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Everything posted by Veiva

  1. Veiva


    Wow, that's terrible. I mean I thought I over-engineered the item management stuff in my game but there's literally no way bugs like that could ever be introduced. By design, it's pessimistic so logic errors result in failed transactions or runtime errors (depending on severity), not duped or invalid item transfers. The interfaces are also segregated; each interface has its own state and can't interact with other interfaces outside of a message system. ... I suppose there's a reason my game has taken me 5 months to begin /on the first dungeon/...
  2. Veiva


    lol what did you really use the price checker screen to trade items How do you code something so badly that two different interfaces can somehow interact?!
  3. Veiva


    Assuming everything pans out, I'll be working at the internship-now-turned-job Monday through Thursday, 8 am through 5 pm (excluding classes, ~16 hours or so at school thus ~20 hours or so at the internship) and working at Staples on Sundays and on call as necessary. Hours are flexible at the internship-turned-job which is great. I think this works out. Also got an Amazon gift card for the temp gig which was awesome. I'm buying these. The FSE liked the website, no changes necessary. Going to implement the last few features and document the deployment steps (so a regular old IT person could deploy it in the future). They have to talk to MIS (the IT people) about a subdomain otherwise we'll have to do that separately. It's hosted on Amazon Lightsail so it should only have like $60/year running costs. Met with my new instructors and some of my old ones as well. Apparently the internship let them know I did well which was cool. Unfortunately I had a really depressive episode in the morning but the good events of the day lifted my spirits so that's nice. Life is good, now only if my brain could agree!
  4. Veiva


    I just like my coworkers a lot. They're awesome. I also got counter-offered...
  5. Veiva


    So the temporary job from the internship has turned into a possible part-time job. They're willing to match Staples. This is interesting. The hours would be a lot better (9 am to 5 pm w/ breaks for classes), I'd get weekends off, I wouldn't have to wear that uniform, I wouldn't have to worry about gimmicks and quotas and sales targets (e.g., protection plans, screen protectors, screen cleanings, etc). But I'm just not sure...
  6. Veiva


    I finished the website for the FSE last night (couldn't fall asleep so might as well). There's a few things I'd like to add (recaptcha, deleting clients/students/etc, and a header/footer) but those can wait pending feedback from the FSE... The website was easy, deploying that thing was a pain in the ass. It took me nearly six hours... But it's live on the internet, so I'm going to email the FSE after work and try and schedule a meeting. Here's hoping! It'll be nice when it's done, $25 an hour is awesome. Why don't I have a job in software development, eeeeh ._. I mean, before now, I never had: 1) used Flask or any web framework like it 2) made a website (i.e., programmed it, not designed it; using a prebuilt CMS is easy) and 3) deployed a custom website All in less than 24 hours. I /think/ that /may/ show I'm [bleep]ing good at what I do--you know, just /maybe/--but I need a piece of paper for some reason.
  7. Veiva


    yeah but I don't want that
  8. Veiva


    I'm not the person to overdo anything (...except perfection LOL). Seriously though, I stopped having drinks the moment I felt a little wobbly (I'm not sure if that's the right description of how I felt). It was still a very interesting experience. ... Also I'm nearly done with the FSE apprenticeship website: I added support for students. A student can apply to posts made by clients (funeral homes)--it's just a simple resume upload. Just gotta add admins (i.e., instructors)... Only been 16 hours so far. How am I going to squeeze out another 24 hours ._.
  9. Veiva


    Wow I'm drunk for the first time. I had a friend as a DD and said screw it I'm having my share of drinks. At least I'm a happy drunk. This is something I'm not doing often but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I was scared I'd be an angry drunk or a sad drunk or something because of how stressed I am, but at the end of day like my Tinder bio says I'm an optimistic realistic. I had a bunch of water but I swear if I'm hungover I'm going to kick my friend's ass. (That's a joke.) edit: apparently I'm just a happy person that's cool to know: https://www.esquire.com/uk/life/news/a14967/happy-drunk-is-a-myth/
  10. Veiva


