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Everything posted by Veiva

  1. Veiva


    Kind of. Imagine if when Batman/whoever played Dark Souls and defeated Ornstein he could summon a spear and shoot lightning. And then he defeats Bowser from Super Mario 64 and he can breath flames. And he defeats Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII and can use Supernova. Etc. Basically it's like 4th wall Megaman? I guess the joke could be he sucks at video games so only defeats things like Goombas. It's just a doodle I'm not going to do anything with it AFAIK. I just like giving backgrounds to my doodles D:
  2. Veiva


    He's the Retromancer: a superhero who has the power of whatever enemies he has defeated in video games. Lol that's the stupidest superpower but it's incredibly OP. I doodled his human form but haven't filled it in.
  3. Veiva


    I really hate programming GUIs. I only have Button and a ButtonRenderer done. Need to implement LabelRenderer and TextInputRenderer. Ugh. I'm working on items but I need a way to view an inventory so YEP GOTTA MAKE A GUI because might as well do it now.
  4. Veiva


    Lol it runs. Now to fix all the hundred asserts I'm going to hit. I didn't use exceptions and my custom client was made to only run on Linux. The horrors I've seen porting it to Windows. The horrors... ... Unrelated, I have a 100% in ENG-111 with just two assignments left (a small essay [which I just need my brother to proof-read] and a discussion board thing [the teacher is going to be MIA Monday]), 100% in my intro to programming with Alice/Java class, 98% in MAT-143 (algebra, but there's still a crap ton of stuff that needs graded so I have a feeling that'll drop), and 100% in my intro to web/database. For the web/db class I made this: It's a website served by some vanilla Python (i.e., literally just Python 3.x vanilla installation). There's a database that stores notes about... Lumbridge... I populate it with some sample data (it's an in-memory database because I can't be bothered handling creating separate from using) and have a page to add notes, too. HTML is properly escaped (yay). The assignment was to just make a website with 5 static pages. I kind of went overboard lol. The coolest thing was I helped a couple friends I made in Intro to Programming (CIS-115), and they both did great on the final exam! My one friend was going to drop it but I convinced her not to, and then we practiced before the exam. I felt so happy for them :). There's the "good acts are selfish" thing (which isn't always true I have proof!!). ... Also unrelated, I'm trying to get an internship at a local software development shop. They used to do things like game development (e.g., for like mobile apps for promos from companies) but they're switching to a SaaS app. I had to answer a few questions and I think I did well but I'll follow up in person Tuesday. Here's hoping! ... Also I went on a swell date. ... Lastly my brother woke me up after seeing Infinity Wars because he forgot his keys and now I can't fall asleep RIP.
  5. Veiva


    Oh my god I create the worst hack around a problem I have ever done. I made a real-time OpenGL tracing library called ARDEN. RuneScape NXT has (since I last used it on NXT) switched to using pixel buffer objects to transfer textures. When a pixel unpack buffer object is bound, offsets to gl*TexImage*D are relative to the pixel pack buffer--they are not pointers to pixel data! If I try to read from those addresses, I crash (since they're small--like 0x4000 and crap). So how did I solve it? Well, I have functions to get the size of the pixel data. I wrapped the return value like so: std::size_t touchstone::size::TexImage2D::pixels(Dispatch& gl, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLint width, GLint height) { return x_hack_wrap_pixels(gl, Tex::num_components(gl, format, type) * Tex::component_size(gl, type) * width * height); }x_hack_wrap_pixels is defined as: // OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE static std::size_t x_hack_wrap_pixels(Dispatch& gl, std::size_t length) { GLint binding; gl.GetIntegerv(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING, &binding); if (binding != 0) { return 0; } else { return length; } }So now when it goes to read the offset, it will read 0 bytes and not crash if a pixel unpack buffer is bound. LOL
  6. It's amazing what a good therapist and the proper medication can do. Also it helps that I felt that doing something--no matter how small--is better than doing nothing, no matter how I feel. It's a snowball effect--one day you're just spending 20 minutes cleaning, 20 minutes reading or watching TV, a year later you're spending 25-30 hours at work, 30-40 hours at school, etc. I went from being overweight, messy, lazy, unfashionable, very sick (i.e., mentally ill), poor-as-dirt/financially-unsound to proper weight, organized-as-a-mother[bleep], determined, fashionable, financially stable, and mentally stable. (There's probably more). It has been hard, but I was lucky enough to develop a strong support network so I could achieve what I needed.
  7. So yesterday I went on a great date. We went to the local sushi place. (They're starting to recognize me. "Hey, I remember you from a couple days ago!" aaah). The funny bit was I bumped into a regular from the local LGBT-friendly bar while waiting on a spot to open (we were walking around the shopping center). He recognized me first, lol. Made feel special! My date was really cool. It lasted about 2 hours. We talked about a bunch of crap; we have a lot in common. So that was fun. Going to try and set up a second ASAP. Thus far I really like this date and the date from a few days ago. One's really cute, one's really hot, we all have a lot in common, they're interesting, they have great personalities, ugh. Haven't been on a bad date yet!
  8. I had two repeat dates last night. The first went great but he had to leave early to get home (he lives about 20-30 minutes away). We ate out and talked, I made him laugh a lot which I thought was cool :). The part that sucked is I had to take some dark ass road home with a 55 mph speed limit because of construction work--that was terrifying! Second one was amazing. We went to Jack's Tap and hung out, I had a couple drinks, we went back to my place and... Well, like I said, it was amazing. Going to hang out again today if possible.
  9. Veiva


