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Everything posted by AngelNite

  1. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Nice drop! I never really go to irons, but I really want a DFS drop... :wall: Also, what are those stackable gooey looking thing in the bottom left of your inventory?
  2. I don't usually post around the forums, but i'll say a few things. First of all, great guide. I am just in the process of getting all my noob stats (40-) to 60 and Hunter was on of them. Your guide was very clear and to the point. The only thing I suggest is exp/hour but other then that, awesome. =D> =D> =D>
  3. Nice! \ 10/10 Ima go change into a chick right nao tbh...
  4. Well, I usually just look around the forums, but this post made me want to say something :P The main thing that RuneScape has taught me is doing basic math in my head. With the constant calculating of exp per hour, money spent, how to save money etc. Also, it shows how to manage your time well to get the most out of every minute/hour/day. Another thing I have learned is names of trees. Since I am an avid farmer, I got to know trees quite well. Also, I have learned that marigolds actually help plants from getting diseased in real life as it does in RS. :thumbsup:
  5. Very good read! It was really well written. Good job. :thumbsup:
  6. Nice Pks \ I hoping to finally get the hang of Pking so I can make some profit off it. I love pvp so much I just really suck at it rofl.
  7. Awsome PK, good job. I love PVP and used to like pking so much. Too bad I really suck at it lol. I hope to get one of those some day to fund for all the supplies \ I <3 DFH
  8. \ Good you remember =) Got my membership yesterday, so today I decided to try for Fire Cape just for fun. Got to wave 57 o_O Imagine if I actually tried? Anyways, hows everything with you? Long time no talk eh?
  9. Hey Kota! I wonder if you remember me...? Angel_Nite_0? The nub DKer? =P Anyays, I am thinking of comming back to RS and restarting a blog. Just posting to see how things are going and to talk with one of my tif friends =P My tif account got deleted with the big crash a few months ago, so I made this account. Let me know what CC everyone is nao, I can't find it...=S
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