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Everything posted by Veiva

  1. Veiva


    Congratulations! Hopefully I'll be there in 4-5 years, too. But I'll be 29/30 instead of 25.
  2. Veiva


    Graphics are the best part. I've done so many cool things. Deferred rendering, PBR, painterly rendering, and my favourite, resolution-independent vector graphics. Next best is gameplay. But I usually move on after implementing some cool rendering technique. The part that sucks is making content. ... Oh wow. I just booted FreeBSD (I'm developing on Windows) and ran my game and just worked via WINE without a hitch. Nice.
  3. Veiva


    I'd be fine with 25 C year-round. ... Ooh, lights. The 'sun' is above the pillar (squarely in the middle of the area). It blends between the two lights as the little guy walks around. Spiffy.
  4. Veiva


    This morning my fingers hurt a little bit after a 20 minute ride on my scooter in <20 degrees F. edit: Oh and this is pretty neat. Notice the lighting on the dude? It's not a simple flip... Even better...
  5. Veiva


    Got walls done... And lighting...
  6. Veiva


    I'm trying to design a random/customizable level system vaguely similar to Paper Mario games. I want to be able to generate/draw arbitrary non-intersecting concave polygons (e.g., Dittos, not Starmies [or blobs, not stars for you dweebs out there]) and then perform various operations, like extrusion, and other transformations, such as generating hills. Progress, from the top: The interior is a regular grid (not yet triangulated), the exterior is an arbitrary concave polygon. I had to figure out a method to walk the interior to create a hole I can cut in the exterior, but it's beautiful. It's like marching squares, I suppose...
  7. Veiva


    I love vector graphics. ... (Hello.)
  8. Veiva


    What happened? Intermittent, unpredictable performance issues. 2-4 seconds at times. I need a constant, 20-30 FPS.
  9. Veiva


    My secret project is a failure again. Over one year working on it. I'm more depressed from this than when my mom died, lol... :x
  10. Veiva


    As someone who has a scooter and no car: if you can get either a car or motorcycle, get a car. It's foolish to do otherwise. I couldn't afford a car (insurance + driver's ed + good car is easily 4x as much as my scooter [$2,000 and some]), and while it's better than nothing, it's still far worse than having a car.
  11. Veiva


    Antarctica is 15,000 km south of the capital of Estonia yet is much colder. Checkmate atheists.
  12. Veiva


    So I'm going to be going to my local community college come January... I was in a pickle because I had transcripts, but 1) They were from a home school 2) The home school administrator is deceased 3) The transcripts were not notarized. But I was able to talk to the Admissions Director, and with some supporting documents (letter from the state, home school registration, and death certificate), they accepted the transcripts. Had to take placement testing (gosh it's been over 7 year since I've even looked at a polynomial, lol), but it appears I passed everything there. Not entirely sure, I doubt I screwed up the essay portion (the only part that couldn't automatically be graded) enough to undo the other results. Going to touch up on some of the more complex math stuff on my own in the next couple months anyway, though. That was a painful experience. On top of the other errands, I was busy from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Single break for dinner. Didn't even have lunch. Ugh. Tomorrow will be a little better. Just have to go up and register for classes and get a haircut.
  13. Veiva


    (Few pages back...) That's why I extract it from the game! The Make-X menu has the requirements, and I built a tool to parse that interface using my GPD thingy. So I go through each item in the Make-X menu, dump the results to a file that looks like this: ITEM 210.000000 Shark REQUIRE 80 Cooking Level REQUIRE 1 RuneScape Member INPUT 1 Raw shark ...and so import it into using my tool, Plato: Explanation: the 'cooking.range' action produces 1 'Shark' and 210 'Cooking' [xp], takes an input of 1 'Raw shark'. It also requires 1986068 'Cooking' [xp] (it makes the goal planner simpler to implement if I store skill requirements as XP, so it can improve the plan as it unlocks things from leveling up).
  14. Veiva


    Mr. Robot is tied as my favorite TV show, seriously. It's just excellent.
  15. Veiva


