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Everything posted by FrostyGrunt

  1. Exactly what Miner said. The only thing I have to add is DO NOT CLICK ON THE GHOST TO ATTACK IT, it will take you through all the mining equipment which attacks you and will drastically lower your health. The hardest part isn't killing the ghost, it's retaining enough health getting to him through all the machines that is the trick. Make sure you manually direct your character (clicking space by space on the ground) to attack the ghost instead of letting your character automatically take the shortest route. You'll save a lot of HP that way.
  2. Gold is right on the money, no double pun intended. Although merching is not as clandestine as it was before the GE you still won't get any handouts when it comes to people telling you exactly what to merch, mind there are a few threads on RSOF dealing exactly with this subject and they will even hint at items that are about to drop or rise in price. Here are some really good beginner guides to merching written by experienced merchanters on RSOF. The Secret to Money: GE Mastering Invensting While I find these only go a tad deeper into what is already obvious they do help those who have little to no knowledge of how a virtual stockmarket works. Hope that helps.
  3. Shark Gloves give 100 additional xp points per shark, making that a total of 210 per shark for those of you who aren't math savvy and last for 1000 catches until they disintegrate.
  4. This is why I gave a huge sigh when Jagex upped the trade limit X2, it was a good thing for normal players but it gave the beggars more motivation to get out there and mooch. But at least I haven't seen half as much begging after a general trade limit was introduced. IMO begging is the most pathetic and pitiful thing you could ever do in this game without doing something illegal like autoing or hacking. Every noob I see begging "6K pl0x?" I think they could probably make more money in the amount it takes to actually scam someone doing a skill. If you're going to be lazy and play a game all day, for God's sake don't be lazy in the game too! Go skill if you want money.
  5. Someone else on these forums fell for this scam also and didn't have a PIN. Usually I have no sympathy for people who are dumb enough to get their account stolen, but this sounds like a pretty elaborate hoax, and I'm happy to hear that you will undoubtedly get your account back with, most likely, no harm done. I think there is a section on the RSOF that you can report this on, I'm too lazy to look for it though.
  6. What I do to keep myself interested is diversify activities, and I find the best way to do that is getting quest requirements. If you haven't done Legends, Desert Treasure, Underground Pass, Recipe for Disaster etc. etc. set a goal for beating one if not all of them. I did and I had a lot of fun figuring out the fastest/cheapest way to level, following the storylines and making lots of friends in my questing spree, not to mention the rewards for some of them are considerable and will either earn you more respect or help you out in your later ventures.
  7. When people attack me at monks for seemingly no reason, and half [wagon] it so I can get my stuff and then come back full force. I did that just today. Some guy walks over in full rune with a dragon scim, I saw him before with no armour and no weapon so I knew what he was going to do. I turn protect from melee on and run for the bank, easily surviving. Then I get all my weapons/armour, walk over to him, and KO him in 5 seconds. Now, was that really worth attacking me when you would obviously not benefit at all from it? Some noobs. Plus he lost his full rune, dragon scim and whatever else he had on him becuase he was skulled.
  8. If you don't want people getting presumptive then don't be so vague about the intention of your post. If your account has been hacked, the hacker can reset your PIN in 3 days, and if you haven't set any recovery questions you are royally screwed. Good day to you.
  9. Anyone who puts down a Flecthing or Cooking cape thinks too superficial/narrow mindedly. As a lot of people here point out there are a few other things you need to accomplish before you can even start on one of the "easy" 99s. Such as gathering materials and money. What really pisses me off is when someone puts down someone else for wearing a "buyable" cape is they talk like you can just go to the GE and buy the cape without putting in all the effort it actually takes to get regardless of how cheap or quick maxing out that skill is. But most of the time it's just someone who has never got a 99 themselves who is jealous and also doesn't know what you have to put into one. What also perplexes me is how people can think a useful 99 such as Cooking (not burning Sharks) not worth getting? What's the use of 99 Herblore, Farming, Slayer, Hunter, Crafting or Thieving? Oh, that's right, there is none! So what about getting 99 Cooking is so useless compared to these other skills? You should respect 99 Cookers/Fishers because they actually know how to use their time well instead of spending it on a 99 they can't even use. Such is the logic of RS unfortunately, that those who toil away to achieve useless goals are more respected than those who spend their time more wisely.
  10. That is a good idea, but trying to PK and skill at the same time gives you a slight disadvantage in both activities. However the few times I have skilled on a PVP world there were sometimes higher levels who would defend the rest of the skillers there, or everyone would have DDs equipped to pile the attacker. Once there was a guy with 99 Strength and everytime someone in gear came near the group he would announce "Attack anyone and we'll all pile you". 99% of them would forget the idea of PKing at Monks in that particular server then. :lol: Some people have such a big heart.
  11. Unless you're so rich you can't comply with the 999M(the game can't comprehend 1B) cash limit and need to invest the extra in an item there is no reason to buy a Party Hat, it's the absolute biggest waste of money in the game. Everyone I know who has bought one has regretted it a week or so later, and selling them back is nearly impossible. :wall: If you buy one you've just made some guy whose been stuck with it for months/year very happy.
  12. What's with all the bashing? trying to vent some anger yourselves? The OP obviously knows he was on a PVP world and that it was his mistake for getting PKed and doesn't need a dozen Sherlock Holmes wannabes to tell him. Christ. He's not perfect and neither are any of you, so have a little understanding pl0x? (my mistake for asking that from RS players) #-o Anyways, sorry about your loss OP, I'd be pretty pissed off if that happened to me too. I've tried skilling on some PVP worlds and every time been attacked, needless to say I don't skill on PVP worlds anymore even though I was never killed. :? But like someone else said if you insist on skilling PVP use a House Teleport Tab and wear some decent armour so they don't instantly KO you.
