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Everything posted by Pieterse

  1. I think the randoms that give you clothes and the genie should just stay.
  2. any With your stats you would praying. Unless you get 70+ range and defense.
  3. you need to have started troll stronghold to get into gwd. so technically you need to have quests to be able to do aviansies. True but it's a 5 seconds quest with no requirements and it gives no members skill exp. it gives qp.... Sorry i have OCD and it will kind of bug me if i did one quest from all of them. itl drive me mad till i get a quest cape and that will never happen... Wow, some people get so uptight about this game. You could chin if you have the cash? Im not uptight, just OCD.... cant help it.... I might just settle with chinning somewhere that doesnt require quests.... Mummy's in Chaos Tunnels.
  4. you need to have started troll stronghold to get into gwd. so technically you need to have quests to be able to do aviansies. True but it's a 5 seconds quest with no requirements and it gives no members skill exp. it gives qp.... Sorry i have OCD and it will kind of bug me if i did one quest from all of them. itl drive me mad till i get a quest cape and that will never happen... Wow, some people get so uptight about this game. You could chin if you have the cash?
  5. you need to have started troll stronghold to get into gwd. so technically you need to have quests to be able to do aviansies. Nvm avs then. Ill get ranged up using a different method, maybe knives at ankou or something. Anyway, if i decide not to touch fishing, cooking and wc, will i be able to reach the goals in less than 6months? I would like to say yes. So, yes.
  6. you need to have started troll stronghold to get into gwd. so technically you need to have quests to be able to do aviansies. True but it's a 5 seconds quest with no requirements and it gives no members skill exp.
  7. Look at my post above. Also get a rune defender if your going to use the Whip. Ahh so ill be able to reach all my goals without touching a single members skill or quest? Oh and thb i really dont actually care about getting fishing,cooking and wc up. ill do those if i have time... the other goals are most important Yup the only thing I think you would need that needs a quest would be a berserker or a neitz helm but they aren't necessary.
  8. What are those things in SoS on level 1? They drop alot of iron arrows.
  9. Look at my post above. Also get a rune defender if your going to use the Whip.
  10. I don't even find WoW to be worth that much.
  11. in "No life" you mean how many hours a day? 6-8 hours. Saradomin Sword and Whip are perfect and require no quest. SS for strength and Whip for attack and defense. About those flying birds in GWD, no you don't need to do any quest.
  12. I would buy a year membership for those goals. But anyways, you would have to no-life it for those stats in the next 6 months.
  13. If your gonna kill cows kill the ones near the gnome copters. There's a bank deposit right near the cows.
  14. When I get bored of Runescape I play a game called WarRock, check it out. Another thing I do is I won't play for 3 days even if I want to play after not playing for one day.
  15. You do. OT:A new player. Don't confuse 'noob' with 'newb', they're two completely different terms. 'Newb' is someone new to the game (Newbie), a 'noob' is more of an immature player. Meh, always thought they were the same thing, like nub, newb, noob, narb, etc.
  16. Just use a black salamander or msb with rune arrows and bring the best spell you can use. The rest is balancing out your prayer and magic bonus (when using magic) and range and prayer bonus (when using ranged).
  17. Cooking gauntlets from "Family Crest".
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