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Estonian dude

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Everything posted by Estonian dude

  1. Profit? I swear to god I will kill you on a nice day... Sorry for overreacting a "bit". I hope you accept my apologies.
  2. Yeah, it is a typo. AITÄHH SULLEGI! - Thanks for you too. Well, I didn't mean it to be a poem. But if it is, you can copyright it or do whatever you want with it. It's a gift. :thumbsup:
  3. Noo! :cry: :cry: *starts cutting his wrist* *hears an ambulance siren* *faints*
  4. It is CCCP, you idiots. I live and I have lived all my life in a foreign soviet bloc country. But life is more ignorant, busier and more boring nowadays. Back in soviet times, there was always excitement, everyone cared about each other. So this ''freedom'' that you say, aint that good for a nation.
  5. Be thankful? For what? And Flodder, since you are on the gtfO list, you can gtfO now.
  6. Everyone's at the thank you list -.- . AND you lied to me and you even don't remember it. -.- It hurt me mentally. :( Noes! I am turning into an EMO again! *transforms into an EMO* MWHAHAHA! I'll kill everyone who will disturb me! *starts cutting his wrist*
  7. What? You lied to me! A good couple, or a bit more then a couple pages back you told about one my post that you lol'd about it! Oh, btw, is this post good enough it could get into funny posts? Please? :pray:
  8. I think that what he want are userbars.
  9. *the laughing sound from the bully in the Simpsons* Well, you unlucky spydey, got hacked, eh? Well, you can't even know my pain. I have been hacked 11 times, and lost 5 accs by hacking.
  10. You pwn. You kill. You destroy. You create. You achieve. You are epiv!
  11. Flodder, you will never be handsome enough to be Mr. Link. And if you dreamt like that, then you have serious gaming problems.
  12. Sorry miss sugar, but your RS name is Temp Quit :( . Unfortunately I can't seem to find any RS users with that name. What happened with Sugarbabe547?
  13. It aint gonna die. Besides, I can still make you a new sig. A totally your own creation. All I want is a render or a stock.
  14. Spyder, you are a :^o She aint a haxor. It is perfectly very slow leveling time for her.
  15. Noob skiller. You are a noob skiller. Actually, you are not a skiller, you are a combat-guy.
  16. I hatez j00 all! :cry: :cry: I aint got any important posts, missed 3 times by 1 post. :cry: :cry:
  17. NOOOOOOOO! 1899. was mine. Got defeated by stupid post system.
  18. Wow, just noticed I have 198 posts! Sad that I can't get posts here.
  19. Nah. Not happy. I would be happy if you would play a bit more.
  20. Sorry if I was rude, but it just pisses me off if he tries to get a pixel signature here like 5 times, each time making a new topic. He could rather ask for a normal sig.
  21. 1. one is weird. I can't find a focal or flow here. Also, the upper-left corner is distracting. Very distracting. 2. Is actually not bad at all. 3. is the same story as no.1, except the corner part. 4. is nice, but yet again, right side, even though blurred down, takes my eyes away from focal.
  22. Spyder, you chose a very bad quality render. Could you find a better one?
  23. The last one is brilliant. I would like to do any collabs, but I am too nooby compared to you guys...
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