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Everything posted by BlindBaker

  1. BlindBaker


    Today I visited TIF for the first time in a couple months. Nice to see everything is exactly the same as when I left.
  2. Of course we also have the more practical uses. (video contains naughty words, there I warned you) Even better.
  3. They're just fences stacked up. Good for chandeliers and "support" for buildings.
  4. Well, I was about to suggest a server we could use until then, but uh... [hide] ...griefers. [/hide]
  5. Jesus [bleep]ing [cabbage] man, I've been playing on my latest world all week and only found four diamonds, one redstone (the rest fell into lava), and four gold. I did find a lot of iron though, I've always been lucky with that. [hide] Make impractical but cool-looking torches. [/hide] And about that TIF server... is anyone going to actually make it?
  6. My world has a ridiculous amount of iron. Not really sure what to do with it yet. A mine cart system wouldn't help me right now.
  7. Front right pocket, phone. Front left, $2.25 in quarters and some money that's not in my wallet for some reason, as well as a knife. Back pocket, wallet. Just found a pack of gum, so now that's in my pocket too.
  8. Sounds more like drugs All my dreams do.
  9. The other night I had a dream in a dream in a dream. There was this guy trying to kill me, only he wasn't a guy, he was a tree. Then he turned into mushrooms. I remember it being an awesome pun.
  10. You could try digging tunnels through them. It'd take a while, but it's better than using iron to make boosters every time you want to go up a hill.
  11. BlindBaker


    I hate how you can never smell it until it's been there a while. Somewhat related, my friend offered to smoke me up today (for the first time ever, I'm usually the one with the money), but I refused because I have homework and I'm looking for a job. Responsibility sucks.
  12. Just stumbled across a spider dungeon already filled with gravel so that the spiders that spawn there can't get out. Just threw down a couple buckets of water and turned it into a trap. Now if only I could figure out how to get the string they drop...
  13. Actually bought this game today. Had to delete all my saves, but I guess that's what I get for pirating such a good game. Now I really hope Notch doesn't make all blocks affected by gravity, considering my base on my new world is on a floating island. Also, different world. Spawned. Heard spiders. Dug down a few blocks. Dungeon. :thumbup:
  14. Started playing this game yesterday. It was pretty fun at first but now that I've made a decent base, I'm not really sure what to do next. :mellow:
  15. Because TIF is not a Help Forum. Not all of us are struggling in real life. :razz: The relationship thread is stickied.
  16. Seriously...... :mellow: I was just bored, and I wanted to see if I could get away with it without getting noticed. And what if you couldn't? That's not really a risk I'd like to take. :unsure:
  17. BlindBaker


    But going down them would be [bleep]ing awesome.
  18. Ah. Yeah, that's bad. That happens to a few of my friends, only with hunger. If they smoke everyday for a while, they won't really have an appetite when they stop. You should add that to disadvantages, TheDarkSide.
  19. A glass of red wine every day has time and time again shown to have numerous health benefits. [cabbage]. All of my arguments against weed are pretty much the same for alcohol, and the red wine thing is a complete myth. Yes, you get some benefits. No, they aren't exclusive or even easier to get from red wine. Ever heard of grape juice? You concentrate better while stoned because you're an addict. I won't deny that it's mildly addicting, but I wouldn't call him an addict. Just seems like a harsh word for something that only helps him.
  20. I won't if I use an assault rifle, but if i'm staring down a scope I don't want it... Don't camp and hardscope then. [hide=Noob campers] [/hide]
  21. I have nothing against stoners but i can just achieve all these things without smoking. And saving money whilst doing it. And actually achieving more. (You arent going to get good grades stoned) And about the grades, some people can concentrate better while stoned. Not me though. I tried to do homework while stoned once. I took it out and then forgot it was there. :rolleyes: I eventually got the work done when I sobered up though.
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