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Everything posted by Veiva

  1. So I went on a Grindr hook-up but it turns out we had a mutual friend so things got awkward and we just hung out and talked. He told me hook ups aren't worth it so I'm most probably going to listen. lol.
  2. Veiva


    If anyone is interested... https://github.com/aaronbolyard/itsyscape/releases/tag/alpha-20180610 If you're paranoid you can compare my changes to Love2D with the official repo, compile Discworld yourself, and grok the ItsyRealm code. It'll run all the same. It's pretty cool.
  3. Veiva


    I added equipment... Errin the Heathen killed the god Yendor and enchanted an amulet with his soul. It's probably a story that's never going to make it into the game (out of scope) but I need good debugging equipment damn it! Actions are extracted from the GameDB. The item name is also fetched from the GameDB (including a language tag for Future Proofing localization). Left clicking uses the first action (Equip in this case), while right-clicking exposes all the actions:
  4. Veiva


    Rent is throwing money out the window. With a mortgage payment, you are paying into owning a physical asset at the end of it. Of course there are additional costs such as property tax to consider (and maybe tax benefits, not sure), but all else being equal, you'd rather own your home after 20 years rather than renting once again for year 21, wouldn't you? Not always. It's hard to quantify but sometimes renting is better (e.g.: bad housing market, short stay [a few years]), sometimes it's worse (good housing market, long stay). In my case renting is better because 1) I'm not staying here more than a few more years (4-5). 2) My rent is only slightly more expensive than an equivalent mortgage payment but includes repairs, etc while a mortgage would not. 3) I can't afford a house down payment (lol). In my case I'm hoping to get a job in IT or something within the next years and save up for a down payment. Since our living expenses are low (~2200/month) we'd be able to save up a bit each month (assuming fair salary re: job). In the end, we'd pobably be able to save up 50%-75% of a down-payment over the next ~5 years for a house in Cary, NC. Then the plan is get a good programming job ($70,000+ year), finish saving up while renting (probably 1-2 more years), buy a house, and boom. This assumes housing prices near Raleigh don't explode in the next 5 years (looking at you, Apple and Amazon)...
  5. Veiva


    I was just following RuneScape's item capitalization scheme. "Shield of arrav" instead of "Shield of Arrav", "Staff of iban" instead of "Staff of Iban", etc.
  6. Veiva


    I created a Probe object that allows me to probe the game world for actions. I also created the PokeMenu, which allows interacting with the game when multiple options are present. Currently only "Take" and "Walk" are implemented... because I don't have NPCs or objects yet lol. I also nicely handle cases where item stacks on the ground are Very Big: I think my GitHub looks pretty nice for the two projects thus far. My game, ItsyRealm (the engine is called ItsyScape, little confusing) and Discworld, my GameDB. I also have a forked Love2d repo that adds 3D math functions. I periodically merge the latest commits from the master branch, but that's Mercurial and mine is Git so it gets annoying. I only do it when there's major changes lol. The item in the examples if the Amulet of Yendor, which will be a debugging tool. I think I'll add a "dull amulet of yendor" when I eventually get to the point of adding legendary items, which will let you create a custom teleport anywhere in the game. But the teleport would be permanent... The other legendary items would be a mimic heart (has a 1/~5 chance of rolling 2 drops), telenomicon (allows you to use any teleport you have unlocked, anywhere, with no cost), and the bottomless bag (loots all items in a radius around the player; the items can only be retrieved by depositing them into your bank). Pretty OP but it's a single player game so who cares D:.
  7. Thanks for the advice! It won't work for me because I'm really [bleep]ing effeminate lol. Just a couple days ago I had a coworker say I make her fell less of a women after my make-up routine... (I consider myself non-binary so there's that). I prefer guys & non-cis/non-straight anyway, but it's just always annoyed me why I don't match with women. If that's true then that explains it. I guess that's why I do better in person, too.
  8. See that's the thing, I don't match with women on Tinder. (On OkCupid I had some more luck but it was usually with non-cis/non-straight women b/c OkCupid insists on pointing out I'm bi I guess). I don't think my pictures are bad (I used pictures 1 & 2 + a third I haven't posted that's at least ok); they're a lot better than most guys (anecdote, some acquaintances/friends showed me their Tinder queue things + my experience looking at guys' profiles while swiping). I think my bio is ok at worst: But no matches. Even when I had Tinder Plus for a month not even fat and/or ugly women would swipe right (few exceptions). I think I'm attractive (above average?) but either women literally only swipe right on 9+/10s, Tinder is putting me at the bottom of the queue, or I'm screwing something up. I do so much better in person (of course that's not relevant), so again I'm just left confused.
  9. Veiva


