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Everything posted by Maze

  1. Maze


    You're going to the park and are complaining about kids? It's like me walking into a senior citizens home and complaining about all the old people. I don't care about the kids as long as they don't bother me.
  2. Maze


    Can they enjoy their lives and not ruin MY enjoyment?
  3. Maze


    God dammit, three evenings in a row have been ruined. 1st evening: Obnoxious kids running in front of my swing. 2nd evening: Obnoxious kids throwing basketballs at each other and making me dodge them. 3rd evening: Walked to the park, no kids! Yes! Time to enjoy my evening! UNTIL. STORM. ADFKDAJGFDFRGHB
  4. This lucid dreaming forum I go to, where they abbreviate even simple phrases. Don't get me wrong, that forum has helped me a lot with learning how to lucid dream, but that just annoys me.
  5. Didn't quite see how that was relevant to my post, but lol'd anyway.
  6. Those stupid "(my city)'s Prettiest" Facebook pages that just have pictures of who-ever-created-the-page's female friends (edited with Picnik, no less). Also, those stupid "VS" pictures where they tag everybody and they comment on who is prettiest. Anybody who tags me in one of those gets an insta-unfriend.
  7. I'm fifteen and still afraid of the dark. I always look behind my shoulder and am generally very paranoid. Especially after seeing Marble Hornets. I swear I saw the Operator one night. Also, I'm scared to death of driving. I'm at an age where I'm expected to begin driving, but I'm terrified to.
  8. I don't think you know the meaning of the word 'never.' Whoops, mistake there. You get the idea.
  9. Sometimes, I write made-up stories on advice boards just to see what kind of opinions/advice I get. It's interesting to me for some reason. Never here, though. I'm honest most of the time here.
  10. Obnoxious kids. I've been having such bad luck lately trying to have a nice evening. Tonight, I'm swinging, having a good time, when two kids (5th grade they said they were in) came along. One went on the swing next to me. They played a game where the goal was to throw a basketball at the one on the swing and try to knock them down. Seriously? How obnoxious can you get? So, I have to dodge the basketball AND the kid because he's swinging side to side trying to dodge it. Oh yeah, and when they came along, they said to me, "If you get hit, it's not our fault". Damn right it's your fault. I wish I would've just went off when they started and told them to go do it another time in a yelling/rude fashion. But can you honestly blame me if I did do that? They were being obnoxious and rude in the first place by making me have to dodge their basketball for their idiotic game. So I say out loud, "Screw this" and walk home. What should I say when this kind of crap happens, TIF?
  11. Parents who don't parent. Seriously, I'm trying to enjoy my evening, swinging at the local park while listening to music, and this little kid keeps running in front of me. I almost hit him three times. And guess what? The father doesn't do [cabbage]. He just sits back and occasionally tells them to stop, and they keep doing it. I shouldn't have my evening ruined just because a father cannot handle his children. I was coming so close to just going off and yelling at the kid.
  12. *finish watching last episode* "Aww, what a good episode" "Wait... no more new episodes until December..."
  13. Does anybody else sometimes have their arms go numb when they wake up? I hate that feeling so much.
  14. Steam is DRM done right, doesn't require you to be online and even benefits the user (the ability to instantly connect to friends' games on your desktop).
  15. I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until I was 8.
  16. Maze


    I think the first half is. It just keeps cutting to new scenes without transition, which is really confusing and hard to tell what's going on.
  17. Maze


    Followed your guys' advice and feel great now. Thanks. Watching Inception again, and trying to understand the first half of the movie. Why do they want to put the idea of becoming an emperor into that one guy's head? It's all very confusing and the film does not explain it well.
  18. Maze


    Did you eat today? When you're hungry you tend to feel like [cabbage]. Yes.
  19. Maze


    I'm quite sad today. I don't even know why, really. I just feel down for no reason. Even watching My Little Pony didn't cheer me up. Perhaps it's because I only slept for 5 hours.
  20. Yeah, and it doesn't feel shoehorn'd in at all. It's brilliant.
  21. I think it's interesting that a lot of the episodes don't focus on the main character (Twilight)
  22. Really? I don't see how Fluttershy can be annoying. She seems to always be cute and nice, but she has rare occasions where she has outbursts of emotion.
  23. My favorite Pony list: 1. Fluttershy 2. Twilight 3. Applejack 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Rarity Rainbow Dash can be an ass sometimes. My big problem with Rarity is her "I need to be beautiful" and generally smug personality. Her trait (generosity) does not show as much as the other ponies. Also, the best Fluttershy dub I've ever heard:
  24. Maze


    I was going to wear my camouflage shirt today, but I couldn't find it.
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