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Blog Entries posted by Ezkaton

  1. Ezkaton
    Back on the 16th of Jan, after a few hours of slaying with Hati paws I got 99 Range :D


    All that is left now is 96 Prayer for 138 Combat, and just maxing out Pray and Mage for "Real" 138.
  2. Ezkaton
    Well now, seeing as I did this for a blog last year I decided that along with doing screenshots for comparison next year on my blogscape blog, I'd write something here.
    Real Life:
    Hah it's kinda been eventful, yet boring really... Time has mostly been chewed up by degree work and essays galore (right now as I write this I have a 4000 word essay to attempt to write for January 12...) and will certainly continue to be so what with essays and dissertation looming.
    That's about all I want to say on this really... Few real life problems here and there, but eh, s'fine. Octarine and Drazhar44 have helped me greatly and are two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
    Other than that I hope you're all grand!
    With regards to RS it's been another interesting year with a hiatus here, and a hiatus there but I got through it. Uni once again got in the way of a lot of Rune... But I'm currently on a 67 (2:1 degree) mark average over my modules and hopefully this coming year I can attempt to throw that over and into the 70's (First degree). But early on I managed a good balance between Rune and my degree, hitting a fair few of my goals.
    There have been 99's left, right and centre this year, starting with 99 Attack at the start of the year! This was then followed by maxed melees, 99 Slayer, Dungeoneering and finally Summoning. And by looking at last years blog I can see that I hit all but one goal I set... The one I failed being 96 Herblore, but I'm only 530k exp off!
    Goals for next year? Well... To start off 120 Dungeoneering is the big juggernaut I'm facing up to at the moment, with ~67 million exp left until that level. Otherwise, the general goal will definitely be 115 by Easter time, and 113 as soon as possible! Other than that, I guess 85+ everything except Hunter, and Taskmaster is an obvious step... Maxing Range and Mage will be on the cards for when I get around to it, as they're nice casual goals to have in the middle of Dungeoneering.
    Anyways, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as you are one of the greatest bunch of people I have ever had the fortune to meet *points to all of TIF*. :) Thank you for a great time and may we continue to go into 2012 and make this community stronger! <3:
  3. Ezkaton
    Hey all, it's been a while since I've used this format - haven't used this one since the 9th of July to be precise! I mostly use this blog now anyways: Chant for Ezkaton so if you feel like popping by to spam or say hi I don't mind :D
    Anyways! I decided that I'd add to the list of 99's gained this year by getting 99 Summoning:



    Really happy with this 99 as I now have a Steel Titan to help with my Rangeslaying :D
    Anyways! That's all for now really here... Might keep this side blog for 99's and such, and the blogscape blog for everything else :)
  4. Ezkaton
    Well to go with my autograph collection blog I thought I'd keep updating you guys with any successes I get.
    Today through the door came back Jason Flemyng's and I was surprised at the amount of signed stuff he sent me! I had mentioned in the letter that as Becket in Ironclad (AMAZING film... Go watch it now!) he was awesome, as Danny Quinn in Primeval he was epic, and as Azazel in Xmen: First Class he was a Bad Ass - Something which he picked up on and wrote on the signed Azazel piece he sent me!
    Anyways here's the stuff:

    Danny Quinn from Pimeval:

    Azazel from Xmen: First Class:

    Very surprising success tbh! Today is going to be a good day :) Qualifying for F1 - Silverstone too so come on Button and Hamilton! Ironclad came through the post so gona watch that as the afternoon film and I've got a chapter of my dissertation done :D
  5. Ezkaton
    Well, a few years ago I joined a site called fanmail.biz and started sending off fanmail in the hope that I could build up an autograph collection. Last summer didn't go so well in terms of successes with only 1 out of the 10 or so I sent off coming back, but I decided to give it another shot this summer. So I was telling Shyla's chat just now about getting Dawn French's back this morning, and Roger Lloyd Pack's yesterday and they prompted me to make a blog post about it... So here it is. It's fairly small atm, but I'm hoping to make it larger as time goes on....
    Imageshack gave up the ghost after uploading the majority of these, so I used Tinypic for a few... Therefore some of the pictures are much larger than the others.
    Anyways here goes:
    #1. Team Xterminator from Robot Wars... My year 6 teacher got this for me one Christmas because she knew how much I loved Robot Wars, and her husband worked with the guys who made this one. Also being from Hereford myself the team were always special as my home team ;)

    #2. Craig Charles.

    #3. Within Temptation band... Came with The Heart of Everything a few years back.

    #4. Steve Irwin.

    #5. Boris Johnson.

    #6. Richard Armitage - First real success at sending off fanmail. I had asked for 2 photos because mum wanted one too, and he sent back two. So it was a happy day :D

    #7. Billie Piper.

    #8. Keira Knightley.