  13. Just to straighten things out, because I know some people probably took my opinion the wrong way, I'm not defending the whining skillers who go into a PVP world, die and then complain about it. In a sense I don't care that skillers are killed, it's not going to effect me in anyway. It's merely the difference in moral understanding of PVP strategies that has engaged my intelectual interest. Why some choose to attack skillers and some don't is all I'm interested in, and there's really no right or wrong answer. It's all a matter of opinion. And to those who replied to my posts thanks for keeping it constructive and mature. :) +1 to TIF Community.
  14. I have never noticed any difference between 10 people being on the same spot I am compared to just me alone. Some people believe if you pile a spot you actually get fish faster, and fishing spots stay in one spot longer. While I haven't noticed a difference in fishing speed using the "pile" method, the spots do seem to stay in one place longer the more people that are on it.
  15. You raise a good point Josh. But the fact still remains that Jagex has mostly taken out the profiteering aspect of PKing, and the equipment drops are complete rubbish, so why PK for profits/drops in the first place? You could make 10X the amount of money you do from preying on skillers and even other PKers doing something else like fishing, wood cutting, hunting etc. So ultimately killing to "loot" (what's left of it) is a waste of time if you're looking to make money. Thus the only legitimate reason for PKing that is left is the thrill of the kill, and what's so thrilling about killing helpless players? :| Let me rephrase my last conclusion to compensate for your response; No thrill, no skill, no profit that would warrant not moving on to something else.
  16. Most peope here seem to be all for killing them, but why? There are little to no incentives. There's no thrill or sense of accomplisment killing an unarmed skiller, nor is there much profit to be had. The drops you get from PKing also depend on what your opponent has on them, so most likely you will get even worse drops than you do fighting someone who is semi-prepared. Also most skillers do their thing near banks, so if attacked they can easily turn on a protect prayer, run inside and hope they live out the ten seconds and if they have decent stats, they will. And if you use freeze or bind spells so what? You're going to get a crappy drop anyway, so it's not worth the money. No thrill, no skill, no profit. So why? All it does is make you look like a noob/jerk to anyone who has a sense of chivalry. No offense, I don't want to start a flame war (and anyone who attempts it will be duely ignored) but that's just how some people view it. And for the record I never agreed or supported the old "Wild Honor Code", I think it's perfectly fine to use any means necessary to defeat a mutually combative opponent, that includes just wearing armour or weapons. P.S. - Anyone who says they get better drops killing skillers is obviously lying or exaggerating, read the PVP update details on the RS homepage. What your opponent has on them is factored into the drop table; GF.
  17. Thanks for the replies everyone, I got my question answered, and some helpful information. :)
  18. Oh sweet. =] I've only been down there once and never noticed it. [stupid question alert!] So the log fire is constant right, not like log fires made by players?
  19. Why is the Rogue's Den so special?
  20. I want to get 99 Cooking after I reach my goal of 99 Fishing, and here's what I understand as the best cost/speed method. Lobs to 90 ---> Monks to 94 ---> Sharks to 99. But I was wondering if Swordfish made any noticable difference in the XP or GP return rate? I would think Swordfish sell better in F2P so I'm worried I'll have a harder time selling more cooked lobs than I would if I used Swordfish from 81 to 90 instead of just Lobs to 90. Any advice or just speculation is appreciated, and for the record yes I have Cooking Gauntlets. =]
  21. Well now haven't you just defeated your own argument? You really don't see that too often. =D> Why should we attempt at making approximate calculations for fishing rates when there are so many variables to take into consideration? A good educated guess is as good as it's going to get. Timing several loads at the same level and averaging them out is really the most time effecient way of getting an answer, and besides they don't need to be approximate anyway. It's a waste of time trying to factor in all the technicalities that are seemingly impossible to factor in anways.
  22. I have to agree that attacking skillers on a PVP world is somewhat shameful, it gives off the impression that you're either too scared or too weak to fight an armed opponent. However even though I say that I do acknowledge that PVP worlds are primarily for player killing, so if someone chooses to skill in a PVP world they are willingly exposing themselves to that danger, and if they are attacked and killed they can blame no one but themselves. Not even their attackers cowardice. :roll:
  23. I think I get around 250-280 monks an hour and I'm 94 fishing.
  24. No wonder it's taking you forever, you're not wearing a Ring of Wealth! It' helps a lot with this sort of thing. I got mine with about 1300 tokens, but the best thing to do is get 2K and go off that. Also I believe it helps to rotate around the room moving to a different cyclopse every 3 kills or so instead of killing the same one for an hour and hoping for a drop. Good luck!
  25. Yes someone seriously screwed up at the office. If you're in the green zone there is no reason you should be muted this thoroughly, the only legitimate way this could have happened is if you registered as a 13 year old or younger. But it's probably a mistake, as you said you registered 5 years ago and it didn't happen then, so it shouldn't be happening now. I suggest you go into the account recovery system and choose to recover your account (as if it had been hacked) by entering the specific details they ask for. It will draw some attention to the probelm becuase someone has to physically review your account recovery request, it's not automated. If that doesn't work, you're stuck waiting until the account review thread opens back up. My sympathies mate.
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