    I finally have inventory and items working. That was very difficult. My game is broken into a MVC sort of thing so I could possibly add multiplayer later. So to get the inventory working, I had to... 1) Add a UI model, view, and controller. You can open an interface (top-level UI element); poke it (perform an RPC) or pull (get the current state); and a few other things. 2) Add an ItemBroker, including transactions. This was the most difficult part. 3) Create the Inventory interface and Inventory controller. A controller runs on the server, an interface runs on the client. They both invoke RPCs on the other (e.g., Controller sets size, Interface informs Controller that the player clicked something). 4) Bind everything together. (This was the second most difficult part). It took me over 20 hours probably. Lol I overengineer things. ... Only took ~4 hours to add dropping/picking up items, including a nifty drop model:
  10. Veiva


    I got the internship! I'll be contacted next week to settle up the details like scheduling and so on. There's an option for employment after the internship too! Doubles are fine up up to 2^53 assuming I only add integers. I can always switch to using BigInt or something later if I encounter a problem. I'm using Lua so the native math type is double, and I can't just use integer. I know how to deal with floating-point precision; it comes with game development. The database (well it's a data structure stored in memory, I'm not using a database to store game state at runtime) is laid out almost exactly as you described.
  11. Veiva


    Lol I cringe thinking about what I posted on my RuneScape clan forums (Moriquendi). I mean if I were to look back I'd probably see a religious, slightly conservative teenage dweeb. Now I'm an atheist hyper-leftist. I absolutely hated this one guy, Elmarion. He was a big dick to everyone but especially me. Overall, I've matured a lot since I posted there, but... I hope his life sucks now*. Good things the forums are dead now! ... Tomorrow I'm going to be gone from like 9 am to 10 pm or 2 am. I'm going to have breakfast with my bro, tutor at my school, go to an interview for the internship I've been trying to get, go to work, and if the internship interview goes well, go to Jack's Tap for drinks. And it's currently 1:30 am. Mania strikes again! But I'm so excited! And nervous! I really can't wait for 2 pm... ... I've been working on items/inventories in my game. Here's a small excerpt: Max stack will be about 9 quadrillion because that's the max consecutive integer a double precision floating point can hold. (I'll probably enforce 1 quadrillion). I have a feeling only cheaters will ever have a stack of a quadrillion, however. Trying to ensure the inventory system has absolutely no possible dupe or cloning bugs ever. Inventory object is going to be immutable. There will be a central ItemBroker that constructs and assigns inventories. Everything that modifies the inventory will be performed as a transaction that rolls back any changes upon failure (either runtime errors or just full inventory, etc). If an item duping bug is still possible then [bleep] me. ... * I don't.
  12. Veiva


    Thanks for the feedback! Also I redid that panel: I'm happy with it now. Still needs a few shading tweaks (I forgot the hair LOL). It may be slightly too exaggerated but it's Good Enough . Old: [hide] [/hide]
  13. Veiva