    #9. David Tennant - I actually wrote back to him again later that same year for a friend and he sent back another signed photo of him addressed to that friend.

    #10. Emma Watson.

    #11. Michael J. Fox.

    #12. Eve Myles.

    #13. Carmen Electra.

    #14. Nicholas Cage.

    #15. Angelina Jolie.

    #16. Jenifer Aniston.

    #17. Sir Ian McKellen... Because I send the SASE addressed to Mr I. Bass I was surprised to find he had written in the an on the envelope too! Was very special to me :3

    #18. John Challis.

    #19. Gary Lineker.

    #20. Andy Murray.

    #21. Dame Judi Dench.

    #22. James May.

    #23. Freema Agyeman.

    #24. Rachel Hunter.
    #25. Kenneth Branagh.

    #26. Christopher Ecclestone.

    #27. Roger Lloyd Pack.

    #28. Dawn French.

  6. Ezkaton
    Massive thanks to everyone who has dungeoneered with me this past month and a bit. Particularly Octarine, TheKoolKandy, Mr Greens, Mr Recci and Obtaurian for getting me into it in the first place, and then massive thanks to DGS for taking me on even with me being laggy as [cabbage] <3:
    Anyways I kinda messed up the screenies but I doubt you lot care ;) Still shows what I got etc. The party was a double with Octarine and was good fun.


    Time to get 100 methinks lads! Dunno what the plan is for this now... 120 is on the cards but a LONG time into the future methinks. Right now I'm probably heading back to slayer for money and range and mage exp.
  7. Ezkaton
    Today was a good day: Spent most of it Chilling with friends and sat on a roof which was good fun.... Then came back, packed to go home tomorrow and then decided to do this with Kandy watching:



    Then because Kandy and I are on a Greater Demons slayer task we decided to Zam again.... And they finally proved to us they exist! FINALLY. Now to get one from Bandos....

    Trip Loot :) Nice 7M split.

  8. Ezkaton
    Yeah thanks to my lovely Russian for lending me 42m and my lovely Kandy for taking me to Bandos over the past 2 days I've managed to turn this:

    Into this:

    Now I just need ~20-22m GP for 92-93/part way to 94, then I'll effigy 95. Can't wait tbh. Tempted to sell my fury... :o
    Also... This is.... Well.... This is just half way D: *Gulps* Oh God the other half when I get around to it will be excruciating....
    Oh and I should mention - 90 Prayer got me 137 CB :)
    [x] 80 Prayer
    [x] 85 Prayer
    [x] 86 Prayer - All leeches unlocked
    [x] 89 Prayer - Wrath
    [x] 90 Prayer - 137 Combat
    [x] 92 Prayer - Soulsplit
    [ ] 95 Prayer - Turmoil
  9. Ezkaton
    In terms of milestones this one is fairly small but ah well. One of the few before 95 prayer.
    [x] 80 Prayer
    [x] 85 Prayer
    [ ] 86 Prayer - All leeches unlocked
    [ ] 89 Prayer - Wrath
    [ ] 90 Prayer
    [ ] 92 Prayer - Soulsplit
    [ ] 95 Prayer - Turmoil
    A. 10 levels to go to turmoil. B. 1 level to go to next milestone of all leeches unlocked. C. Is it bad that I now assess all of my items in a 'Well those tassets there are worth around 4000 dragon bones so roughly 3 and a bit levels'? :P
    5.5m exp to go eh? Oh joy... Back to bossing and slayer it is then.

  10. Ezkaton
    I kinda died a little inside when I saw 1M to 97 :wall: But.... 3M to 99 is good right?
    But anyways time to go on semi-hiatus until Easter as Uni > RS now. Might pop on RS to do assists, pengs and some slayer at times.
  11. Ezkaton
    Well... I have a few pictures atm :) Thought it'd be nice to upload them :D
    I got 99 HP today and here's some of the story for it:
    I kinda got nostalgic at 9K to go to 99, thinking "hey wait... Ima never level this again *sadface*"

    Then abyssals tried to cheer me up:

    Then I got the level :D

    Then I kinda forgot to check the hp icon for the interesting tid bit :P

    Successful RSing today... And I'm 13k off 97 Strength too.... :o
    Also thanks to all my lovely nublings that came to see me get it! <3: Namely Octarine for using his house, Enaid, Blood Angel and Mdeoxys for being epic and Drazhar44 and Serpent Eye for being my nubs <3: TY Guys.

