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Everything posted by brad1431

  1. no one cares about cosmetic crap like this, work on a new skill and new minigames, stop with this soloman and squeel crap....
  2. yeah no need to get upset and use actual logic to see the direction that the game is going in and everything that has been done since RS was sold has been aimed at making more money and the best way to do that is selling GP, and now we have an image, so no reason to get upset...... Don't use your brain and see what is coming..... Even if this isnt officially it, there will be a day in the near future where you will be able to buy RS coins and bonus Exp items in game... and that is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to this game
  3. and here comes the final nail in the RS coffin, once you can buy RS coins directly from JAgex and exp necklaces from soloman, this game is dead...
  4. Got one with me daily spins, but it isnt in the tipit database. Does the bonus exp stack with guilded altar? If not, this is a useless item.
  5. They will be disappointed. I bought 25 ($9.99) spins and received 1 fishing and 1 hunting pendant. And you are a big part of the problem, the people who "only" buy for the "science" of it, but when lots of people do the same, it sends a message that people like doing this and we should do more of it,.....
  6. soon pendants of skill will be available for purchase at Soloman's store, this is just an intro to the item.....
  7. citation of mod mark in his statement about no bxpw, where he said but you will have a chance for bonus exp items later this year....
  8. yeah the mad necklace is only a cosmetic item, but you will be able to buy something just like it in soloman's store by year end
  9. you do realize that they also said that they would never allow RS to be a game where people who have more money in real life can gain an advantage in any way..... Yet we now have buyable spins......
  10. if you think soloman's store wont be selling bonus xp items by the end of the year, you haven't been paying attention. Mod Mark basically said it when he announced no BXPW
  11. ok, everyone that I talk to in game, hates it
  12. can we go a month or two with them cramming their greed down our throats, everyone hates squeel and this new soloman, we all hate microtransactions and are sick of having them crammed down our throat, when will they listen to their customers?
  13. here we go again, how many more ploys can the new investors have to try and be greedy corporate a-holes that only care about more money..... This chose your fate could be really bad.....
  14. oh and bonus exp, you will be able to buy later this year as mod mark eluded to when he said no BXPW
  15. it is cosmetic only, FOR NOW, but it will get updates and soon you will be buying RS gold and items in Soloman store, mark it down!!!!
  16. yeah no more free ride, they can just pay for that same ride....
  17. too bad the combat update sucks and is jut more spam clicking.....
  18. I already started stocking up, 6K snaps in bank, there goes me waiting for them to pop to 10K each.....plus my plans of leveling smithing and crafting this sept
  19. I already have scroll of life and cleansing, what second chaotic should I get? I dont do waterfiends, and I hear that is the really only good use for maul. I dont boss either than glacors, or frosts, so cls doesnt make sense. I plan on dging until at least 100 to get third bind.
  20. I have 193K tokens, and my dging rewards are Rapier, coal bag, scroll of life, scroll of cleansing, my ring is T8, I also have arcane stream necklace. What should I buy next? I would like to level range, upgrade my ring, or use tokens for another chaotic depending on new combat and how another chaotic would work with that. What should I get next? I could get scroll of efficiency, but it doesn't seem like it does much, I could upgrade my ring, or get a second chaotic, or something else like celestial box to use at glacors, but I havent done those for months.
  21. I plan on using my mad necklace to get an extra 250K exp, what is the easiest way to get from 74-82 thief, without blackjacking or luring?
  22. what is the average percentage of time that it activates Times the price of a unf snap pot, compared to the price of a clean snap, vs a unf snap pot. So I need to know if it is more profitable to sell the clean snap, or to make clean snaps into unf pots and sell. and how much that is per hour to see if it is worth the time involved for that amount of profit
  23. I just got the scroll and I have 2.8K clean snaps, would I make a profit turning them into snapdragon unf pots? It seems like I will from doing a few inventories worth, but it will take a while to make 2.8K of them. Any calculations on how profitable this scroll is when making the hreb into the unf pot?
  24. actually if it is 8% for addy bars, that saves 88 bars, at a cost of 2.3K per bar, that is about 200K, yeah small price compared to my bank, so I guess scroll of cleansing would come first, but I do plan to dg more before next bxpw which is when I want to train smithing, so I will upgrade to T8
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