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Estonian dude

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Everything posted by Estonian dude

  1. It's much more beautiful on low detail than on HD. HD roofs wreck everything :D .
  2. C4D is a 3D render, I guess you know, what a render is. C4D is usually abstract, and some of C4D-s are very cool. But well, here is the sig... [img=http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm451/saqprets/Samuscollab.jpg] Changed some stuff, still hope you like it.
  3. Naughty-naughty spidey. Want me to remind you about the earlier stuff? (even though I would like more to be second after her :-# )
  4. This one's pretty cool. If you subtract the bars on sides. What you have with these bars? I hate them, I think that they certainly aint cool either.
  5. Hai der! Any news today? I am still waiting for wedding details, btw.
  6. It truly is, that you are onstoppable...Ron Stoppable...Anstoppable...Wtf am I writing?...ah, here it is: Unstoppable. But at spyder, I am not very much into playing 6 hours a day, cause now it is impossible for me. And I won't like it too, I'd get bored. Oh, 9 levels left? And 22 for other one? Oh, found one more... 18 left for the third?
  7. It aint that that she just plays longer than I do, it's simply because she plays 6-7 hours a day, 7 days a week (or was it 5?). And that is no-life. And I'm not into this now, I just said that you would get owned.
  8. Awwwwwww. It's always sad to see someone leaving... I hate these moments. But that sig is too messy, unless your new style is making very messy sigs.
  9. The green bar is the only problem. Like the tape on the girls mouth on stock collab.
  10. So what's been going on? I'm suspended from computer till end of the week, I missed 1200th post also... Sucks, doesn't it?
  11. Wow. It was not about the sig, the sig is pretty simple, but I still like it, but the wow goes to herby. 80 herby really owns.
  12. You want the sig I made? With the exception of money123678 in place of Saq Prets and a C4D on the left?
  13. I think here is nothing to C/C. It seems like just black background, some red brushing over it (or is it a C4D?) and then added noise, a lot of noise, and a render then slapped on. It is easy, and simple. Too simple. Add like a C4D try some smudging and make a focal point. Oh, have you heard about the rule of thirds?
  14. So. People want wedding details. Bride pic. Details. Who stepped on whos toe and who fell off the stand. Did the father make any mistakes? People want to know it.
  15. Varrock. Biggest and fancyest city in RS. Even though I'm only lvl 69 :D .
  16. She was totally unlucky before, she deserves some luck, but not that much. I seriously think she got a hax, cause it is too good. I still hate you, Leik. :x
  17. TIF limit is 8 kb. But you just must save it to a different format, it might be a little loss of quality, but you can't resize it otherwise. JPEG is good for a try. (if you use GIMP or PS)
  18. I think that the shading looks with a bit too hard edges. You should do it a bit smoother. But that pic is very great for a first.
  19. ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ *still silent* ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ At least my message is on the pic. ........ ........ ........
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