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Everything posted by FallenDarknessAngel

  1. ^cant aim >also bad at shooting games or aiming Vprobably wont be bad at shooting games
  2. Magic - 10 Comedy - 8 Solid Snake - 12 Randomness - 23
  3. make my own food usually takes longer then one hour tho... Mc donalds = gross :lol: Would you rather be forced to watch childrens' cartoons in highschool classes as in Blues clues and dora since you teacher is lazy or be forced to read them in a book for class because of a lazy teacher?
  4. still winning ((tho nothing really wins lol)) Magic - 11 Comedy - 11 Evil Stuff - 9 Randomness - 22
  5. ^Incorrect >Thinks weird is a compliment V Agrees :thumbsup:
  6. Looks like randomness is gunna win? lol Magic - 11 Comedy - 11 Evil Stuff - 9 Randomness - 22
  7. no idea what that is lol but i think ill keep it unless its useless then i will sell it? Bag of Halloween candy!
  8. be blamed for the burnt chicken it would be funny! :lol: Would you rather have a kitten that has add and is very very violent when your trying to sleep or do anything really :wall: or have a big fat lazy cat?
  9. Borat - 2 Comedy - 11 Evil Stuff - 10 Randomness - 21
  10. I can keep it right?? A humongous grumpy bear, care bear. :lol:
  11. Why do cats feel the need to kick you outa bed when your trying to sleep?
  12. Because not everyone knows such terms as Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, let alone being able to spell it. Why is fear of the pope called papaphobia?
  13. Fall up, sounds interesting? Would you rather get your foot stuck in a toilet or get your hand caught in a car door?
  14. get more logs and make a giant fire An Anders Manga CD ((I'd toss it into my giant fire))
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