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  1. Its unlikely to be a part of any quest storyline as it would mean spoiling some quests for those who havent done the earlier quests. It is unlikely to be a GWD boss as getting into the GWD also requires several quests and also is not for everyone. The most likely explanation is the release of a new skill available to everyone. The red mist and levitation suggest the armored zombies under the wildy chaos temple which also coincides with the direction that the players seemed to be facing during the event. The first possible skill that comes to mind is :NECROMANCY. But that would be too similar to summoning and not as useful. Instead, what we could really get is a useful new skill : FLYING. You can now race across the sky instead of running on the ground. The fuel results in some reddish mist surrounding you and the ground shaking during liftoff but that's just for special effects. It gets better once you get used to it. 8-)
  2. What was your previous RuneScape name that you are listed under on the highscores?: cuque What is your current RuneScape display name?: q u a n t a
  3. I'm saying that in a game of luck and chance, hard work is not a necessary ingredient for earning millions. If someone got an item off the ground for free, they were lucky to have been at the right place at the right time. At the time that the event occurred, which was way before I joined the game, the prices of the items were very low. If the person who held on to the item made a conscious decision to hold on to the item during all the years that the prices kept rising, then they deserve to keep whatever they get for the item from anyone else. Consider it the opportunity cost of an extra bank slot if you will. The same applies to the losses faced by anyone who bought such an item at its peak and has to suffer the loss in price due to the lowering of the demand. Profit and loss is a part of the game of speculative trading. What you seem to be claiming is that the same work should result in the same reward all the time. What you seem to be overlooking is that the same work is less useful at one time as opposed to another. To put into more recent historical terms, compare the market value of a godsword (any of them) from today to what it was a year back. Anyone going to do GWD today and getting a drop will have got 5 times the coinshared drop last year as opposed to this year. I think thats highly unfair. Why shouldnt I be getting 200m for a hilt from a boss that is now harder than it was last year due to the removal of some bug in the game? Do you get the point? Or do you think that every item should have a permanent fixed value that cannot be adjusted by demand and supply? If you do, then you are walking down the path to communism and I definitely wouldnt like to see that in this game. The moment you remove player freedom, you make this into a static single player game that you can download and play on your own at your leisure. There will be no competition for resources. You will have a guide to solo every creature and once you have done that, you will quit the game and look for something more interesting to do. You can play solo anytime you want in this game and a lot of the times, I do that. However, I do not wish to impose that restriction on everyone else.
  4. I do not see the rares or emotes as a problem that needs a solution. The so called solution to a non-existent problem is a bigger problem that what you are apparently trying to eliminate. As a player that has seen the game evolve over 5 years, I have not played as long as a lot of others nor as little as many more. The presence of non-tradeable holiday items from the years past are an interesting addition to the game experience and offers no advantages to the player that has them other than memories of their participation in them. I do not have the bunny ears or the scythe but have not suffered for the lack of access to those items in any way. I did buy a party hat at a time when I had nothing else I was interested in spending a pile of cash on and I still have it rotting on the ge shelves for a year now (and if it sells it would still make me a big profit). If you read this far and did not choke on the lack of a nick and kick to bracket the post, you can put a pair of offers for a white phat in the ge. The presence of items in the game that are hard to obtain act as motivators for a lot of players who set goals to achieve them. The target of their aspirations may be a simple useless paper hat as you may call it or a certain set of skill levels or certain pieces of equipment. These items, whether they be party hats or other expensive armor or weaponry, act as the goals for a lot of players. To be able to get to the point where you can afford an item that you could not initially afford is a big achievement to some people ( if that doesnt include you then you are "someone else"). In a game like runescape where there is no set end point like killing a big boss to complete a level, such goalposts are a necessary ingredient for continuing gameplay. Imagine the boredom that would set in if everything that you worked for over several years is achievable within a few hours of gameplay on a new character. The object of the game is not to make a level playing field for everyone. If that were the case, jad should grow feathers and offer itself to every level 3 