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Everything posted by Howlin0001

  1. So true so true (Psst also without us there would be no mods to begin with cause he help run the site so :P) 5
  2. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Nice, how long will the full movie be? Im not sure yet, but anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes is a possibility. :P Nice I'll be waiting :twisted:
  3. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Nice, how long will the full movie be?
  4. Good question, We try to get the pictures uploaded as soon as w can but sometimes that may not be as fast as we would like or hope simply because there might be other things that need doing as well. As for the pictures we do host them so after there cleaned and uploaded you can do whatever you like with them. And as for the list we have we try to keep that up to date as well but to be sure I would just check the monsters entry in the database.
  5. The houses to the south west of varrock east bank. OK Friend said the same thing but before the jail cage that is there now. That's gotta be old then isn't it?
  6. We need the slayer xp for killing the three types of undead trolls.
  7. Thanks changed, but what about Dagon'hai robes are they dropped as well? Jagex changed it to 92 Quick find code: 15-16-653-57967040 Thanks though
  8. [/hide] :-s What rule did you "break"? no clue.. maybe its cus i was flooding.... my own cc.... ? i was only muted for 10 mins... so...? Well yes you were muted but it was only by a p-mod and the J-mod lifted it because it was most likely a miss mute. so no worry about it.
  9. Its all good, man. Like I said, I already went through the embarrassment myself when the debate over it first came up. Like knowledge is power...or something? Well actually I double checked and I think I was half right, the source I was looking at said Quick find code: 20-21-481-57961194 However know that I re-read that I can see how they never said a monster don't drop it but meh at least we now know.
  10. :wall: Quick find code: 15-16-653-57967040 Ah Thanks I'm pretty sure that wasn't there when I saw it first.
  11. Yes you can only get the Elite armour set and the Dagon'Hai robe set ONCE and ONCE ONLY. (As per Jagex statement) http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2quest_id=199 Third tip.
  12. Are you reading that 56 from the left hand side? If so there's your problem. That 56 is show many of them u would need to make if you could make them. The level section is the third column on the Calculator. If that's not it can you take a screen shot and post it here, Thanks.
  13. Really where are the turkeys, I looked and couldn't find any.
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