    Octarine took this epic screeny for me <3:
  12. Ezkaton
    So yeahs! :) Got some of my goals for this year already pretty much down and done :)
    90 Herblore
    96 Summoning
    93 slayer
    95 Prayer
    96 Herblore
    85 Dungeoneering
    Chaotic Rapier
    Chaotic Longsword
    99 Attack
    99 Strength
    99 HP
    99 Slayer
    However, uni comes first from this week on now, so RS time will be down quite a bit. However, my current aim is to go for 100K slayer exp a night until I hit 94 and am level with Octarine, then focusing on 75 dungeoneering before Easter so chaotics will be on the cards asap then! :D
  13. Ezkaton
    Real Life:
    Ahha, well my fellow Tifers first things first - If you ever want to, my profile on here is now totally updated, sorted, done, and written, pictures and all! :D So that's a good thing!
    Second now - Hope everyone is alright. It's been a few months since I last posted a blog entry and it wasn't too good and frankly I wasn't in a good frame of mind either; however, I have bounced back from the brink! I'd like to say thank you for the support of Valuxai, Darkwitchery, Drazhar44, Octarine, Zokot and BloodAngel - you guys and gals are the greatest people ever and I owe you big time for listening to every whiny neurotic breakdown I've had over the past year <3: Couldn't have made it as easy without you guys.
    I honestly can't wait for the new year now, so many bittersweet memories and bad ones too, makes it hard to believe how much I've changed personally over the year, but seemingly only for the better.
    Next year, I have no doubt, will be frought with problems galore, but I promise that I'll keep going through them on RS and in RL as I have the support of you guys <3:
    With regards to RS it's been an interesting year with a hiatus here, and a hiatus there but I got through it. Uni really got in the way of my stalking of people on here and my playing of Rune and therefore during the term times I do lurk occasionally when I have the time but other than that I'm slaving away with essays. However, with that in mind I have to say that I almost got all my goals done bar a few levels!
    The greatest Runescape achievement this year, I have to say was the gaining of 99 Smithing - A skill that is practically my favourite ever, no matter the costs. And it was made especially special by being joined by Drazhar44 and Octarine as they got 99 Cooking and 99 Prayer respectively. <3: Grats to them too!
    Next years goals practically amount to a fair few 99's and 90+'s!
    99 Attack will be first up to get whilst Slaying. Then 99 Strength. Even before 99 Attack I should have the money and charms for 96 Summoning. Following that it doesn't matter what comes next - Slayer is a hope to reach 99 and thus make the money for 95 Prayer and 96 Herblore. So then the Boss monsters of RS better beware! :twisted:
    Anyways, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as you are one of the greatest bunch of people I have ever had the fortune to meet *points to all of TIF*. :) Thank you, for a great time, and good times, and may we continue to go into 2011 and only make this community stronger. <3:
  14. Ezkaton
    Don't bother reading this. It'll only waste your time if you're going to troll.
    I am always such a stupid fool. Stupid stupid stupid fool. I got too reattached when I shouldn't. I knew it'd end with me like this. Yet another freaking inconsolable heap of a mess. Such a pathetic excuse for a person.
    And quite why I am writing this on a forum I don't know.... Maybe it's from previosu times on here where you guys supported me, or maybe it's from playing tribal wars and seeing what communities are like and how supportive. I don't know. But what I do know is that I need to get the hell out of my head. Needed it ever since April. Ever since everything. I need a new start, I need to just cut myself open and get rid of all this poison that's left coarsing through my veins. How one person can ever cause such misery I don't know.
    But yeah, I'll probably ramble a little bit longer. This has so far taken 10 mins to write as I'm writing what pops into my head.
    Maybe I'll go back under the radar, maybe I'll keep to PM's here, maybe I'll keep posting in the vain hope of forgetting.
    Memories eh? Who needs them when they only burn? I played with fire too much.
    Sorry for wasting like half your life tip.it. Hope you understand what a soppy, foolish, forgiving, trusting [bleep] I am.
  15. Ezkaton
    Dear epic TIF person that's reading this..... Yes you, I am talking just to you, no one else, but you..... I missed you..... Did you catch that? :) I MISSED YOU! Just you! No one else but you! :) Did you miss me?
    Haha alright enough with the crazy chat :P
    Unless you haven't noticed I've been back from my self imposed haitus. Well.... more of a disappearence, but lets not go into technicalities yet!
    Basically many of you have hazy memories *HINTHINTZOKOTHINTHINT* and wont remember, how, what, when, why, where or anything about when I kinda just disappeared off the face of the RS world. Basically this little story below is me telling you what happened for me to go :P
    October - I went to university (YEY), drink, friends, drink, work, drink, going out. That.... limited my ability to play RS shall we say? Though I still did come on here (even when drunk! ;) That's commitment for ya!) for aaaaages to help and take breaks from essays.
    January - My relationship hit rocky ground. I was with this amazing woman, she was my first ever girlfriend and I was her first boyfriend..... :o What's that I hear you say? This is going soppy? Oh not another cliched love at first sight blogs is it? Isn't it quite sad that you were 17 when you had your first girlfriend and likewise for her? :o and the list goes on and on. So shut it. I'm talking :)
