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Everything posted by FairiesWearBoots

  1. Stress the God war dungeon. Seriously. It's going down in profit as more people get drops, making them more available to the market, but still pretty damned good money.
  2. I'va collection too, of the baugettes, square sandiwches, and so forth. It's nice to get an appreciative sandwhich while mentally murdering yourself during fletching.
  3. All's fair in love and war - and Fist of Guthix.
  4. Bingo. Chiv and Piety are really essential, because they're the only prayers that focus on the three skills that compose melee. With range and magic, you get your additional percentages, and you dont have to worry about any other part you're missing. Having Ultimate reflexs means you won't have steel skin and super strengh, and vice versa. Putting on all three is just a super drain on your prayer, too.
  5. As far as you are concerned, you're from the same place they are.
  6. I feel exactly the same. Combat is one of the main themes emphasized in runescape, and they offer it in various forms, including the latest addition of summoning. You woodcraft to get wood, then fletch to make weapons, then fight with them. You runecraft to get runes, and use magic attacks with them. You mine to get ore, then smith, and make weapons from them. Nearly all skills have that basis. Why in the world would you reject such a essential piece?
  7. So many that switching worlds just changes their sn's, not their placement nor actions.
  8. The ge and equal trade pretty much demolished the buy low sell high system, but it left some remnants: buying within a range. Your fire rune system is, along with the other ranges, the reason why merchanting is alive. It's more like an eternal coma, but who's counting?
  9. Sorry, I'll tone my wit down a bit. ;) Anyways, I'm willing to bet some of these people just see others flaming the Jagex propaganda threads, so they feel it's okay to flame every single rant thread in existence. There's nothing wrong with this thread. He's venting, not trying to spread a rotten idea around. Flaming the Flamers, that's either noble or ironic. Is it really counter-intuitive to see people ranting about rants in a section meant for rants? In essence they're just doing what everyone else is doing in this section.
  10. This thread is about as ironic as the phrase "I hate people who hate people".
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