that steps off tutorial island as training practice while having a max hit of 0 so that they too may have a chance of owning a firecape without working for it. Why should there be any item in the game that requires a bit of effort on the part of the player to get them? Level 3 might as well be the highest level in the game in that case. And no one will be playing it. The so called problem with the rares that you claim is the unfairness of a player that logged in for a few days several years back and collected a few santa hats or crackers that were lying on the floor and decided to hold on to them for a few years while not playing the game and gets a lot of money now after returning to the game to afford a lot of skills. I do not see this to be a problem that I should be worried about at all. If this player held on to the holiday items for so long without selling them and in the meantime, everyone that they played with at the time has maxed their levels, it is purely a matter of luck that the items that they held on to are valued so highly by other players. In a game where luck plays a major role in everything from monster drops to random events, I would look at it as a lucky merchanting decision by the player. They got the item for a low price and held on to it while the prices fluctuated and are now rewarded for their patience. Whether they logged into the game at all or not in the meantime is irrelevant. I would personally not be bothered in any way if Jagex decides to change the rules of the game in some manner. I was not bothered by the inclusion of the GE or the removal of the wilderness or the addition or removal of parts of the game. Its a game and if I dont like this game, I will play something else. If you read all the way to this point of the post underline every alternate character of your reply in red and blue. Then turn the letters upside down, jumble them up and roll them around. In a role-playing game like runescape, the evolution of a character is as important as the stats of the character. Every character has a history and experiences that are and should stay unique. That is what makes this such a great game. It is not the presence of a certain boss monster or skill or item that makes runescape such an addictive game. It is the ability of a character to grow through the years, to collect random junk, to do nothing if they so choose and yet be able, if they are lucky, to be insanely rich with items in their bank that other players so earnestly desire that if they choose to sell those items, they can let others share their wealth in exchange for this lucky character's extreme foresight to hold on to a useless paper hat for several years, taking up valuable bank space. (I used to have santas and masks that I got rid off several years back for their lack of purpose and my continuous need for more bank space which even now I keep running out of). Remember, you always have the option to pick up a piece of random junk that may or may not one day be discontinued and keep them in your bank in the hopes that if you quit for seven years and then return, they will have been discontinued, and you make a huge profit. Its all a matter of luck in picking the right item.
  5. Thank you all for posting. I am certainly glad to hear of opposing viewpoints as much as those who think alike. Morningrise333, killordie18, Racheya, dahha: So many of your statements seem to reflect my experiences as well. I play RS for the gameplay rather than the social interaction. If I didnt play RS I would be playing some other random game either online or on the PC. Your point on veteran players is also probably true as I probably had more player interaction the first couple of months that I played the game. Thats when the incessant questions started being bothersome and I limited my private chat to a few people that I could tolerate. zaaps1: You bring up a good topic of "efficiency" that seems to crop up so often on the forums. I find that "efficient" gameplay is too much like work rather than play. It may be more "efficient" to powerlevel skills and merchant to make the money for skills but if I did that, its as if I miss out on the game. Once I max a skill, its not as much fun using it as much as the path taken to get there. Thats probably why I use Slayer as the path to train my combat. I still have more fun raising the lower levelled skills than using the maxed ones. Maybe thats why there are so many "fun" accounts with low levels out there. On a side note, have you ever tried the keldagrim blast furnace solo. It can be quite a workout :P.
  6. warren211: It is interesting that you mention tipit and the clan chat as your social interactions. I use tipit all the time but the clan chat is something I have used rarely. The only ones I use frequently being the penguin and star location ones. As for being an active tipiter or more interactive rs player, I do not foresee any change in my gameplay. I used to be more active on tip it under username "desipardesi" a couple of years back but I no longer find many discussion topics to [bleep]e my interest. It probably has to do with the limited amount of time to play the game and having set myself some targets to achieve, I find chatting to be a distraction. While I am happy to chat with anyone training beside me in the game or to help someone out when they ask for it, I do not go out of my way to start a conversation.