    I went to Jack's Tap (the LGBT friendly bar) and had a great time. I danced for like an hour lol.
  10. Veiva


    It looks the same? I have a hunch Bonez hasn't looked at in a few years lol
  11. Veiva


    Avengers was great. I'm a comic book noob and had to look a couple things up though. because you're not a bourgeoisie or petite bourgeoisie should've had better parents
  12. Veiva


    Be sure to put lemons on your thumbs when you do, it's a proud tip.it tradition. pls explain
  13. Veiva


    Lol after practicing dancing for less than an hour I know literally two moves but am 1000x better already. Of course, 1000 times 0 is 0... so many I'm 1000(x + 1) better! kill me pls Still a little bit stiff but that'll pass I'm sure as I keep practicing. MAYBE I'LL RECORD MYSELF IN A FEW WEEKS AND GET JUDGED. (Yea right, never going to be that confident!) Btw, this is the best cover of Love on the Beat, fight me. ... Unrelated, my CD copy of Opus Dei by Laibach got here today so I drove around listening to it. The freedom! ... Also unrelated... I wrote a tool to generate offsets from an executable given a set of patterns. I used radare2 and IDA to find certain offsets in a certain game. NPC 456 ('Father Aereck'): - location: 3246, 965, 3205 - animation: 36864 NPC 46 ('Duck'): - location: 3239, 5, 3238 - animation: 36864 NPC 16174 ('Wizard Ilona'): - location: 3244, 933, 3198 - animation: 28672 NPC -1 (''): - location: 3244, 933, 3197 - animation: 24576 NPC 6112 ('Ducklings'): - location: 3238, 5, 3244 - animation: 16384 NPC 61 ('Spider'): - location: 3197, 1293, 3187 - animation: 8192 NPC 7882 ('Woman'): - location: 3201, 1045, 3237 - animation: 4096 NPC 0 ('Hans'): - location: 3202, 1461, 3215 - animation: 0 NPC 7883 ('Woman'): - location: 3208, 1413, 3230 - animation: 61440 NPC 7969 ('Explorer Jack'): - location: 3204, 933, 3241 - animation: 57344Guess where that is?
  14. I went on an awesome date last night. We went to a sushi place near my work (I've never had sushi!). I played it safe and got hibachi chicken but tried some of the sushi he got. It was so good! We went back to my place and played Mario Kart (lol pattern), watched some Netflix, and cuddled on the couch and talked. It was incredible! I met him at the LGBT friendly bar, not on Tinder... Going on a date Friday with a cute girl from OkCupid, she's really interesting and works at a company I'd like to one day... We have a lot in common which should make conversation easier. :)
  15. Veiva


    I'm never going to get drunk. I don't have a problem with people getting drunk, it's just something I will never do. So I have to actually get good and confident without alcohol lol. I think that's better, in the end, for me anyway. I'd rather be confident without drunkenness being a prerequisite. It's not that I'm not confident otherwise... I could be better (who couldn't), but it's just with dancing in particular I'm really awkward because 1) I'm bad at it 2) haven't done it enough. edit: ok I made this sound less confrontational. I didn't mean to.
  16. Veiva


    I'm absolutely terrible at dancing. It's like when I tell people "I've never eaten at Chipotle/Chick-Fil-A/Taco Bell/etc" or whatever else I've never done and they don't believe me... I agree, it's more about confidence, but I literally cannot dance right now. All the confidence in the world isn't going to help me lol. I'm just going to practice. It'll help me get better and build confidence, so kill two birds with one stone :). Laibach has some good music I could practice to...
  17. Veiva


    Biggest takeaway: I need to learn how to dance.
  18. Veiva


    I went to a straight bar, Paddy's. It was packed. I approached a few women but the first was a lesbian, the second realized how bad I was at dancing, and the third just said no thanks lol. Went to the LGBT+ friendly bar and had a blast. Why am I better with men than women ripperoni.
  19. Veiva


    I wanted to say I can't agree with muggiwhiplar. A lot of my life has been screwed up by things completely out of my control (moving to NC, homeschooling, mom being sick, being poor through childhood/adulthood, mental illness, etc). It's only because of sheer determination I haven't given up and things have improved so much, but it's definitely not because I take responsibility for the unfairness I've faced. I refuse to accept that these things were "in my control" lol. @Bonez I suppose...
  20. Veiva


    Raleigh was awesome! [hide] [/hide]
  21. Veiva


    I'm in Raleigh. 1 hour 20 minute drive. It's AMAZING. Last time I was in a city was West Palm Beach 14 years ago. Will post a few pictures later. I went to the natural science in-between talks, was so cool. You don't realize how big dinos were until you're standing in front of one. Here's some notes I took. Maybe the hiring ones could help Ring_World :p.
  22. Veiva


    I'm so close to 27 can it wait a year so I can't get drafted pls
  23. Honestly great shoes Thanks. I love shoes! I'm looking at a pair of black suede ones on Amazon... And a pair of leather ones... ugh. First date went really well. He looked just like his Tinder so that's good, we grabbed something to at a local German diner and then went back to my place to play Mario Kart. Overall the date lasted nearly four hours. We talked a lot. It was his first date on Tinder too so I'm glad it went well. Funny thing: I knocked over my soda and it spilled over me LOL.
  24. I had over 100 likes on Tinder lol. 90% men, 10% women (...sadly, they were overweight; most of them men were too, oh well). I did the Tinder Plus or w/e because why not. I've set up two three dates over the next few days. Yay. Also created an OkCupid profile, going to work on it more.
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