    They're not pink, they're off-season salmon paprika. Just kidding! Thanks! I didn't think they looked baggy in-store but it definitely looks baggy at home. Turns out I got straight fit (may have mixed them up when after I tried them up idk). I'll exchange them tomorrow. ... I think this is better: Dumpster is off a bit but I don't care D:. ... Fixed perspective: Guides:
  14. Veiva


    roast me Srsly bought some clothes (and a pair of sneakers!) trying for a more casual look that still looks good. What do you guys think? [hide] 1. 2. 3. [/hide] Also I made the President's List at my school 8).
  15. Veiva


    In Runescape, the xp between levels grows exponentially according to c * 2level/n, where n is how many levels it takes for the xp between levels to double (RS uses n = 7) and c is the scaling factor (RS uses c = 75). Then the total xp required for a level is just a summation. So you should be able to throw that into a spreadsheet, then play with values of n and c. I had success using c = 250 and n = 5. Setting n to 5 makes sense since you want tiers to come every 10 levels, so you'd have to quadruple your xp to advance a tier. Setting c to 250 gets you close to the max int at level 100, but still gives you plenty of breathing room. In practice, I'd use c = 251 and n = 5.1 or something like that, just so that it doesn't feel so formulaic. For refining, I wouldn't overthink it. Just make a Necronorium bar tier 71, a Necro sword tier 72, ..., and a Necro platebody tier 75. Or you could add another exponential function to it, so a bar might be 250 * 2 level/5 + 25 * 2level/5. Both accomplish similar things, but I think the first one is more straightforward and requires less analysis. I used a small tweak to the RuneScape XP formula to derive value (otherwise I followed your idea about tiers, e.g. necro platebody being tier 75 value-wise): I divide the total XP by (1.07^(-tier / 10)) * 20) which gives a nicer (although less extreme) value curve: Google drive link. I'm still unsure how the core game loop will play unfortunately. I either want it to be really fast paced or really slow. So getting to tier 50 will either take 5 hours or 50 hours lol. If it's the latter, there's going to be mechanisms to let you progress without playing... The game is called ItsyRealm (i.e., "Little RuneScape") but it's just going to be in the spirit of RuneScape (a combat RPG with a complex non-combat component based around tiered progression). It should be quite different. For example, the path finding will automatically use agility obstacles... firemaking will be useful... mining will be the best and only way to get ores... Those sort of things. Of course, it's going to be a fraction of the size (content-wise). Also, the normal distribution with a specific standard deviation and mean are perfect!
  16. Veiva


    I've been awake for over 36 hours due to a manic episode (?). Tired as [bleep] but got a crap ton done! Had a blast getting lost at Fayetteville State University with a friend. Also went to a nice coffee place downtown. Worked on my game, finishing the Lua bindings for Twoflower (a really cool way of mapping relationships in a video game). Finished reading Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett (I still don't want to believe he's dead); ending was a surprise for sure (also I get the joke about Lt Blouse's name like 4 hours after I finished the book). Rode my bike 20+ miles.Got to and defeated Cleric Beast in Bloodborne without dying then promptly died after (excluding that stupid 'forced death' at the beginning). Probably more stuff. I need sleep. Aah!
  17. Veiva


