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Status Updates posted by emers8529

  1. not toooo bad :) i went snowboarding for the first time 2 days ago and almost died lol. how have you been??

  2. i havent played in awhile, and instead of spamming the pictures thread i figured id ask you here. why are your sharks gold/yellow in the picture u posted of u completing quests?

  3. u make 24x my bank an hour, and im level 126 :L

  4. how did u double bank D: pking / staking?

  5. well holy hell, thats one nice pk :D

  6. that picture was a pk, right?

  7. if you would like a new fps to play, play crossfire. its free, and from what i heard the "brazilian lagger" and the hacking problem arnt quite as bad :D

  8. my 2nd tif friend<3

  9. im stalking you.


  11. if you guys wernt blind you'd see that i appologized in the off topic section of the forums.

  12. awe, i thought you would be the first= [

  13. 22 thousand posts on a forum of RUNESCAPE (hint hint). i dont think any non obsesed person would have that many.

  14. 21 years old and still obsesed over a game. "LOL. HOW SAD."

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