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Everything posted by TheValeyard

  1. Those are the reasons why WaW is unplayable. I can't believe this [cabbage] is top on Xbox live. But then it does have the advantage of massive cod4 fanboyism.
  2. TheValeyard


    Melee combat stats mean nothing because of bandits. When will Jagex stop penalising players who do not AFK? At least when you haven't "bandited" you can take some satisfaction in knowing that your stats mean something.
  3. Resident Evil 4 is the best game on Wii.
  4. I'm looking to install a new graphics card on my PC, which is a Dell Dimension 4600. I think my PSU is 250w from looking around the internet. Is there any way to check other than literally opening my PC? I tried running dxdiag but that didn't show it. Any similar programs I could use?
  5. They are overused because they are overpowered. Ipso facto.
  6. MP40s are definitely overpowered. It has all the advantages of an SMG with the ability to 2-3 shot kill from most ranges. The fire rate is obviously slower than the Thompson or Type 100 but its still fast. On WAW there is no reason to use any other gun than the MP40 or PTRS41.
  7. I think I had 1.39 or something when I used to play. K/D means a lot less than COD4 due to all the glitching, tank whoring, and unbalanced weapons.
  8. When not playing online coop all Sheva did in the demo was just waste my ammo and heal me when I was barely hurt. TBH when playing singleplayer I'm just going to take all the ammo off her and just let her carry my guns and herbs.
  9. The main reason that COD4 is better is that there actually is weapon balance.
  10. Shipment maybe but thats supposed to be crazy. Anyway you're talking [cabbage] anyway, on WAW I was getting spawnkilled around 1 in 10 spawns at least, either killed on spawn by a tank or something, or have some guy spawn behind me.
  11. I'm glad it's fake. Vehicles would have broken multiplayer.
  12. TBH I don't think win/loss ratio means anything. All the Host Ended Games alone make it worthless, not even counting the lag, MP40 whoring and the fact that you just can't help it if your teammate is too busy teabagging dead enemies to defuse the bomb.
  13. How exactly would putting this on a Wii downgrade the game? Just play on another console... IW would have to waste time and resources making it on Wii rather than concentrating on the PC/PS3/360 versions. Unless Activision farm it out to another developer.
  14. Meh I might get the Map Pack when its half price or something, because I only play Zombies. Treyarch don't deserve my money for leeching off Infinity Ward.
  15. HCHQ on shipment is hilarious. Every airstrike kills literally everyone on the map.
  16. Is this Makin Day map good or is it full of glitches?
  17. Everyone talks about WaW on the Wii because almost everyone has gone back to COD4. Quite possibly the weakest comeback I have ever seen/heard. Last year an Xbox was more expensive than a Wii, even without the cost of live.
  18. Many valid reasons have been given throughout this thread on why it is unlikely. I suggest reading it before you post. Frankly not releasing MW for the Wii was one of its sucesses, as they didn't waste time and manpower developing a substandard version of it, leaving the true next-gen versions more polished.
  19. You do know what they develop their games on, right...? COMPUTERS. And computer hardware is more sophisticated than your crappy Wii hardware. The sensor is a matter of graphing, and last I checked, games like these can be extremely hard to develop. LOL NOONE UNDERSTANDS JOKES learn to joke instead of taking every single thing on a forum COMPLETELY serious. Plus, IF THEY DID make it on the wii, ITS NOT A WASTE of money/time, and it wont be hard. But lol@ "...than your crappy Wii hardware. ..." "...last I checked, games like these can be extremely hard to develop." lolwat? I thought you were saying waw sucked anyway? Seriously, fanboys, get over yourselves and deal with the fact that there is a high chance it comes out on the wii. We are not fanboys for stating the obvious fact that it is unlikely to come out for the Wii. I suggest you "deal with it" yourself, and purchase either a PC, 360, or PS3 if you want to play MW2.
  20. IW will NOT develop for the Wii. If MW2 does come out on the Wii it will be a [cabbage] port developed by someone else, like the PS2 version of WaW was. IW will not cheapen MW2 by creating it for the Wii.
  21. TheValeyard


    Its actually pretty easy to install your own hard drive.
  22. What the hell. If anything that makes it better as IW can actually control where the story goes. Frankly I felt the WaW story was stupider, I mean you and your buddy just happen to survive evrybody around you being shot in a fountain, the rest of the battle for Stalingrad, the entire campaign on the eastern front, the battle of Berlin, and just happen to be the soldier that raises the flag over the Reichstag AFTER being shot. Not to mention the crazed Gary Oldman hacking apart Nazis with a meat cleaver. If your going to get a PS3, pick up COD4. You WILL prefer it. Thats not to say you will never play WaW again, but you will look at it differently and really see that it does have issues which COD4 simply does not have.
  23. Have you noticed that anyone with a brain would think "Its just a shooter - no shooters are much different anyway." it obviously doesnt matter. Go ahead and play cod4 for another 2 years, cod5 is newer, and would basically give you a break from the 'better' one - which is based on something that never happened and never will. People with a brain have realised that COD4 is in fact different and better than WaW and have returned to it. Being newer makes absolutely no difference. I played COD4 from around April last year to November, and bought WaW. I gave it a decent amount of my time, (2 days play time), and then returned in January to COD4. And damn is it better. Lets be honest here Ray, you and the guys here play WaW because there is nothing better online on Wii. I'm not having a dig at the Wii here, but you must have realised when you bought it that its not what it was made for.
  24. If Treyarch have fixed the glitches then fair play. But its still not as good as cod4 due to awful tank and weapon balance, which has not been adressed.
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