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Jon Arcane

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Everything posted by Jon Arcane

  1. Just as I died i've got disconnected! OH CRAP :(
  2. That's what I'm expecting, and to be honest. I approve of the changes, it just needs to remove the buyable spins and maybe throw in a few more methods of getting tickets, and allow us to hold more spins.
  3. I was kinda hoping for a dungeoneering weekend, double tokens or something :(
  4. [hide]The directions are not same as during quest [hide]The echos assume you are facing north [hide]Left = west, right = east, above = north, below = south[/hide] [/hide] [/hide] Thank you! [hide] I was taking it too literally from reading earlier about following the echoes, so when I went near a cave entrance I listened if it made any sounds and found myself constantly going in the same loop! [/hide]
  5. Trying to explore the caves after the quest, and although I can hear the echoes, I don't seem to make any progress :S
  6. Here is me, fighting the highest level worms thinking that they'll drop new parts for the bow to upgrade it, with the QBD next week dropping some form of final part. And after re-reading the article, the only thing they are meant to drop are the bolts and the cape...so meh. The lowest level one's dropped 20 coral bolts for me on the 3rd of 5 kills.
  7. My connection was crappy, every world was rammed, so I finally decided, i'll just kill this one and then i'll give up and do barrows: Very glad I stayed for the kill :) NOW! I'll go to Barrows.
  8. Posted that pic a page back :) I think those slugs are related to the Quest, Songs from the Depths and that they must be involved in the dreams. I also have a sneaking suspicion that you must complete the quest in order to gain access to the QBD, there must be some connection between them all. Perhaps the QBD is acting like a Mother Mallum and has taken control of the hive mind or whatever it is the slugs have.
  9. I have Saturday off, so i've bought supplies for 5k fire surges and ready to face off against Glacors, although I have a feeling they are gonna be too crowded :(
  10. Ooooo a QBD cape? :lol: And I assume that's either the 'upgradeable crossbow' or it's a Dragon Crossbow (or both!)
  11. Let's get this topic back on the first page shall we! These were leaked by a different fan forum and also appear in a video on youtube (which may only be accessible by typing in it's url atm), anyway, enjoy:
  12. I've heard that there is meant to be double loot drops on the weekend, but don't hold me to that. Somehow got a feeling it'll end up being something else though.
  13. Well a arcane spirit shield is an 'off-hand item' those items, alongside weapons are meant to be maintaining offensive boosts, however it's still far too early to understand just what impact the combat changes will have on it. The only things I can truly see maintaining offensive boosts in the off hand slot is defenders and possibly prayer books/mages book. So try to take that as a bit more confidence that your item will not be affected too much. Besides spirit shields seem to fill very specific roles, so I can't see them losing their unique purposes and becoming generic defensive shields. :)
  14. The goblin looks like the one used for the monster stun power up in Dominion Tower. I welcome the new stances, they are looking rather awesome! If I remember correctly from Runefest tweets and such, combat will be changing and we can add spells, prayers and new special attacks to a hot bar. I think they also mentioned that combat would for the most part be the same, but for the people willing to be more engaged, rather than afk, they would find they would gain more efficient experience gains. Still rather curious how that would pan out to be honest, but I do at least look forward to what they will produce.
  15. Wow so the see the future was seeing what it's like having 0 fps? Jagex, that's the present!
  16. The last announcement sounded like a Runespan hint to me. *prepared for disappointment.*
  17. Spoiler: [spoiler=Spoiler]It's probable that she learned everything she could from him, took advantage while he was in one of his less sane moments, and killed him. One of the endings supports this. And bouncing off one of your ideas.
  18. My first thoughts as well. Idem ditto. Good to see we are all thinking alike. :lol:
  19. It's only speculation at the moment, but she could be Lucien's mysterious daughter, and that this is a flashback!
  20. Should be a 'no update week' next week, however there is meant to be some engine updates. And in other news, this could be coming 'soon'...
  21. That is exactly right. I can vouch for one mod in particular, he also said that the update is here to stay, of course that was said yesterday, so with enough negative feedback this could be up in the air hopefully.
  22. Next month in Runescape! You can buy yourself a level 99 for £30! Or that lovely Pernix armour? Loldontboss, you can buy it for £50! What? Your only level 1 defence, range and 10 hp? Why not pay an extra £40 and you can lower the requirements of the armour too! In other news, we've also added a new quest about how gambling is bad. Complete it for 1 extra spin on the Squeal of Fortune.
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