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Estonian dude

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Everything posted by Estonian dude

  1. Whoops, my fault, but my eyesight isn't so good, it seems it is Hiimben's mark, what he leaves on his works.
  2. 1st stock. :oops: Even though it doesn't look much, I spent like 2 hours at least thinking, what I should do. Also erased, and totally redone image like 5-6 times.
  3. The planet drawing is really realistic, is it a render? Otherwise these are really sketches, though they are very good.
  4. Why has Zoov's sig Hiimben's mark on down-left corner? -.- Else, your work is for the win. Epical hyperbolical win.
  5. The colors of the fractal are... weird. And you could have made it a bit more contrast. The stock is fine, except that you smudged his face in too much.
  6. EDIT: Uno must have PMed zoov about that pic... My fault.
  7. I shall be unmember on the day after tomorrow. :( But then I can make fires for you! ;)
  8. The second one is really nice. And I mean really nice.
  9. What the guy above me said. Oh, I actually like the black-and-white pic better.
  10. Hmmm. Reidilaks is what we call these kinds of pictures in Estonia...
  11. That guy said it all. I did it and I still like using the GIMP.
  12. Well, I filled the down-point of the S a bit... Got only 5.4% ink, so that I couldn't do anything big.
  13. Well, my most terrorifing moment was when lightning struck a barn, where I worked in... Whole wall, where it hit, went white for a moment, it seemed like a flashlight from a camera. Afterwards, outside I saw the rip of lightning. Fortunately, it was a stone building.
  14. I lol at that camel. :lol: But I also lol at this: This gotta hurt.... :lol:
  15. I meant that they register to vote for TIF.
  16. Like WTF? 10 pages without my post! I hate you all, who got 10 pages to sugar's blog without my post! :evil: And all of this in 1 day!
  17. Planetrenders to judge is good idea. But you shouldn't have posted it here, otherwise all TIF members register to planetrenders and it is pointless. But RSC is very good, unknownz is from there.
  18. But that private chat pic in your sig truly phails. Next time make a pic of it in the private chat section.
  19. Now I certainly am pissed, that I can't draw. At all. Because that pic is that great. Could you make a version of that with visible feet? :lol:
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