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Jon Arcane

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Everything posted by Jon Arcane

  1. It's been a good day: [spoiler=Fishing 93] [spoiler=Crafting 92]
  2. Do you get KC, trying to figure out if you need to get it or not. I always kill between 3-5 creatures. The goal is 3, but sometimes I get caught one and knock half it's health off, so decide to finish up :lol: It also means it lengthens out my trip long enough so when I do recharge my prayer at Darkmeyer and return to Barrows my Vecna's Skull is ready to be reused.
  3. Yes there definitely was, some female character is meant to be revealed in this storyline who is devoted to Zaros. However that was ages back when I heard that and it could possibly change I guess. But I really hope we do get some more Zaros lore!
  4. Number 3, plus Karil's Top! Finally making up all the cash I spent on raising skills to 90!
  5. It's been about 60 chests since I last got any barrows loot. But I guess I can't really complain since I did get back to back visages... :mellow: If you have the time, just keep at it, and I'm sure it will all come rolling in soon!
  6. I think a line from the January BTS sums up nicely what I think this year will be all about: That seems to be the emphasis right about now. We'll see the reworking of graphics, redesigns of combat, skills and content alongside new content to enforce the new focus that the game is taking. I think it's going to be quite a good year, I don't see a lot coming in the way of truly OMGAWESOME content month in, month out. But we'll definitely have some every now and then. This is the first year in a long time where I feel Jagex have got a firm foundation to work on to improve the game.
  7. I've found Karil is quite weak to the Polypore staff. Gave up using a Chaotic rapier and dragon defender against him because I can kill him faster with the staff. I only use melee against Ahrim now.
  8. Got a visage, finally! (picture is in the Barrows thread) Very glad to have finally got one before 99 slayer, it always annoyed me not obtaining one after so many years and seeing people get several, especially after how many dragons I've killed! Anyway, here's me finally making one:
  9. Snap! My very first visage, so glad to have finally got one before 99 Slayer!!
  10. Far as I see it, it hampers the game. We need some monstrous skill requirements, the sooner the better, otherwise the game will simply continue to drag it's ass slowly creeping up higher and higher meaning we'll have to wait longer for some very awesome quests that hold potentially very satisfying rewards. Fair enough, many may not be able to do the quest upon release, but hey, it isn't going anywhere, you don't have to do it straight away, just level here and there and do other things in the mean time. Urgh, it's really annoyed me that Jagex caved in to this.
  11. Sigh, they've dropped the firemaking requirement way down to 74 :(
  12. Got these on Tuesday, decided to keep them: And i've finally reached my goal! I'll start slaying again now, and maybe try out Frost Dragons again. Wanna see what it's like there nowadays!
  13. What a fantastic two days I've had! My weekend of double dungeoneering experience started at 7pm on Sunday night. And was resumed at 9am this morning. I have poured a lot of hours into this event, more than I should have, health wise but it needed to be done! I was level 96 Dungeoneering, and now here I am 700k from 99! I solo'd every single floor, smalls, meds, c1's, c6's. Then in the last 2 hours, some fellow Scryers decided they wanted to do a large floor 30... Now all year, I've been trying to get a shadow silk hood, and I've been desperate to get one before 100. I've killed 100's of Night Spiders and i've probably killed a good 40-50 over this weekend alone. But at long last, in the final hour of the double experience, I got one!! What followed was my first time ever rushing c6 smalls with other people, I decided to do the keying and have my first experience of that. I quite enjoy the franticness. Sure, floors took 4-5 mins whilst on furnished, and I assume that's awful. But it's a new step for me in Dungeoneering haha. And with all the tokens i've gathered, I got these two beauties: Now my Glacor hunting will go up another notch! But that's gonna have to wait for another time, I've got some catching up to do on Skyrim :)
  14. Gahhhhhhh, gonna have to wait till Sunday night to get onto RS properly. I'm off Monday so I guess I'll be no lifing with some red bull to try and get as much dungeoneering experience as possible. Would love to get close to obtaining another chaotic/get a celestial surgebox for Glacors.
  15. Ahhh good, felt they were good but not as good as I expected so started using the gloves to replace barrows gloves whilst still using a weapon. I was hoping the stat drops that all the gloves gave would make them better or rival chaotics but found that they haven't so far. Although these gloves in particular are probably far better than a chaotic maul when it comes to monsters weak against crush, that will probably be the only time I'll fight unarmed now.
  16. Absolutely fantastic news. This makes the future look a lot brighter now, more focus on creating excellent content now please Jagex :)
  17. 50 kills left till the big 500. But alas, work calls! :( Still at 6 pages, gonna be fun trying to gather the last 14 :rolleyes:
  18. I just ran around and sat down to rest at the food :smile: I'm having trouble with pages didn't play much whilst waited for nomad to be fixed, 6 hours since nomad fix now and 1 page, ridiculous (that's with farming them). Nearly at 450 kills, got 6 pages. With a good chunk of doing 1 Climber floor and checking the chest. Getting really fed of hunting for them :(
  19. They are accurate as hell against Nomad so I'd have to say yes.
  20. Just saw a fellow scryer beating the life out of Nomad with Goliath Gloves. It was beautiful :o <3:
  21. Finally encountered all the bosses, Pest Queen was the hardest for me, because I never brought the right set up! But she has finally fallen, as has the monkeys and the Decaying Avatar (eventually). Now I just need to get all the journals and in the process of that I should get the final 208 kills required for the gloves.
  22. The rewards page is up! Dominion Tower Rewards
  23. Aren't they always making stuff up on the first day of an update, only to be more accurate later? Well, can't play in tower for today since clearing cache did next to nothing. I hope to see more pictures and brush up on re-fighting these bosses. I was somewhat asking for a confirmation as well since I equipped the only one I got (crossbow) and logged off. Although, I'm sure there's no reason to worry about it. Looking at the pictures here it seems the weapons are quite common once you unlock them; I have to wonder if you get enough that you can use them all the time in the tower after... From what I gather it will take a while to unlock the staff because you have to use every type of bomb and the caller thingy. Which means you need to get al the journals first. However many there is :/ Edit - I've really enjoyed this update, I can see it getting very boring aiming for the 500 kills. I'm only at 85 but I could easily do 100 per day without too much effort. So it shouldn't take all that long to come close to maxing it out. Hope I get at least one set of gloves next week!
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