukrainian officials and energy firm executives were yesterday locked in crisis talks in Brussels in a bid to break the deadlock over blocked supplies that has hit power deliveries to 10 EU countries. Meanwhile, in a closed-door meeting with high-ranking European politicians, Mr Barroso said the current crisis showed the need for urgency in adopting a common EU energy policy. He called for a mutualisation of energy stocks, the better use of EU indigenous energy resources and said it was vital that member states show solidarity with their struggling partners in eastern Europe. Mr Barroso added that he would soon have the legal authority to take over control of energy reserves under the Lisbon Treaty. He said the new powers were necessary because requests to national governments to detail what gas reserves they had available had produced no response. MEPs also called yesterday for control over Britains dwindling natural resources. Austrian Hannes Swoboda and Dutchman Jan Marinus Wiersma said there was an urgent need for a European gas stockpile. Mr Swoboda said: Some countries are not happy with the idea but it is absolutely necessary. Mr Wiersma told the Daily Express the idea would involve stockpiling gas from producer countries such as the UK and the Netherlands to tide over vulnerable member states in the face of future crises.[/hide] Taken from http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/790 ... tain-s-gas So if Ireland had of said yes to the Lisbon treaty (will we probably will be forced to do anyway) and the others countries said yes(I think they may have) then the E.U would be kind of communist then wouldn't it? (Hmm I wonder what other secret stuff is in the E.U that we don't know about? :-k ) What do you think?
  13. The reason why that is, is because the stat sig gets your stats from the RuneScape hiscores while the one where you mentioned in the special calc's you can input your own levels and you can't in the stat sig. At least thats the way I think your stats are collected on any stat sig(other then your quest points but that's different).
  14. I think it's the fact there seeing a boob while they/there family/friends are trying to eat.
  15. Wait you mean most monsters on that list has pictures in there respected bestiary entry?
  16. So go feed the child in the bathroom and the dinner table is where your meant to get your food?
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