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Everything posted by Hunterowner

  1. If you read my post, I can't get any defence levels. -.- If you can't get any defence levels, then dont even try.Seriously, it will be a waste of cash.
  2. If you can afford it, get Vestas chainbody and chainlegs. It doesn't degrade unless your attacking an npc/player. Vestas is AWESOME.
  3. Have you ever thought of becoming a writer?
  4. I understand that the whip is certainly worht 1.5M to the people that sell them, but to the people that buy them... I just don't know. And compfreak... based on this and some of your other posts......... this game really is your life isn't it? SHUT UP. JUST SHUT THE [cabbage] UP. So what your trying to say is that the whip is worse than the d scim but your not going to look at the numbers BEACUASE YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO BE WRONG. I hate kids like you who make fun of people just because they started erlier (sp?) than you. If you cant face the facts, then get out of here because your I.Q. has got to be lower then 50. Seriously, kid, grow up.
  5. Support. I really hopes this comes to affect. You spent alot of time on it and it deserves to be released.
  6. No. Just no. Pay 5.99$ or euro or whatever. If you cant afford it, go get a job (assuming you are older then 13, and if you aren't...wow...cough*fail*cough)
  7. [bleep] off it isnt even funny anymore :wall: dude, chill. He was just kidding around. You didn't have to do that. OP: I have no clue :P
  8. Ahh, good times bro! I remember trying to look for Mr.Gower's weed farm. Fun, wasn't it? =p Also, I remember that if you filled a bucket full with water from the Varrock fountain, it would turn into a coin and you could repeat as many times as you want. :P
  9. sorry about this, but what does MTK stand for? Please dont flame me Also, see if the monster even drops clues now also, check your bank;you might just have one there!
  10. i dont know if any of you have taken art, but i literally just noticed that the strength cape (t) has complimentary colors of red and green which makes it stand out. I will check and see if any more capes have complimentary colors =] Complimentary colors: Two colors on the color wheel which show oppisite shades. Ex:Red and green (strength cape(t)); Purple and yellow (nothing =p)
  11. i would have to say... dragon dagger poisoned because its great for everyday tasks u can weild a shield with it and it has better accuracy
  12. i dont know if anyone has posted about this yet, but i just noticed that if you go into the smokey dungeon with the dust devils you can see part of the ancient magics tunnel! i will try 2 get a pic in for u 2 c =]
  13. in my personal experience i have to say that ags,bgs, and sgs are all great godswords. zgs is pathetic comparing to the legendary god, Zamorak. ags is great for pking, but it doesnt hit very often (its expensive too) bandos is great for that everyday player, and sgs is great for healing hp and prayer =] so all in all, they all own except for zgs. it sucks =p
  14. my favorite runescape memory... hard choice but i do remember running al the way from Lumbridge to Varrock to fit into that tight goblin armor LOL :lol:
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