    The job proposal was just for a temporary gig. We're just treating it as a continuation of the internship due to SSDI. ... I went to Hot Topic looking for some boots for a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac cosplay I'd like to do in October. They didn't have boots, but they had a cute Harry Potter cardigan on clearance. It was woman's, but... I don't care lol. I think I look cute. My female coworkers reactions were adorable lol. Am I ready for Hogwarts? :P [hide][/hide] Should I use that on my Tinder???? /s
  11. Veiva


    So I got a proposition from the company I interned at. They need someone who has experience with GraphQL. For one, I have experience with GraphQL thanks to my internship. And secondly, I have experience with their product's usage of GraphQL. (I added Facebook metrics and a bunch of queries). This would be nice if it's more of a permanent position and less of a temporary one. In a way it'd be like poetic justice...
  12. Veiva


    Lol the worst part about me not getting that position is someone else actually got it. ...someone who wouldn't know RAM is. Someone who started working at the same time as me. Ok. Oh and everyone else knew about it but me apparently.
  13. Veiva


    So my manager said no for now to the supervisor position... He said a lot of nice things about my work though which was nice. I mean, it's a relief in a way (there's no way they'd pay enough to match my income + SSDI, and their insurance would be worse than Medicare + Medicaid), but... I'm still very disappointed I guess. ... Also the FSE apprenticeship website is coming along nicely: [hide]...it's only taken me 11 hours so far. I probably have another 10-15 to go. And I'm being paid $25 hour. Why aren't I a slower programmer. :([/hide]
  14. Veiva


    I've gotten the website for the Funeral Services Department (FSE) to the point I can register students/clients, and clients (funeral homes) can create/edit/view apprenticeships and edit their profile. The client stuff is pretty much done, just got to add students stuff then support for admins (e.g., instructors and me). Should be done by the end of the week... Then it's a matter of styling it so it doesn't look like crap and getting feedback from the FSE. Python and Flask are pretty awesome! ... I woke up at midnight and haven't been able to fall asleep. Mania, lol. I've cleaned the house from top to bottom, cleaned my car, ran a bunch of errands, rode my bike, worked on the FSE website, worked on my game ... The motivation and energy just doesn't stop. I hope I can fall asleep tonight.
  15. Veiva


    re: living Between my brother and me we make ~$2,900 but we have over $2,400 in expenses... Our general living expenses are pretty cheap (only $1600 on average for rent + utilities + phone + internet + food + misc [Netflix, etc]). If my car insurance weren't so expensive ($300/month, thanks new driver penalty) plus payment & gas ($250-$300), and there were no doctor bills ($200/month, thanks America), we'd be doing a lot better. In fact, we'd be doing /great/. We'd have nearly $1,000 a month left over. Ugh. ... I added the first bit of AI: He mines until his inventory is full then I get an error :(. It uses my behavior tree library, BMASHINA: local Tree = BTreeBuilder.Node() { Mashina.Step { Mashina.Navigation.WalkToTile { i = 16, j = 21 }, Mashina.Peep.Wait, Mashina.Repeat { Mashina.Step { Mashina.Skills.Mining.MineNearbyRock { resource = "CopperOre" }, Mashina.Peep.Wait, Mashina.Skills.Mining.MineNearbyRock { resource = "TinOre" }, Mashina.Peep.Wait } } } }The goblin is just the basic goblin peep but I override his AI in the GameDB: M["Goblin"] = ItsyScape.Resource.MapObject.Unique() do ItsyScape.Meta.MapObjectLocation { PositionX = 16.5 * 2, PositionY = 3, PositionZ = 21.5 * 2, Name = "Goblin", Map = M._MAP, Resource = M["Goblin"] } ItsyScape.Meta.PeepMapObject { Peep = ItsyScape.Resource.Peep "Goblin_Base", MapObject = M["Goblin"] } ItsyScape.Meta.PeepMashinaState { State = "mine", Tree = "Resources/Game/Maps/IsabelleIsland_AbandonedMine/Scripts/Miner_MineLogic.lua", Default = 1, Resource = M["Goblin"] } ItsyScape.Meta.PeepEquipmentItem { Item = ItsyScape.Resource.Item "BronzePickaxe", Count = 1, Resource = M["Goblin"] } end Technically I could make dragons and trees could mine things, but that's just unnatural '-'.
  16. Veiva


