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Everything posted by TheStandIn

  1. DICE, Westwood (EA LA now), Relic, Totally Games.
  2. In reality, it's a pretty even ratio between pures who are immature jerks and mains who are immature jerks. There will always be "that guy" who is so far gone, he just insults everyone about the stupidest thing. Being a pure, main, or skiller has nothing to do with it. Never has. The whole rift, the whole stereotype, is imaginary and will disappear if people don't acknowledge it. The game is filled with losers and what kind of account they play on is irrelevant. People say that pures are arrogant, whiny [wagon]. And sure, some are. But that goes for everyone else in the game as well. To be honest, a lot of RS players are morons.
  3. I'm pretty sure if you have a skill cape you are obligated to wear it. If you have more than one, you have to wear them all. At the same time. Or else. And so help you God, you better have that cursor on the emote button....
  4. I didn't even know these "chan" sites existed until a few weeks ago. Read about them on TIF; have no desire to check them out.
  5. *hangs head in shame* Runescape: Escape the Grind Brilliant!
  6. What's even worse is that they could have made 2 or 3 times what they were asking for in the time they wasted standing around begging. If someone needs 3k, all they have to do is go cut down all the regular trees around the perimeter of the GE and then sell them instantly. But I guess that kind of thinking requires too much brain power from 'em.
  7. I watched it not too long ago and enjoyed it as well. It would have been better had I not known the outcome since I was 8, though... kinda hurt the suspense.
  8. Praetorians. It's a really good, simple, combat oriented RTS. The missions were challenging and had good variety and it got pretty good reviews, but I'd be surprised if more than 5 people here have ever even heard of it.
  9. Probably would want to do something else other than a deathmatch PUB. They all amount to everyman for himself twitch shooting and, again, camping. You can't revive, heal, or rearm your teammates for points. You can only kill. And the air-strike things are absolutely ridiculous. They take no skill to use and are way over powered. At least with the orbital/artillery strikes in BF you have to aim. Yeah, I finished it. I just thought is felt clunky and bland (kinda like Haze, except not nearly as much). The AI left a lot to be desired. The suit felt like a chore to use for more than a few things or the occasional cheap laugh. Every little skirmish I just felt like I was an unstoppable badass (like Halo) teasing a small child. The guns were unsatisfying. And there are tons of gameplay hindering clipping problems. The plot was alright, but nothing really creative. The multiplayer was ok, but it's so full of cheaters it's almost unplayable. For me, all that amounted to was an unremarkable (not bad, just unremarkable) game.
  10. I agree, it was bland, cookie-cutter FPS with pretty backgrounds. To add my own, besides the obvious Halo/Gears of War/Rock Band/Guitar Hero, I say Call of Duty 4. It was good and it was fun, but I enjoyed United Offensive 3 times as much and that was just an expansion pack. The multiplayer, which everyone seems to love, is abysmal. It's just spawn camping and wild spray-and-pray gun fights. I would much rather stick to Battlefield 2 or 2142 which require team work and some brains to play.
  11. I can box, but I've never actually been in a real fight so I don't know if my messing-around-with-friends style of fighting would actually be of any use.
  12. You mean like the one they already made? The one I'll never see because it's only on [bleep] Blu-Ray? But yea, one based on the game itself could work, except most of the game is "go over and get this, watch out for creepy [cabbage]". I see a real movie based on it just turning into an Alien or Event Horizon clone, unfortunately.
  13. I just do what I want. If I feel like going out and collecting materials, I will. If I don't, then I buy them. If I get bored, I do something else. I just do what I want, when I want, and how I want. And I give everyone else that same right. There is no one correct way to play the game. The game was meant to be played for fun; your way. So play the way you want, and let others play the way they want. If people want to buy exp then let them. How does it affect you in even the slightest way? Maybe instead of getting a 99 they don't want, they used the money to do something they enjoy? There is more to the game than just getting 99s. Again, it comes back to what people think is fun, and there is no dispute that a game is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
  14. This person isn't so much a noob as ignorant, but it's funny none the less. [hide=][/hide]
  15. Does-it-ever! Go play the first one. You can get the full game for free (legally, it was realised by EA for free on it's 12th anniversary) at http://www.filefront.com/8476620/Command--Conquer-Gold-Free-Game---GDI-ISO/ & http://www.filefront.com/8476626/Command--Conquer-Gold-Free-Game---Nod-ISO/ or http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/commandconquerthefirstdecade/download_6178099.html
  16. Why? No offense, but having good stats in a game isn't really anything to be proud of. People should remember others who have passed for real life deeds and accomplishments, not for time spent playing a game.
  17. TheStandIn


    I used to like reading, but that dumb accelerated reader program my elementary school had to do really ruined it for me. It made reading a chore. Not to mention all those horrible required-to-read books through out the years really burned me out and stamped out any interest in reading I had scraped up. The last book I had to read was Frankenstein and it was so bad I couldn't even finish it. I usually have to drag myself through those books, but I always made myself finish them. This time though, I just couldn't. I haven't picked up a book since.
  18. I think it needs to be said that Shia Labeouf ruined the new Indiana Jones and took it from mediocre to genuinely bad (for me, anyway). I don't know why, but I can't stand him. He ruins everything he's in. Anywho, back on topic- I have doubts about a Gears movie. Game movies seem to have a bad habit of sucking, and I can't see this panning out any different. Plus Lucas has, well.... lost it. He's gotten into kind of a kiddy rut where he feels the need to ham everything up. Besides that the whole game's characters were kind of frat-boys meet space marines, leaving a lot to be desired, so I think they'd have to change that if the movie is going to be watchable.
  19. I usually shut mine down once a week or so. Otherwise I just set it to hibernate so I can start it up quickly.
  20. A lot of stories in the Bible are metaphors, especially the New Testament, so Jesus' ascension may or may not literally happened. Ascension can have a lot of different meanings. And yes I believe heaven is in the supernatural "realm" or whatever, I was just stirring up different possibilities, as many religions have different, but still ultimately similar, versions/locations of an after life and I think they are interesting to think about.
  21. Well, it doesn't necessarily mean it's just right up there in the clouds. Look up and you will see the whole big universe out there. Maybe it's somewhere out there? Or maybe it's in a separate dimension all together. Who knows. I can't imagine heaven in a gigantic hole in the ground. A little. Maybe God does have a creator. But then who created that creator? It goes in an infinite loop. But if you compare the two, hasn't the universe always existed? Even before the big bang, that infinitely small, infinitely dense "speck" had to of existed too. So it's kinda the same as well. That's what pretty much every figure of every single religion has been trying to do since the fist religions were formed. Except there is a pretty big problem. How does one construct a fool proof testing method of God? You really can't. There is the Bible/Torah/Quran ect., but even that isn't concrete, and definitely not fool proof. That's why faith is such a big part of every religion.
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