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Estonian dude

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Everything posted by Estonian dude

  1. Well, I could organize that banner part. Meanwhile check out the funniest thread ever from my signature.
  2. Redid the sparks part: Also changed the dodge part opacity, put it on 75%.
  3. I think that I put a ''bit'' too much sparks. I totally lost myself D:. But I still have it saved as .xcf, gonna see what changes.
  4. Arrrggghhhhh! Sugar's blog on page 2! Sugar still sick! The end is coming!
  5. Added a new sig to Digital Art section, went a bit crazy on orange :thumbsup: , if anyone wants, I have saved it as .xcf, so I could change Saq Prets to your text. BTW, all credit goes to ThruItAll for his tutorial, after what I made this. You could find it in The Gallery.
  6. It R N0-L1F3. I don't think that you would like to start this discussion again. It's bad for your health, also makes you play football like this guy:
  7. Well, currently I am on, and I speak alone, even though Dsavi, Celt23 and Moonshadow are on.
  8. Yes, I did. Otherwise it would have been yellowish.
  9. Whoops, searched it from the wrong place -.- . Searched from smudges menu :wall: . Well, result coming up soon!
  10. Where is the spacing on GIMP? Is it the rate? I am a noob. :oops:
  11. What are the smudge settings for trapped tut?
  12. I have the right to be impatient -.- . Sugar hasn't had any levels like last 2 pages?
  13. O Hai der. Saw I haven't checked your blog in a while. Nice 70 mining, how long till 70 smithing?
  14. It would be cooler, if you would mine it with an Inferno Adze! I seriously think too much about firemaking lately... -.- But Adze was actually better than rune pick, or so have I heard.
  15. WOW! :shock: You are awesome! I could like never-ever write so good reply! By the way, you could order digital art in shared beginner shop, it's link is in my signature (I make digital art there, too).
  16. Inferno Adze? :lol: 2 to Inferno Adze, I want it myself too , 0 to money grind.
  17. Where could I see those tuts? I would like to complete some =P~ .
  18. Bump, but still your blog gets boring with only bumping. You should get some new levels =P~ !
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