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Everything posted by Mojo_Monkey

  1. It was more: >People doing DG >No one says about Skele's >Personal GS in (The room before Necro was a rape room anyways and in the couple of times I ran through it I was knocked down to ~300lp) >Gets raped. 1 dino=rape now.....
  2. It seems to me that if you are interested in getting the 80+ cape, you would be interested in getting the 90+ and max capes eventually. Therefore I suggest going with mine/superheating as recommended in LRC. You'll need the mining xp eventually anyway. Welcome to the forums! :thumbsup: Yes I realize I am going to need the mining exp anyway, but I'm a bit impatient about getting this cape...its purple <3: So I'm looking for a bit faster methods, but want to make sure that I am not losing to much gp in the process.
  3. I don't really like SC, and I don't see it as worth it as I'm not worried since the cost of the methods I mentioned don't cost all that much. I realized I didn't state what I wanted to know very well in the first post, and I also missed a few things. ~Will the bolts/arrowheads sell somewhere close to G.E. Mid? ~Is Grimy's figure of 80k/hr for smelting gold current (I think that figure included super-heating while smelting, which has since been nerfed)?
  4. Thanks, never gave that any thought, might look into that, it seems like it would be best in the long term. But wouldn't this take quite a bit of time? I'm looking more at semi-fast methods because I want 80+ cape lol.
  5. I looked up xp/hr and gp/xp, the 3 things I found were gold bars, addy arrowheads, and addy bolts. From what I found they are all around the same xp/hr, and addy bolts being the cheapest by almost 1.5 gp/xp. Will the arrowheads/bolts actually sell or will I be stuck with them if I chose that method? And of course are there better methods then the ones mentioned? Oh I have about 11m to spend atm, but can easily make more, but would rather not. Edit: Q/other mod when you answer could you fix the title if you dont mind :wall:
  6. Okay, then if this is true then the topic will be locked, etc.
  7. Well what I called it was incorrect, but significant none the less in my opinion.
  8. Some of my skills that I haven't gained any exp in have jumped massive amounts of ranks?
  9. For how much time put into ranks id expect a larger incentive..... nice job tho :thumbsup:
  10. Going for 99 rcing as next 99?
  11. Iirc was the fastest floor in EoE at the time :thumbsup:
  12. This aint dgs.......Yeah just jump in as a guest when you want to
  13. Here you go kandy <3 http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=eoe_leader Should be updated :thumbsup: Edit: If you see any mistakes pm me and yes I know the colors are uh...yeah.....
  14. Heres a link to another old thread like this with some good info. Good Luck :thumbsup: http://forum.tip.it/topic/309117-power-slaying/page__pid__5208098#entry5208098
  15. Goodluck with your goals theres a guide in help and advice for the screenshots, i linked it below :thumbsup: http://forum.tip.it/topic/58381-how-to-guide-taking-screenshots-and-posting-images/
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