    I still have a 4.0 GPA... gotta keep it! I'm gonna cry when it drops :(. I'm hoping I can keep a 4.0 GPA through my Associate's and maybe, just maybe, through my Bachelor's but I think that's unlikely (flashbacks to biology and chemistry). On a resume, would I put 4.0 GPA under my Associate's and 3.X under my Bachelor's? I'm working on a helpful skeleton miner. I rigged the skeleton model using the player armature so he can use player armor/weapons: [hide] [/hide] He'll give you a piece of food if you talk to him and ask. (Unlimited, I think...) He'll just mine some rocks, smelt then, smith some items, and repeat. The purpose is to allow the player to mine rocks quicker (unlike in RuneScape, as long as you're mining the rock when it's depleted, you'll get a resource), He'll have like level 10 mining and be carrying an iron pickaxe so he'll deplete the rocks in 3-4 hits if my math is right. You can also attack him but he'll be pretty tough and you won't have any cool tricks to counter him like with the boss ghost foreman.
  17. Veiva


    So I pumped up my bike tires and shaved 10 minutes off my 9 mile route (46 minutes -> 36 minutes). I feel stupid now. Thanks, Obama.
  18. Veiva


    Legend's was amazing. I had fun dancing, the drinks were good, and... I made out with a really cute guy lol.
  19. Veiva


    I may be going to Legend's (supposedly an amazing gay night club in Raleigh, NC) with some friends Friday! In other news I've been working on a "panorama dungeon:" The general idea is you start in a room with a locked door and a dead guy you can loot for basic supplies. You spawn with a key (since it's a demo) and enter a room with hostile Skelementals (skeleton + metal hybrids) and some tin/copper rocks. Following that room is a hallway with three branches: a large mine with many copper and tin rocks, a room (behind a door) with a furnace and anvils, and a room protected by a Big Scary Door containing the boss, a ghost miner foreman. You'll have to find the blueprints to make the key to unlock the Big Scary Door . The miner foreman is too difficult to defeat with starting stats (...level 1), but there's pillars in the room. If you mine the pillars, some rocks fall from the roof a few seconds later dealing hefty damage to anyone (...including you...) under them. After mining all the pillars, the foreman should be easy to pick off. Furthermore, you can make the Skelementals unagressive by wearing equipment of the same type of metal as the skelemental. You'll be able to make a tin can (and wear it as a crude helmet lol) and some copper item (unsure what yet) so you'll be safe as you mine and explore the dungeon. The skelementals will exclusively drop copper and tin flakes which are essentially stackable ores and the miner foreman will drop dynamite that can be used as a one-off to instantly mine a rock. No, this is not at all inspired by the first dungeon in NeoQuest II. What makes you think that?
  20. Veiva


    I was called over to computers by a new coworker. I asked a customer "What's the problem?" because I didn't hear what the issue was over the radio. He had the audacity to scold me like I'm a child for my phrasing! I should have said "What's your concern?" or "What's your worry?" according to him... I've been called stupid and useless and other things; I've had customers put me down with their master's in IT and other bullshit (lol); and I handled those without any trouble, but to scold me in front of my coworkers?!
  21. Veiva


    Fury 325... ...and Nighthawk... ...were the best. They all were amazing, but those two were the best. We went on all but two coasters: Kiddy Hawk (I wasn't waiting in line) and a wooden one I can't remember. We had a great time. Fast Lane was like being a VIP lol, skipping the entire line. Nighthawk and Fury had like 1-2 hour lines.
  22. Veiva


    Today, in 9 hours, I'll be at Carowinds. It's an amusement park with a lot of rollercoasters. Time to get some sleep!
  23. Veiva


    I added mining... I currently no-op the pickaxe check so any weapon works. The progress roll is based on the weapon strength and your mining level (you can't miss). Currently it's using my magic level instead, lol, because the weapon handles what skill is bound to damage... First level up, ever! Level 2 mining.
  24. Veiva


    Social Security's definition of disabled means unable to work a full time job, not the standard definition. This means a fully paralyzed person would not be considered disabled by the SSA if he or she somehow held a 40 hour 9-5 M-F job. Thus, a disability can "continue" or "cease" depending on whether or not things have changed. I added smelting: It works pretty nicely...
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