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Everything posted by JimmyX34

  1. Woodcutting was my way untill I started to do slayer alot
  2. I use to go to the bar in seers village but edgeville has a closer bank
  3. Max of getting from them is 3, and I think Dan's question has been answered
  4. Probably going into chaos tunnels ready to kill dust devils for my slayer task but I forgot my slayer helmet, so i start to attack them and there hitting me a lot I'm like wtf then I realize it. Then the idiot i am I ran into the black demons and soon found out they took my prayer away also witch caused me to get hit 12-10 by them and I died but I ran back in time to get my stuff
  5. Add me please P2P Runescape name: xb0x rulzs (Epic fail name I know=/)
  6. I use sumona and I blocked Gargoyles Hellhounds Black demons Kalphites
  7. Warped I would say, I tried to get some from regular ones and i got about 5 in 50 kills =/
  8. Yea, kill warped tortoises for them, you need to finish the path of glouphrie. They are pretty easy they are level 90 and can drop up to 3 at a time
  9. Desert treasure was a joke, I expected it to be harder. Yes, barrow gloves are sooo worth it And this thread should be in help & advice
  10. If there was a World War 3 the human race would end
  11. [/hide] Not from a metal drag, but from a fire giant O_o It's really rare xD How about 150 steel arrows from fire giants? just got that now
  12. Just came back from iron dragon task and... First time I ever got this...One of the rarest drops from metals? Have any of you ever got this before?
  13. Meh, its 85k guess its not that bad, better then enchanted hat ^.^
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