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Jon Arcane

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Everything posted by Jon Arcane

  1. Quite a lot of information overload, but I guess it has reached a satisfying end. Now to get all the new gear :o
  2. Having a problem with a certain globe and an invisible item -.-
  3. Don't forget some anti-dragonbreath protection for the Wilderness and beyond.
  4. I do think it'll be Fally Castle or Gardens, because the main plot line is stopping Lucien. But I'll stick at the Temple whilst people are still hanging there :)
  5. Feels good man. Ahhhhhhhhhh, can't wait for the system update timer!!!
  6. Think there's alot of eager players today! And it's now going crazy now with the update warning!
  7. how was that organised :huh: , only 1 person there is in a clan and none are in a friend chat Lord (and ladies) of the Wait. Quite a few people are in the clan but weren't showing up as orange, not sure if that's because some aren't ranked or because I had left the chat (just in case the quest did come out and someone spoilt it!) We've been gathering there for the past 2 days, and I guess we'll be popping along there again tomorrow, although I do think that the quest will start in Fally Castle.
  8. QFC: 16-17-523-63196184 I'm okay with this. Here, here. Get to play it upon release and dedicate the rest of my day to it too!
  9. Never really have much to say on this topic but I do like to read it every other day and I would like to take this moment just to say: Congratulations Suomi :)
  10. Hah you beat me! Didn't know if I could hotlink so uploaded it to photobucket! Hello Acolyte status!?
  11. And 97 Slayer! I enjoy days like this when I fulfil lots of level goals :)
  12. Surpassed my goals for the weekend already, already posted pics in the bonus exp thread so here's the secondary shots of them: Feels good man.
  13. Mission Complete. 91 Farming: And Also, 96 Herblore, 2 levels more than planned: I'm also completely broke, now I'm gonna try to get 97 slayer, 32k away. Hopefully I can finish up an effigy!
  14. Parked myself at the tree patch in the Gnome Stronghold to check my first magic tree, running to the spirit tree for the Palm tree, then off to Tree Gnome Village area for the other tree and then plenty of tele tabs to get me to the others. That should get me 91 farming and then I'm house teleporting, going to Edgeville and then running to Soul Wars to start making 1000 of each extreme potion, hopefully should get 94. I'm ready :)
  15. I squealed with joy. That is rather out of character, I honestly cannot wait for this quest! It's been a long time coming baby :shades: I'm ready, come at me bro!
  16. I got my first Whip Vine in 932 kills, so you may have to wait a little longer. And also funnily enough, I got a Dragon Platebody (or) kit from them too :o
  17. It's a disgusting matter that's the only way you can see it as, but I just hope that people do not reflect on RuneVillage as a bad place because of one individual. My early days of Runescape started with RuneVillage, it was a decent community and in truth it still is, it's only problem is that it is now pretty much dead and this matter will only hurt it further. I'm glad the person involved could show a bit of honesty, and we'll never know the full truth, but it must have been around awhile and RuneVillage will change, as far as i'm concerned it's done and dusted and shouldn't stigmatised the community that has been built. As far as i'm concerned, things should carry on as they are. [cabbage] happens.
  18. Thank you for the birthday wishes :)

  19. Decided I'll do a Tree Run since that'll help me hit 91 farming, and then I'll spend the rest of the time on Herblore, should hit 94, and that will also rather handily set me up for the new prayer restoring potions :) the rest of my time shall be invested in Dungeoneering, may help to contribute hitting 96 easier since I'm solo-ing.
  20. Think we don't need Salt in the Wound because the main requirement is to be a Temple Knight Proselyte. Perhaps we'll see an Acolyte promotion from this quest and new Rune equivalent prayer armour? :D
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