    Yeah I agree. I'll work on it tomorrow. (Pinging Hedgehog.) I'm looking for some gameplay formulas: one for item value, one for accuracy, and one for damage. I want them to "feel" exponential somehow; like, for example, taking RuneScape, I want you to go "wow I really gained a lot these last 7 levels." So for example, let's plot two points: copper ore (tier 1, 10 gp) and necronorium ore (tier 70, 1,000,000 gp?). So the value roughly 100,000% (1,500% per level assuming linear). The jump to tier 90 ore should be something like 500,000,000 gp, or an increase of 50,000% (or an increase of 2,500% per level) for those 20 levels. (Tier 99 should be amazing stupendously expensive). Furthermore, value should increase based on the refinedness of the item, but not as much. Copper bar should be worth maybe 12 gp, necronorium bar maybe 1,300,000 gp, and the tier 90 ore should be maybe 750,000,000 gp. (These are all very rough values). A bronze platebody would be worth maybe 200 gp (MagicValueFunction([12 gp + 12 gp] x 5)), a necronorium platebody worth 20m gp, and a tier 90 easily worth 2-3 billion. Similarly, accuracy should be something like 50% assuming same tier (50 vs 50 or 100 vs 100, it doesn't matter) and no other bonuses. However, a difference of 10 tiers should maybe push that to 30/70. (So rune weapons vs dragon armor would be like 30% accuracy). 20 tiers would be like 10/90. (So adamant would be 10% accuracy). Alternatively, maybe accuracy penalties matter less and instead there's a damage reduction. So 100% accuracy but damage reduction that essentially can reduce really weak attacks to 0 damage. (I'd prefer that since I always [bleep]ing hated hitting 0). Damage should be similar, but I'm unsure how to handle HP. I think HP should scale linearly (1-99, 10-990, whatever) but I don't want the damage to? I guess this is where defense comes into it. Essentially I want a formula I can tweak as the game goes along, but using the same parameters. For example, item value could be a function of { previous item value(s), tier, item rarity }. Strength/accuracy/defense bonuses would be a function of { tier, speed }. really tl;dr: value formula that makes tier 1 affordable and tier 90 stupidly unaffordable with a nice curve; how do I combat.
  18. Veiva


    Colors are better but still looks kind of... amateurish and not right. IDK.
  19. Veiva


    I don't like it. Aah the background is supposed to be Invader Zim-ish but it's just missing... colors? Outlines? Something else? IDK.
  20. 8 (in my case) isn't too far from 10... Since you're good at what you do, what kind of pictures should I use on Tinder and OkCupid? [hide] 0) Thought about using this one: Currently using: 1) 2) 3) [/hide] Personally thinking of getting a photo with a friend or two (if I can manage to get more than one to meet up with me ._.) to replace #3, and get a better torso-up picture to replace #1. I think #2 is great. #0 would be near the end if I use it, but I think it may scream "nerdy." For the bio, I don't remember what I had (I deleted my Tinder account once I stopped getting any matches, apparently there's some ELO rank system and I guess I hit the bottom, plus I didn't match with women often.) The only line I've ever liked is "I make some of the best pizza you've never had" but am at a loss for the rest. Was thinking about something a little silly like: (That's the idea, not the verbatim.) OkCupid is bit harder since it should be serious so I honestly have no idea what to do for my main bio there LOL. I had better luck with OkCupid with what I had. It was something like:
  21. Veiva


    If you use your imagination (and lots of it) I think this looks pretty good so far: I still have to finish the other panels, then trace it over on the computer, correct perspective, add color, and then shade. Lol. Then I need to add a background. Wow this single page may take me like 10 hours or more easy.
  22. Veiva


    I think I did really well with this pose: It's very much WIP but the pose is solid (as in, it's good, not that it's rigid) I think. (I miss the Gallery. Even though when I posted there I sucked LOL.) OK here's the finished one:
  23. Yeah this dating thing isn't for me. I met someone amazing, we've been on a few dates, I'm absolutely smitten, then he realizes he doesn't want to date when I go for a kiss (afaik they recently got out of a relationship when they moved to Fayettenam). Every other date I've been on was meh in comparison to the few we were on. We made Noam Chomsky look conservative, plus we had like all the same core hobbies. The chance of meeting someone like that is very slim in this shitty place (i.e., conservative military supercenter with lots of restaurants and nothing else) so I'll try again when I move near Raleigh in a few years. I may just use Grindr for hook ups, but the idea of getting murdered or raped scares me a bit. (That's a little bit of hyperbole).
  24. Veiva


    Ok I think I nailed it this time. vs Opinions please? Lol I had to buy an AIO printer for these drawings.
  25. Veiva


    Succinct summary Goonstaff. Is it me or does he looks rigid... almost like a robot? (He's supposed to not be rigid). Poses are hard...
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