  7. First, let me introduce myself. I have been playing RS for almost 5 years, starting soon after the release of RS2. I post on these forums infrequently although I have been reading the articles and topics for most of this time (forgot earlier account email id when the forum went down). As a mostly self-sufficient player and a skiller, I always try to play the game with an attempt at doing all kinds of tasks myself. As an example, when barrows was first released, I refused to buy any barrows armor but aimed to gather them from the minigame by myself for my own use. That resolve lasted about 500 or so trips to barrows where I did get a lot of armor pieces (20 to 25 by the time I stopped). After getting several pieces of the same armor and not any of some others, I just ended up buying the guthans set that I wanted. The only interaction with the other players that I had during this time, besides a couple of friends that I chatted with was to sell the items that I kept collecting during my slayer tasks or barrow runs, or treasure trails. Even when I did have to sell any of the items, I would just go to falador, world 2 or varrock on world 1 and sell to the first person I find buying any of the items. Luckily there was always someone willing to buy at the prices I was more than happy to sell at. The GE definitely made life easier for me as I do not have to bother with trying to find buyers for anything I sell. It is almost as if I am playing my own fantasy world and everyone else is just an NPC. I have enough interaction with people in real life to want for that in the game as well. This is probably why I have never been interested in clans in the game. The same reason that I do not take part in any merchanting either. (to be honest, I did make a pure to try out the concept of merchanting, made a few millions within a month from buying and selling cowhides in f2p and playing very infrequently for short times. That was way too boring and that account had no use for the money.) I do not believe that I am the only one to play the game in this manner. I have met a few others while playing that have a similar viewpoint. Just like myself, I rarely see them posting on the forums. If you can relate to the way I play the game or if you play in a different way, I am certainly interested in understanding your viewpoint. What makes you tick in the game? What motivates you to raise a skill? Is it a self-made decision to raise a skill or do you simply follow the mob? When I started writing this post, it was meant to be a commentary on the RS marketplace but then deviated into my playing history. So much for picking a task and sticking to it :P. Before I forget the reason I decide to log in to tip it to write up a post, here it is: While browsing the GE prices, I came across something that surprised me: Zamorak and Saradomin braces have a higher price than the corresponding chaps or coifs although it has a lower set of stats and is not the best armor piece in that slot anyway. My guess is that people use it for GWD but I would have thought that it is better to use the chaps and use barrows gloves instead. I find it strange that items that are obtained from clues or rare monster drops have become so unpopular as to be worth no more than their high-alch value (Light/dark/enchanted Mystic robes for example). I understand that the prices are based on demand and supply but I wonder mostly about where the demand comes from and why is the demand so low that these relatively rare drops are worth less than their store-bought counterparts in the case of mystic robes. Another strange behavior that I have seen is of players standing around the GE and trying to merchant "insert-random-item-here". If a lot of people merchant "some-random-item" by buying up the item at mid or high price and then dump at a later time for their low price, someone has to be buying the items up at the high price for a profit to be made. The pump-and-dump scheme is a typical pyramid marketing trick where the early birders get the profits on the backs of the later investors. The GE has made this an easy money making method for the early birders in the pyramid scheme to make money off wannabe merchants. Thats all for this edition of "Tales from a wandering Runescaper".
  8. For slayer tasks: With 4 more inventory spots... and ignoring the beasts of burden... things will go back to how they were before summoning. No more wasting 4 spots in inventory for charms. If you still have charms and summoning, then why would you ignore beasts of burden. For training standing-in-bank skills: With 4 more inventory slots, you will go through 4 more raw materials each load... not much of a difference on speed of anything. For skills involving run-to-location-bank-and-repeat, 4 more slots will increase time between banking runs or increase throughput in case of rc -- basically increase production rates.
  9. As long as someone is willing to buy at the wacky price, alls fair in the trade. If the price is far off, then obviously no one would buy at that price. demand <-->supply
  10. Torso appears elongated on carpet rides. Someone forgot to move the position of the torso bottom when flying :o.
  11. I have noticed the lack of xp from when a familiar hits the last blow at dagannoths. I was using a terrorbird which was killing some dags by itself. It got the entire kill and I did not get slayer xp from it.
  12. Rabid Jack is more like Davy Jones. Remember, there was life before Harry Potter was written :wall:
  13. Self-sufficient all the way. well... almost. Although I can afford to buy a few 99s if I chose to, I prefer to train the long way. The only 99s I would say I bought were 99 cook and fletch and I was already close to a cape in both those skills (98 fletch and 94 cook) before there were skill capes. I also had 99 range before PC or skill capes and done without cannoning I might add. I still train herb (81 so far without ever buying herbs or ingredients) getting my own herbs either from the chaos druids or from farming. Same with prayer -- never bought or sold a bone. Its more fun to set a target one level at a time. The thing I like about skills is not the level but the route taken to get there. I cannot be bothered to continuously train one skill as if it is a job that has to be done. That would make RS a lot more like homework and a lot less like a game. Besides, getting a 99 takes away the fun in the skill for me as there is nothing more to look forward to in the skill after that (I dont care much for xp ranks).
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