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Estonian dude

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Everything posted by Estonian dude

  1. Thou art a gud blacksmith. I is being very much worse than you.
  2. You [bleep]ing [cabbage]head forgot to post your Desert Treasure pic! You [cabbage]ty! Sorry, but I am a kind of overreacting lately.
  3. Well yeah, Sugar, you've gotta upload it again. It is no longer available on YouTube.
  4. Okay, okay, you won. I've been wanting to get a pentool signature a long time ago. Text:Saq Prets Style: Pentool Colour: Something pretty bright, hopefully some blue colours. Size: As long as it is under TIF limits, it's okay for me. Other: Be creative! Use your talent!
  5. SHE DOES NOT TAKE NEW REQUESTS! How long it takes you to understand it? She stated it a few good pages back. She finishes old jobs, and then she takes new requests IF SHE SAYS SO!
  6. Yeah, it really is much faster. Almost no lag for me, which is incredible. And the new flame fractals are WTFpwnage!
  7. Flodder, You must stop spamming Sugar's blog! *holy shrine comes on Saq Prets* *godly voice from sky* Saq Prets is the one, only true Sugar blog spammer! *end of voice* *shrine depletes* Flodder, WTFpwned, eh?
  8. WOW! My prayer worked! *kneels for the holy, almighty, superior goddess Leik* You came back! I must log in! I still wuvs j00!
  9. You still aint understood that you can't get pixels here? It's like your 5th request like this in here so far. So stop, please. It only spams our forum.
  10. I would order an abstract pen-tooling image. Sorry for not using the form.
  11. Source: http://whois.domaintools.com/tip.it As you see, Tallinn, Estonian capital is no.2 city in visiting Tip.It domain. It is, if you see and you can read.
  12. I am only no.3? That's an insult for me! I hatez j00 all! :x :cry: :cry:
  13. A little misunderstanding? Well, I hope it works on my very [cabbage]ty laptop. And it downloads by time when my Firefox closes itself again.
  14. Thank you. You convinced me, I am joining. Fear my n()()b skillz!
  15. Well, at least Tip.It is popular in Estonia, Tallinn (capital of Estonia) is no.2 in visiting Tip.It.
  16. I got my nose bleeding today. By fighting. Again. I think different then other people, so people are going like 3 against me when I fight, so its hopeless for me.
  17. Now wtf? TIF's most popular just letting her blog die? Are you an idiot? Have you thought about us? How should we feel? Sorry, I underreacted a bit.
  18. If I only put initials on sig, like SP for me, would that work?
  19. &/"(%#&%(/)(&%%"&ยค%&$@{[${[@!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Eagle got 1700! I ain't got any important or greatest or funniest posts on your blog! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  20. ....... Lexi told she won't take requests.
  21. Armybuilder got another sig to choose from. [img=http://i319.photobucket.com/albums/mm451/saqprets/armybuilder2.png] It sucks. And side is empty, I just couldn't think about anything.
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