    I made an awesome peanut butter brownie yesterday. I replace the cocoa powder with peanut butter and include a little bit of molasses to compensate (I think that's how that works; if I don't add molasses when replacing the cocoa powder the brownie tends to sink in the middle, but it could be some other reason that happens). Also add a bunch of fillers (walnuts, almonds, peanut butter chips, and chocolate chips). But I did something different. After I pulled it out of the oven, I made a chocolate glaze of sorts. 1/2 cups chocolate chips, 1/4 cup shortening, and 1 tbsp corn syrup. Poured it on the brownie hot. Let it cool. The glaze soaked through the brownie, making it soft. It was delicious. Made 12 brownies. 600-700 calories a brownies, lol. I'm only going to have a few halves (sans the whole one I had yesterday), the rest are going to family.
  16. Veiva


    I got items and shops working... My brother was awesome and wrote a tool that spits out JSON from Wiki templates, and I downloaded a database dump of the RS Wiki and ran the tool over it. A lot of data can be extracted with minimal effort (...mostly artisan skills like smithing), but then there's a lot that can't (...mostly, all other skills). I'm just surprised there's no good parsable data about RuneScape levels and crap but like everything RuneScape, stuff is just hacked together...
  17. Veiva


    Speaking of RuneScape, I made something pretty cool... I want to create a resource that connects things like locations, items, actions, shops, etc. Then you could perform queries like "Make 100 iron platebodies" or "Finish quest 'While Guthix Sleeps'" and it would give you a list of necessary dependencies, optimized by values you provide.
  18. Veiva


    Why not "Precious"? Or is that too gaudy? ... My chihuahua was named Pretty Girl. The shelter gave her that name because her previous owner called her an "ugly thing." I don't think it's a bad name. I usually called her "PGG". (I don't know where the second G came from lol). Personally, I'd had loved for her to adopt Pfeffernusse or Pepper (as in pfeffernusse cookies), because she was white with some short brown hairs. Aesthetically like a pfeffernusse cookie. And she was sweet and spicy... I had to put her down in July though, she had heart failure. It's so lonely now.
  19. Veiva


    As far as I can tell you're associating homosexuality with feminine traits, and thus a guy who paints his nails is likely gay since obviously a straight guy (i.e., someone who fits within the typical male gender roles) wouldn't do that? Or, for another example, kind of like if you'd think a female mechanic would likely be a lesbian... (Or whatever.)
  20. Veiva


    I went to go bike riding but my tire was flat. I was wondering why the ride yesterday was so bumpy even after I pumped up the tires... Good thing I had a spare tube. Did 17 miles in 60 minutes, not bad. I wonder how much of a difference a road bike would make? I'd love to break 20 mph average but I don't think it's feasible on my bike (hybrid, 21 gears, nothing fancy).
  21. Veiva


    Your taxes account for less than one thousandth of one thousand percent of Canda's revenue so your opinion counts for less than one thousandth of one thousandth of Canada's financial policies. :) (If it's not clear I hate the 'my taxes are paying for X' argument, regardless of whatever X is. In this case, it's a literal X I suppose.) edit: Oh I misunderstood your post. Let my post stand in memory of my mistake. Unless you're being sarcastic. I can't tell. Ugh.
  22. Veiva


    Read obfuscator's post while picturing his signature in your mind. [spoiler=Spoiler]He was taking a quote of out context to make a joke. Also, Littlefinger is alive in episode S02E04. You were warned!
  23. Veiva


    I thought this looked pretty cool: [spoiler=big image] It's elevation and wall/door data extracted from RuneScape at runtime.
  24. Do you know of any? I'm not savvy with smartphone apps or social media. I mean, I just got an iPhone a month or two ago, lol. The only one I know of Meetup. I check it once or twice a month but there's nothing that's ever piqued my interest. There's no relevant tech ones, for example. And even though I don't have any friends, I'm not socially awkward or dumb (thankfully). I can hold a conversation very easily, and can be sociable. It's just I never actively engage with others outside of things like shopping.
  25. I've humored the thought of trying Tinder but then I realize I don't have a Facebook account. Nor friends. Does Grindr require a Facebook account? But the idea of using Grindr scares me. I don't know why, I don't think it's much different then Tinder... Maybe it's because my sexuality makes me feel uncomfortable in real iife? Honestly, no idea. Or may I want friends before something more intimate. WHO KNOWS, I SURE DON'T.
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