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Everything posted by Howlin0001

  1. It's the ruins beside the Bandits camp in the wild
  2. Anything special u need to kill the 717 monster? is it hard do you need to bring food and pots?
  3. Don't forget we evolved from one of them "dumb animals". And who knows maybe in a few millions years, if given the chance(like we were) maybe they will be intelligient(or at least enough for you)
  4. (sorry this is getting a bit off topic) Try here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMGFBEYdc90 Also Animal Torture in Circuses But it's circuses mainly(I think)
  5. Lol but there still animals even if they pets so by you it's ok to beat some animals and not others then :thumbdown: Actually there are other animals who would survive better then cockroaches.
  6. Dolphins? Just kidding,its obviously us.Bastards like us deserve to be shot.I want deers to hunt us like game.I want bushes to pluck balls off us...And I want that to sound less wrong. Sorry for double post, but do you mean this? I can't see that image what it's ment to be? So were not responsible for cutting down the rain forest, being cruel to animals, killing animals when they were protecting there own land, or attacking us when we go into there territory and kill them? Oh and don't forget, overpopulation. If humans over populate what happens? we expand our cities or land and make the animals move/kill them just so we have a place to live. What happens if animals want to go back? We shoot them/put them in the wild and move them to a zoo so people and laugh and point at them.
  7. It's. A. Rock. Yeah. With. Millions. Of. Species. Yea but only one of them are ignorant and think they own the world and is basically a disease(100 points to whoever guess what species I'm talking about).
  8. Before the roll back we had a thread up about making pictures in the items database all transparent. A good lot of the pictures were saved from google cache(about 1k of them) and that lot has been uploaded to the site(and thanks to people who submitted them), but unfortunately there was other pictures which couldn't be saved. So we would appreciate if you could help us(again), and they will be uploaded as we get them to prevent loss again. Here(second post) is a guide on how make transparent pictures. If people would post what letter they want to do(please make sure no one else has claimed it first) If you pick a letter I'm not sure how many items needs picture replacing. [hide=Letters]A - Howlin1 B - Howlin1 C - Howlin1 D - Howlin1 E - Howlin1 F - Howlin1 G - Howlin1 H - Howlin1 I - Howlin1 J - Howlin1 K - Howlin1 L - Howlin1 M - Howlin1 N - Howlin1 O - Howlin1 P - Howlin1 Q - Cowman_133 R - Howlin1 S - Howlin1/halo2_rocks7 T- Howlin1 U - Howlin1 V - Howlin1 W -halo2_rocks7 X - halo2_rocks7 Y - halo2_rocks7 Z - halo2_rocks7[/hide] Note: Please remember all the pictures MUST be 40x40 pixels and saved in transperant .GIF format. TRANSPERANT .PNGS WILL NOT WORK. Thanks
  9. Well lesbians can(well kinda) but it's possible. Then by you being a woman with woman is ok but men with men isn't.
  10. Most likely we will kill ourselves(well that was the outlook until recently but there's a small chance we won't now) and when we do the world will be a better place.
  11. Runescape homepage > Account > Account Management > Appeal Offence. It will have to tell you there why it was banned. It hasn't, I have checked there and it doesn't say anything at all. I've appealed all I want, nothing seemed to work. Why does that tick you off :lol: ? Well kinda cause #1 it should say why #2 things like that is why we get given out/hated for and it's not even our doing. (Sorry for going off topic)
  12. Runescape homepage > Account > Account Management > Appeal Offence. It will have to tell you there why it was banned.
  13. Don't worry they can climb up and down ladders so they come from the wild that way(via the air obelisk)
  14. Alright, fixed. I'm not going to do the high/low alchemy because I don't have a lot of money at the moment. Thank I'll update it now. But you don't actually have to hi/low alch them. Just go to a shop(that has none of the item your selling) and see how much they will buy 1 of them off you for and that's the low alch. To get the high alch then it's 3/2 the low alch price(if there is a decimal round up(even if it's under .5))
  15. Halo2_rocks7 thanks alot the seem good. I have yours uploaded and credited. Killer thanks have your up but I don't have all the information on them items.
  16. Uploaded and credited thanks. The mistake in the summoning guide should be updated soon thanks :thumbsup:
  17. Thanks uploaded and credited. And for the flies and beetles, you can knock your self out and do them if you want if not it's only a quick nip over to Yanaille.
  18. Thanks you can find them in the pond south Lumbridge mill as well. Didn't know about behind the church. Added the info to the item database and credited. The pictures aren't showing because you have the BBCode disabled(just untick the box beside it) EDIT: you also need to tick the box that says Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP).
  19. Pedobear The Movie TRAILER aGqbi0bWK7g Fell around laughing looking at it.
  20. You need a programme to do it(the only one I know is ImageMagick Studio)
  21. (last post about this cause it's going off topic, create a thread about it if you like) The only thing I have wrong with the human race is that we're a virus, disease w/e you want to call it and were reproducing WAY to fast for this planet.
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