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    standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
  1. Shut your mouth and make me a sammich woman! Don't make me give you ANOTHER black eye! You're an idiot. It is people like you who make the real females of runescape feel like they have to hide.
  2. Why? I don't know. Probably because there are fewer consequences and chances of getting caught lying to someone online who is thousands of miles away versus lying to someone's face. If you never found out that they lied to you, then it wouldn't matter. Short term, no. Long term, yes because you will most likely find out eventually. The longer someone lies, the more elaborate they have to get to keep it covered and they eventually slip up. Your statement that some things aren't possible without runescape is a little crazy. There are millions of people in the world who don't play runescape and they get along with life just fine and have relationships in other ways. If I never played runescape I would be a lot less cynical, lol.
  3. I am not saying this to be mean but rather to help you. If you really believe all of this rs is better than rl stuff you are saying, then you really need to get out more. Yes, you can make friends on rs from other countries who you wouldn't be able to be friends with in rl. Yes, it is easier to open up to someone over the internet because of the anonymity. That part is true. What is not true is that people are more apt to be honest and not lie because they have no reason to. People lie on the internet all the time. Even though they don't have to. The anonymity does not make them less likely to lie, it makes them more likely to lie. I speak from personal rs experience here. You can have a rs friend for many years and be very close to them, and share many deep personal secrets with them but you know what? You can wake up one day and find out that everything they told you was a lie. They are not the person you thought they were at all, they do not really care anything about you and the person you are so attached to is not even real. They can delete themselves in an instant and disappear without a trace. You think that is better than real life? Trust me, it's not. It makes you feel like a ridiculous fool with no life. If you want to play rs and meet different people and have some fun in game with them then fine, but save the deep personal relationship stuff for people you know in real life. If you have trouble with real life relationships then take some of what you learned about interacting in rs and apply it in real life. Don't be afraid of getting hurt because that can happen online as well. The emotions are real even if the person they are tied to is not. A real life relationship is much better than one with someone on the internet that you don't really know.
  4. While what you say is true, runescape can offer learning or other opportunities that can be applied in real life, the fact that you can be a whole other person in runescape (a leader, a champion, a popular person, etc.) than who you are in your life, is what makes it so addicting for some people. They consider their runescape life to be better than their real life and would rather spend their time in rs. This is where people have problems because you still have to function and take care of your responsibilities (school, work, family, etc.) in real life. You can't live your life in a fantasy. There has to be a healthy balance.
  5. Because these people are pervs and just want to see your picture. When I first started playing rs I got a lot more comments like that then I do now. If someone asks if I am really a girl I usually reply "no, I'm a woman". If they say they don't believe me, I tell them I don't care. Why should I care what some immature, pixilated moron on the internet thinks about me? There are nice people on rs, you just have to weed out all of the perverts and obnoxious kids in order to find them. When someone treats you this way, just chalk it up to them being an [wagon] and move on. You don't have to prove anything to them.
  6. I will help someone if they are low level and are actually trying to do things in the game to get ahead. If they are just standing around begging, then no. I also tend to direct people to the Knowledge Base to answer their questions unless it isn't something that is easily looked up.
  7. Great guide, Mattie. :thumbsup: I haven't got full ringmaster yet. I am going to follow the "how to get the most points" part next time and see how I do.
  8. Her job sounds awesome. I really wish I had had some forethought when I was a fine arts major. At the time, the only thing I could really see myself doing was being an animator on a cartoon or a film project but those jobs were few and far between. Games like rs hadn't really taken off yet and I had no idea there would be such things as concept artists. I quit and went into business. -.- And yeah, they do need to overhaul the Vampire graphics. Those aren't that great right now. I wish they would tweak our character graphics as well. The backgrounds look really nice now but the characters are still kind of flat.
  9. If you want to help people sometimes, then go right ahead, but DO NOT feel like you are obligated to help everyone that asks for it. I try to answer most people's questions but I draw the line at giving them free stuff or walking them to a place or through quests. Advice is always more helpful to a fellow player's learning than just doing it for them. Unfortunately, if there is one thing rs has taught me it's that the nicer you are to someone, the more they use and take advantage of you. So help if you want but don't spend all of your time doing things for other people. You should be nice to yourself first.
  10. This. So many things drop clues now it becomes a frequent interruption of whatever I am doing and I would rather spend my time leveling than chasing after a clue that most likely is not worth the chase. I agree with those who said clue scrolls should be less frequent and more challenging with better rewards. If they were, then I might actually do them.
  11. I also heard that they are expanding the character limit. Don't know if that is true, though. I wouldn't change this account name but I may change my main's name. They said you will be able to know who your friends are even after the change. I am interested to find out how they are going to work that. They really do need to delete all of the accounts that never made it off tutorial island. That would free up a lot of names.
  12. I rarely chew gum. I find the whole process to be obnoxious. There is nothing worse than being stuck sitting next to someone who is chomping and cracking on their gum. The sound of it makes me want to hit them very hard. I have the potential for being the annoying gum chewer myself, so I just avoid it altogether.
  13. Good luck to you! Nicotine is one of the hardest drugs to quit. When I quit smoking I had to change my routine around. I was used to having one at certain times a day or during certain activities, so I found that changing those activities or picking up new habits (like walking after dinner instead of smoking or doing something else on a work break other than having a smoke with a coworker) worked well.
  14. LucyBender


    That's weird. I just did the same thing with a Grisham book. I bought King of Torts a long time ago and got halfway through and lost it. I just found it the other day, under my bed, so I am reading that now. It's kind of disappointing so far, though. I am finding it hard to like the main character as he is doing some sleazy lawyering for some even sleazier people, just to make a lot of money. I'm hoping it turns around soon.
  15. I have not read through this entire topic so forgive me if someone already posted this. The legal drinking age in the U.S. being 21 is about one thing and one thing only. Traffic fatalities. So many 18-20 year olds were dying in alcohol related car crashes that the government felt like they had to do something to stop it. I can't remember the numbers but the difference in the number of deaths when it was 18 versus 21 is huge. Also, the drinking age is actually a state law and determined by each state, however, the federal government will pull its highway funding from a state that allows drinking under the age of 21. There was recently a movement to make the legal age 18 again but public outcry was, by far, against it.
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