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Everything posted by Grimy_Bunyip

  1. Infinite accuracy data machine tbh. Anyways I'll take any data I can get. Just make sure you this is without prayers, you are not wearing that affects accuracy aside from your SSH, and not potted, not weakened by mages, etc. I'll make the data log I'm entering info in public once I'm done with this merc leader.
  2. I prefer DIYing single player games tbh.
  3. I'd hate to come off as P.O.ed but I am. Guess who's the one who is going to be doing dozens and dozens of c6 solos counting hits and misses by hand until there's enough data to come to a reasonable conclusion? I am. So unless you feel like donating time to collecting data with me, please just bind a damn 2h and sit tight until we can give you a good answer. As a favor to me for spending time collecting this data if nothing else. I've spent a lot of time debating dps. Both in DGE and 3BO. Honestly I'm tired of the topic. And nothing you bring up on the topic will be anything that has not already been brought up to me before. The bottom line is we're not going to know for sure without data. So either help me get data or just stop bringing up the topic until the data is published.
  4. and then help me collect data after you're done with that.
  5. nice job team, way to lose berserker AND battlemage to the keyer. This. Something is wrong in the calculations here, because accuracy is barely an issue on rangers below t10 and mages below t9 or so. Accuracy only really becomes a problem for the battleaxe on very high defense monsters like bats, fire giants, high-tier warriors, etc. For bosses, they're usually ragered to hell, meaning that battleaxe ends up better on them than a 2h. I have my doubts, I'll see if i can get any data collected on the matter.
  6. Magic isn't a style you should be using alone and nor is melee. Maxed mage(csb, cele cat, t9 blitzer/blazer) has roughly the same dps as prim 2h with t9 berserker, only that those bonuses apply to less monsters. Realistically, you need 2 combat styles anyway, one of which should be melee(and range only with hex). As for grimy, i think you are overestimating the stats on the armors npcs have. Your assumption is based on them having full armors with full stats, but i don't think that's the case. Monsters that are weak to a specific style are definitely in the 200 def max hit range based on accuracy. I estimated that the monsters had about 5 defense levels above the requirement of the level to wear the armor. Which is fairly conservative considering tier 11 mages should have about 115 defense. Which is a good 16 levels over their respective tier. Secondly I think full armor is a fair assumption when it comes to rangers/mages. Because they both wear full armor, and the accuracy on rangers would not be possible if they did not wear full armor.
  7. fire surge with celestial cat staff is better damage output than a primal 2h without turmoil. It's mostly the trouble of getting the fire surge runes. Because even if you have endless fire surge with celestial cat staff, there's still the trouble of getting the fire runes which takes time. celestial cat is not a bad 3rd bind though.
  8. as your graph shows, the 2h becomes better at about 200+ slash defense rating right? Tier 6 rangers have about 200 slash defense. and tier 7-8 mages have about 200 slash defense. A lot of monsters in dungeoneering have more slash defense than a tier 6 ranger or a tier 7-8 mage. likewise 2h becomes better than baxe at about 250 crush defense. The thing is, few things are weak to crush and have low defense other than skeletons. just because you're getting berserker doesn't make you a good damage outputter. You could just be DGing with a bunch of noobs for all you know. Furthermore you do not have a CSB yet. A lot of pro DGers use CSB and hexhunters a lot. That makes them stop getting berserker simply because they aren't meleeing 100% of the time. I've said this and I'll say it again. Berserker is not a title to be proud of until you can get berserker AND sharpshooter or berserker AND battlemage at the same time.
  9. I don't think everybody can be an effective wingman. 1 quality wingman is better than 4 mediocre ones ultimately. ultimately the vision is that a good wingman can become so familiar with keyers that they can anticipate requests before they are even made. That would be a very difficult quality to train, unless we focused on a small handful of volunteers.
  10. Hey guys. We're looking to improve our floor times, and we believe the next natural step is to have some of the non-keyers take a more active role in the dungeoneering floors. We want 1 person to volunteer, per floor, to assist the keyer with tasks that are not simply GD clearing. This person from this moment forth, shall be known as the Wingman.
  11. Id say the majority of botters are f2p, but yeah that's still a nontrivial portion of jagex's income.
  12. It's more of a loophole type thing. Having multiple gauntlet doesn't really change gameplay at all (other then the odd 50k or so you would've saved) so I doubt Jagex would bother fixing it. Either way, how beneficial is it to have more then one gauntlet at a time? I mean I guess it saves me 25k every time i need to switch between cooking and gold smithing gauntlets. But of course this point is trivial as it costs me over 100k gp to make it so that i have 3 gold smithing gauntlets in my bank. if anything I'm paying much much much more money than I would ever save, for the simple convenience of having 3 gold smithing gauntlets banked. The only benefit really, is to sedate OCD impulses.
  13. they dont get destroyed you dont need to die with gauntlets to get 1 pair of gauntlets for the tacklebox and 1 for the bank. you do need to die if you want 1 for the box and 3 for the bank tho. the problem with storing family crest gauntlets is that if two different gauntlets are stored in the same inventory, one of the types of gauntlets is destroyed. i can store 3 gold smithing gauntlets in my bank because they're the same type. They wont get destroyed on logout. Lets say i hypothetically converted 1 of my goldsmithing gauntlets into a cooking gauntlet, and deposited it into my bank. When i log out and log back in, I will only have either 2 gold smithing gauntlets or 1 cooking gauntlet, as the bank would have deleted the other. The tacklebox bypasses this because the tacklebox is a NEW inventory space. In theory, you can keep gold gaunts in your bank, chaos gaunts in your inventory, and cooking gaunts in your tackle box and all 3 would be available upon logging back in. you get the idea. Even though you can store the cooking gaunts in your tackle box, do not forget to put it back into the box before logging out.
  14. dying with gauntlets that aren't set to protect.
  15. its true, i own 3 goldsmithing gauntlets that i store in my bank and 1 pair of cooking gauntlets that I store in my tacklebox.
  16. U should like, learn to enjoy dg and not just stop at lvl 85 or whenever you get the rewards you want. Because it sure is a pain teaching people to dg. When a keyer COULD be dging with better players. But they take time out of their day to teach a newbie, at the cost of their own xp rate. And then that newbie gets the rewards he wants and just leaves without returning the favor. Because that would be a [bleep] move. But no worries, you're not a [bleep] like that. ;)
  17. thieving @ ape atoll. not only is it button clicking intensive, but you can't get randoms in monkey mode. Which is the plague of bonus xp weekend.
  18. I'm sorry, TOG? I've been reading up on the skill, but I don't know what TOG stands for. tears of guthix it's a quest/minigame. You do the quest to unlock the minigame. Then you can play the minigame for free xp in your lowest lvl skill.
  19. Just start using lamps/pengs/tears on dungeoneering, get 70 rc for a surgebox (or bind laws, doesn't matter), unlock piety if you haven't already quest cape derrrrrrr, and you're good to go. :thumbup: Welcome to DGS. What is the...point? (for lack of better wording) for binding a surgebox or laws? Thanks! you have an ammo bind, the best use for it is surgebox or laws.
  20. I thought gatherer reduced skill damage - or do they both do it. Pretty sure they both do. yep
  21. could just mean there are 100 very rare drops and only 3 rare drops. in which case even if the very rare drops are 10x rarer than rare drops. You are more likely to get a very rare drop.
  22. ur not alloewd to be proud of getting berserker until u get berserker while hybriding with CSB or hex :P or while keying >< berserker wihle keying is a mark of shame :P
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