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Everything posted by 8756423524

  1. Bruno has his ways :thumbup:
  2. You made my day Thank you :thumbup:
  3. Hosted about 50 games for 100gp each for fun Gave out a top hat, red headband and about 50k in junk :thumbup: Was depressing how often people lost though :thumbdown: Wouldnt play this for a red phat
  4. Misclicked and teled at tds after i saw some red on the ground.... Been 2 months since the last pair Not amused :thumbdown:
  5. Hot And exactly the kind of vid I was looking for after my friend spammed me with "amg get ur stats up an lets tribrid clanwars ploxxxx" :thumbup:
  6. Lol'd :thumbsup: As for the update, sounds good, thankfully i cant get on til later incase of a rollback :thumbdown: Anyone got any pics of pvp glitches?
  7. Solo FFA I prefer to fight people duel arena style without having to deal with the "sending request" stuff
  8. I would have to agree, although i was f2p for some time around that cb lvl area. I think because you don't yet have access to the high level content and money making options and you feel you've already done all the "low level" things you can do, you feel stuck. Money becomes a big issue around that level because you get the ability to wear high end gear but don't have the cash needed to sate the lust for equipment. I personally got my quest cape because i was so bored around that combat level, and the road along the way was one of the most enjoyable times I've had in RS. And i agree that many players might give up around that time because they dont have enough money. I know a 103 who has a hard time keeping his 13m bank up without spending it all, and he doesn't seem to like RS much because of it. Too tired to type anymore so ill end with this Yeah i agree :thumbup:
  9. Not sure why this made me laugh so much :thumbup: You should watch the video that it was based on Try this?
  10. http://cutstuff.net/blog/?tag=mm8bdm Been playing this for a few days. Quite fun once you get into it. Your thoughts?
  11. Read the title If i do anything worth noting in runescape and get the motivation to get on tif, ill post it here
  12. oyes please have them do this with the other low level spells [after say 500 casts?] gf afkers?
  13. I didn't know this.... and I consider myself a veteran player with a good knowledge of the game. To expect that everyone at Jagex knows this is asking too much. I suppose it is a bit much to say that the mod in question should have known about this. Apologies if you were offended in some manner :oops: What i suppose i meant was, "doesnt jagex read guides/watch videos made by players to see how they are using the content, and what methods are being used. aka the 'try-not-to-break-it' list" :-| inb4jagexmotto
  14. Basically confirms everything that I've ever thought about the developers. So you cant make-x with BoBs anymore? Are you [bleep]ing kidding me Jagex? I have an assload of d bones left to do how dare you -.- :thumbdown: "I didn't know people were training like that." Shows how much Jagex knows about how to play their own game :wall:
  15. xkcd made a "map of online communities" which which made me go <3: Runescape is on there so thought i should post it :thumbup: Image is a link to fullsize
  16. After a few days of slayer and such- :thumbup: <3: Edit---------- Hows this? Pretty lame imo i could do better :/
  17. Leaked pic from next weeks poll on face redesigning :thumbup:
  18. Jesus Christ can you get any lucky-er at those damn demons :mellow: Unspam with old pic
  19. ^lol Unspam later Cba to get a pic Im sure someones seen this/been posted on this epicly long thread but found this today Magic short ftw? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JW33riln1Q
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