    Also in January, my laptops processors kind of died. I've got an Acer Aspire 5536 with an AMD Turion X2 processor and a ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics card. So all you computer buffs should know that this thing might be pretty nifty? Ah well.... it just randomly gave up the ghost one day. Skype calls started getting difficult. RS lagged like hell. I couldn't have msn and iTunes/Spotify on at the same time without it crackling. ETC ETC ETC.
    April - Now here's where my disappearance starts. And people like Valuxai, Draz, Witchy, Zoky etc are owed a debt of gratitude because they're amazing <3:
    Basically this woman I had been with since the start of sixth form - So to you guys we had been together 2 years in total with a break up in between getting back together - found in April that the pressure of uni was getting too much for her and she couldn't cope with everything. The stress was getting to her and she needed to cut things off that stressed her out. Guess that meant me too. We're ok friends atm, but I can't stop liking her and keep setting myself up to fall (HALP), and Draz, though an amazing councilor and BFAM, can't seem to get through to me that I need to cut off from her for a bit, and get back in the game. But ah well.
    May - Exams, Counciling, BetaBlockers - which are kinda like anti-depressants..... they slow down your heart rate, keep you calm and collected, and yeah.... I was on meds -, Alcohol, Not Eating, Music. Yep..... 2010 was going to S**T. :) Such is my life.
    June - On June 3rd or there abouts.... might have been a day or 2 before, I get told that my Grandad is in hospital. So like any distressed uni student living 2 hours away from home I ring up my parents and they make the perilous trek to my uni and back home with me in the back. We get to the hospital at 1AM (GMT obviously for all you thinking about where I am). I stay home for the week until the Saturday when we go and get my uni stuff back from uni and bring me home totally. I go into hospital every day and the day after I first go in I get told that Grandad had Pneumonia, some kind of Bone Cancer, and some fluid in the abdoman....... Short answer = This time he wasn't coming out.
    Now forgive me if I've got you choked up, I mean I'm finding it hard to face all these demons myself and type it down..... I haven't even told the 2 people closest to me that this is still affecting me to this day :/
    On June 6th Grandad dies..... He was 97, and one of the greatest people I have ever known.
    Now fast forward to August. I send off my lappy. It comes back all fixed :D YAYS! So on August 28th, I start smithing again. I do this until the 31st (or was it the 1st of this month) and then I make this announcement that I'm pretty much back :)
    So guys..... Please.... Comment on this :) I'd love to see who missed me if anyone did at all, because I missed you all!
  16. Ezkaton
    Urgh, it seems the more blogs I make the more emotions I get out, and maybe they have no place on here, but to me this is an area where I can work out my frustrations and try to think in ways........ It's been a very long and hard 13 days for me, my mind being a bastard to me, and all sorts of things happening, feeling numb about anything and everything, and spending last night getting so drunk I couldn't think...... I've broken down several times and yeah >.< So let me present - Emotional Wreck *points at self*.
    "Torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears
    I'm not feeling the situation
    Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
    It's the best place to be when you're feeling like ME!"
    I've had the odd reply to texts from Courtney over these past 13 days, but with her usually protest that she's so busy doing "work" that she can't text me or talk to me on the phone. However yeah she might be working, I know she's a hard worker, but the past few days I'll lurk offline msn and I'll find her sitting online, she has time to make numerous facebook status's and yeah? So can anybody tell me where I'm going wrong in thinking that she's just avoiding me?
    But then again why would she avoid me if she promised she'd be my friend? And then again the other day her fb status was that of "Courtney: Needs to pull herself together :/" so what should I gather from it? That she's having as tough a time as me? But anyways, I know she's spent alot of her time either locked in her room at uni or extremely drunk from the amount of times she's told me she's been out........ tonight is another example, she doesn't have the usual 2 seconds to let me ring her before film night so we can talk because she's going to be getting drunk with a friend tonight, and then tomorrow is carnage in aber, something I was going to until that monday almost 2 weeks ago.
    So can anyone tell me how it's fair? I know she probably needs her time, but what about me too? I know I should leave her to it, but then again what about me wanting to talk to her? I really can't let someone as amazing as that walk out of my life, I want to be atleast something to her, friends would do me fine, but yeah. Does anyone have a good reason why she can't talk to me?
    Maybe a good thing out of all this is that part of my life is returning to normal? I've spent the most part of the past 13 days listening to acoustic stuff, but over the past 2 days Killswitch Engage, All That Remains, Bullet for my Valentine (The Poison stuff, none of this mainstream rubbish) and As I Lay Dying, and Caliban have become more and more to the forefront of my musical taste, a sign that my life is getting better? Maybe, but then again could be a bad thing because when I listen to metal all I can see is her, she was the main influence on my taste as we learnt and directed each other.
    Goddamn I'm a mess.
    Sorry people.
    "Heaven, where is my angel?
    I need her now, holding me........ NOW"
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