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Everything posted by TheValeyard

  1. I try and avoid lying down and sniping on Overgrown, it tends to make you easier to spot due to the height advantage people in the buildings have.
  2. Litterally everything on COD4 is better in some way. WaW is litterally an inferior copy of COD4 set in WW2. I think WaW is a pretty good game if you discount the competitive online multiplayer, which is fundamentally broken. I enjoyed the campaign, coop is decent, and Nazi zombies is great. I often play Zombies, and whilst it is great its just ironic that the best part of the game is a bonus mode.
  3. The gripe I have with the G3 is that the knife is glitched if you have the silencer on it, which I always have. That and the way in which a modded controller turns it into the most overpowered weapon in the game.
  4. Frankly i'd describe forming opinions about something you know nothing about ignorant. Frankly I'd describe the stupidity of your flamebaiting on this thread and others ignorant. Now, moving past Mr. Troll, does anyone know how to do the cliffside under-the-map glitch? Expressing legitamate points about Call Of Duty: World At War is not flamebait. What you just wrote could be construed as flamebait.
  5. Frankly i'd describe forming opinions about something you know nothing about ignorant.
  6. I thought you meant undergrowth. There are loads and loads of hidden sniper spots on cod4.
  7. Laughed out loud when I saw this. Laughed out loud when i saw how pathetic that was. Seriously, games are a matter of preference, and everything i say is my opinion. Please form some kind of educated opinion then.
  8. No actual experience of cod4 Clearly never seen maps like Overgrown Patches that will never come. The games been out 5 months, its not going to happen.
  9. CoD5 > CoD4. CoD4 is for MGers and SMGers. Very bad sniping game. Have you ever played cod4?
  10. :lol: #-o :roll: :wall: Ok, a quick IGN check says it's so far only a rumor for the Wii, but nonetheless I would expect a big-title game like CoD6 to have decent enough time on the Wii to succeed. That depends if you define success as a cheap rip off port, akin to Call Of Duty: World At War.
  11. I'm sure a Mini Cooper outsells a Rolls Royce Phantom, but it doesn't make it a better car. :lol: #-o :roll: :wall:
  12. Hit detection is just all around poor in WAW.
  13. All i can say is lol you fail. Except for the sega part. Deny the truth as much as you want.
  14. The best Wii FPS transfers to an average to above average FPS on other consoles. That and Sega.
  15. You get 4 perks, Fast revive, Sleight of hand, Juggernaught and double tap. You can buy betties of various walls, you don't get satchels and you can get panzershreck out of the mystery box. Can you have them all at the same time or do you have to swap them like guns in the mystery box?
  16. In the video there is a famous Brazillian statue of I think Jesus. So probably half of it is set in some fictional destabilised south american country, with the other half in Asia, assuming they stick to the same format.
  17. If IW and non-Wii owners had their way. But unfortunately its Activision who call the shots.
  18. M14/M21. I prefer M21 because you get a ghillie which is always nice. You always get a ghillie suit for all the sniper rifles, providing that you are on the SAS/Spetsnaz maps. M14 is classed as an assault rifle though. Tbh i've never seen a ghillie suit as a great advantage. In many situations it actually gives you a bigger outline.
  19. That list looks to me like the same one posted earlier that was confirmed to be fake.
  20. Wrong. They changed it, so now Treyarch can't steal the game engine and gameplay. With their own name, Treyarch would have to pay IW to use their engine. Great thinking on IW's part. Thing is though I believe they're both controlled by Activision, and Activision want one "COD" a year, and know Treyarch dont have the skill or incilnation to do anything but copy IW.
  21. G36C. There is virtually no aim sway, the biggest problem with ACOGs.
  22. Frankly I'm not surprised the trailer revealed little on a game that is 8 months away. I reckon MW2 is going to be the most hyped game ever.
  23. As long as you consistently do well then it should go up fairly quickly. But then its difficult to gauge skill from K/D ratio on WaW due to glitching, combinations of no honour perks and weapons. Also hard to compare the Wii version to the true next gen versions, similar to the PC. But if your consistently reaching 2.00+ KD your obviously a very competent player.
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