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Everything posted by Mojo_Monkey

  1. you're alive! <3

  2. Saw this topic scroll by this evening, was interested so I did some quick looking around and found some more info. Being obnoxious on the Internet may soon cease to be a fundamental right in Arizona, where lawmakers approved a measure that effectively makes trolling illegal. As Gizmodo reports , Arizona House Bill 2549 passed both legislative houses last week and awaits approval by Governor Jan Brewer. It states: It is unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use ANY ELECTRONIC OR DIGITAL DEVICE and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person. Like so much other knee-jerk technology legislation, Arizona’s bill is noble at heart. Its goal is to stop cyber-bullying by outlawing threats and intimidation delivered via Internet. But as Media Coalition–an organization that includes film and music industry trade groups–points out , the bill is far too broad, both in its language and its scope. By using vague terms like “annoy” and “offend,” the bill risks criminalizing standard Internet practice of acting like a jerk in the comments section of a blog post. Because the bill isn’t limited to one-on-one communication, all open communication on the Internet could be considered a Class 1 misdemeanor if someone deemed the language offensive. “Government may criminalize speech that rises to the level of harassment and many states have laws that do so, but this legislation takes a law meant to address irritating phone calls and applies it to communication on web sites, blogs, listserves and other Internet communication,” Media Coalition wrote in a letter to Brewer last week. Ultimately, a law this broad isn’t going to hold up in court. But if the governor signs off on the bill, it will end up wasting a lot of time as free speech defenders work to restore the right to act like a belligerent fool in online forums. No one likes a troll, but behaving like one needn’t be a crime. Copied from: http://techland.time.com/2012/04/03/arizona-looks-to-outlaw-internet-trolling/
  3. It took you 6 hrs to go from 0 bosses to how many ever you need for gloves? Gratz on 99 mage its sexy :thumbsup:
  4. [hide] [/hide] I would say 94+ then go for 120 then finish of skills. Even better idea is do dung and skills until summer then go 120 during summer when more people are like to want to dung :thumbsup:
  5. Sorry I was under the impression that the Rants section was the same as the troll section my bad.... Ontopic: My runescape isnt working ragequit
  6. [hide] Implying this was just in the past? Have you noticed that you're in EoE, and EoE is always trolling me? Back off the thread plz. [/hide] You started it....*points finger*
  7. I approve this message :thumbsup:
  8. [hide] While I agree that shit happen happens and servers crash, I feel that Jagex doesn't handle them very well. Last crash, only weeks ago, people lost millions or everything if they were anywhere slightly dangerous. IIRC, it was fixed quickly and people were able to get back in-game in under 10 minutes but all graves were lost due to the necessary server reset. They could have rollbacked players those few minutes and but from the amount of forum posts, this was not a large scale crash and not many people were kicked off (compared to this one). So while rollback might be not a good solution... I feel they should have a different solution by now. It's been 10 years or however many. Instead, it's the typical "tough luck, enjoy your stuff" Jagex response. It's hard to find a solution that pleases everybody. I mean right now the RSOF is riddled with people screaming "omg don't do a rollback." If they rollback to please the people who died, the people who lost xp as a result will rage. If they don't do a rollback, the people who did die will rage. Those are really their only options. It's just impossible to find a solution that will make everyone happy. How much exp can you gain in "a few minutes" minuscule amounts imo... In order for that to be possible, Jagex would have to have a "save" of 5 minutes before the game went down. In order for that to be likely, they'd have to be recording saves every 5 minutes. It takes a lot of resources to do that, which is why Jagex seems to limit it to once every 6 hours or so (based on how long roll backs have been in the past). [/hide] Oh this I did not know... makes sense
  9. While I agree that shit happen happens and servers crash, I feel that Jagex doesn't handle them very well. Last crash, only weeks ago, people lost millions or everything if they were anywhere slightly dangerous. IIRC, it was fixed quickly and people were able to get back in-game in under 10 minutes but all graves were lost due to the necessary server reset. They could have rollbacked players those few minutes and but from the amount of forum posts, this was not a large scale crash and not many people were kicked off (compared to this one). So while rollback might be not a good solution... I feel they should have a different solution by now. It's been 10 years or however many. Instead, it's the typical "tough luck, enjoy your stuff" Jagex response. It's hard to find a solution that pleases everybody. I mean right now the RSOF is riddled with people screaming "omg don't do a rollback." If they rollback to please the people who died, the people who lost xp as a result will rage. If they don't do a rollback, the people who did die will rage. Those are really their only options. It's just impossible to find a solution that will make everyone happy. How much exp can you gain in "a few minutes" minuscule amounts imo...
  10. Yeh, I put in some items last night assuming they would sell even though they seemed to be crashing..Now I'm not quite sure. I take instasells for granted.. :( What do you take for granted in RuneScape? Hijacking your own topic good job bro.
  11. *looks at your siggie* Does that apply to this situation?
  12. I got to admit I lol'd
  13. I have no idea what this has to do with the rest of your post.. but I will answer it for you. Jagex used to stand for "Java Gaming Experts" but prior to the release of War of Legends this was changed to "Just About the Game Experience." Your other points about the developers and updates have some validity, but I don't see what they have to do with "the end of RuneScape." On another note, I'm moving this to the Rants forum since that seems to be more appropriate. mfw i said that already
  14. I say you are over reacting a bit much. No system is perfect, which means something is going to fail at one point or another. Yes Jagex seems to have a lot of issues/missteps, but if you can not stand the issues/missteps then stop supporting Jagex by playing their game.
  15. *cough* Give me free bandos pl0x tbh I've been saying you'd get one for the last 3 days
  16. You can always guest in EoE or another clan? And finding floors is slow for most levels during the school/work week, Dunging on the weekend will probably help you get more floors.
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