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Everything posted by pmoney15

  1. u having a 99 fm party? =P~ btw 98 -99 is quickest. i got in 1 day and i agree w/ u on the thing u said about fming not being easy. u have to stay focused and click a LOT and its boring. that doesnt make it easy at all. most people who say "lol what a noob -firemaking cape. thats so easy" are noobs who have like 50 fm and think its halfway to 99. i wouldve never got it if i didnt like it. Also i began going for 99 because every1 said it was a cheap and quick 99 but i found out it wasnt and later began to like it.
  2. wow!nice lvls especially for f2p. dont become member ever. lol on the rick rolled
  3. oh no now i have to start training attack *sigh*i thought i had all requirements.oh well lol 10/10 and very nice rc smith and mining
  4. Actually i'm not cuting and burning yews for firemaking only. Just chopping away, decided not to sell a few logs and burn them for 80 firemaking. And burning yews will surely be faster than burning willows. won't it? no!u get more xp per hour in both wc and fm if u do cut and burn willows instead of yews. it takes longer to get yews and u spend lots of time geting the logs while willows are really quick to get and quick xp so u get more fm AND wc xp per hour. theyre a topic or rant about this somewhere maybe on sals realm. i m too lazy to find it :wall:
  5. Good luck!! You will be the second person that will get 4k kc @ arma because i did it :) im proud of you (and me :P )Etp i make 3 when i get 70 range Etp BIG NEW TODAY! [list=]Etp i knew youre gonna get it soon
  6. wow grtas on 80 magic. btw r u f2p now? i havent read blog in about two weeks.
  7. lol in your fishing levels part of ur 1st post, you poested 63 fish twice :lol:
  8. rate/hate me...i began in like june 2 years ago. i lost this account for half a year and quit (i was f2p and hated it) from september 2007-april 2008 and got 99 fming in 3 months. i have a life so i cant play a lot at all and take lots of small 1 or 2 week breaks. first of all my most cash held at once my BoB. it sucks but everytime i got over 4 mil i used it up. i died with full sara and like 5k laws before when it was worth 5mil. my stats im F2P!!! i was since september 2007 when i quit. i know my summoning, hunter and construction sucks. Btw i have 183 quest points. rate me tell me what i should increase and best methods. so rate away. (im sort of new to tip it)
  9. DO NOT CUT AND BURN YEWS!!!!that is the stupidest thing u can do to get fming xp. wcing and burning willows gives waaay more xp per hour than cutting yews to burn them. plus you lose 450(potential)K!!!!!!just cut and burn willows in rimmington its the fastest and cheapest way to do in f2p!!!!or p2p! and about your goals good luck. i just started wcing after never ever trsaining it and i lke it. i might get 99. nice level and good luck on 99 and ur other goals! hope to see u with 99 soon!!!
  10. y do u have 229 qp on both quest completion messages? :lol: :^o :^o :^o
  11. i play runescape watch smallville or family guy and go on tip it but sometimes just rs and movie or rs and tip it or movie and tip it
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