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  1. I agree 100%. What's his deal? We all know people only accomplish goals to showoff. Not like there's a such thing as self-satisfaction or anything. By the way, may I ask why you aren't wearing your level 99 Spamming Cape? im not wearing it because the self satisfaction i get from achieving 99 spamming, is SOOOO self satisfying i dont have to wear it in public, the satisfaction is all on the inside ;)
  2. this zierro fellow driving anyone else insane? whiner ftw.
  3. i play in HD always, and usually flip between fullscreen and resizable as i am usually doing other stuff, using MSN, browsing forums...even playing xbox....
  4. its only 24 hours....im sure youll be fine. besides. thats spamming is it not?
  5. Lapitcka, this is true, the wolf will not make them go away completey. but will fend them off for a few seconds...but a few seconds is sometimes all you need to make your daring get away.....blasted revs #-o
  6. there isnt really anything that you should be complaining about, if your so unwilling to learn to type without looking at your keyboard, then you should at the very least check to see how full your inventory is before you start typing anyway?! :wall:
  7. members dont get benefits, thats what your missing. we get the full game. its not benefits, its the game the way its meant to be. f2p is a demo so you shouldn't expect updates.
  8. the fact that you say your "f2p all the way" or "100% free to play" signifies the fact that you willingly accept the fact that training is going to be harder for you, and then you continue to use that as a reason you should get capes? yes it is harder, im not saying it isnt at all, but by saying "f2p all the way" you also realize this. and should under no circumstances use that as a reason you should have skill capes. pretty hypocritical if you ask me :? on that note, i do believe f2p DESERVES skill capes. will it happen? no.
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