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Everything posted by Buzzybee

  1. Gee, that sounds like a good idea Iconic!
  2. With the sheer absudity of this I don't belive it would have an effect.
  3. My other acounts include; Stalf, Hextriplet
  4. My other acounts include: Hextriplet, Stalf.
  5. YARGGHHHH. TEH CAT HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Because god is gone the world is happy (as god was really the devil in this) Hey, lulz. Go on fanfic and search for XXbloodwrists666xx i'm planning on writing a sequel to my story, I got over 10,000 comments but I was IP banned.
  7. Who cares if all of the zombies are gone? And after that you can just run away.
  8. Thats when explosives come in handy.
  9. As i've said before, you throw the explosives. And yes, you are bieng trolled. Stop biting the hook. i'll stop now.
  10. I'm not Hex. But srs, Hex is just amazing in every single way.
  11. I'm his other acount. I must've said it wrong, what I basically mean is that you throw the explosives at some of the zombies and then run "through" the clearing that you've made.
  12. Large number of posts in comparison to me - I mean WTF!
  13. I would never use such commy propaganda. I found the metapedia is extremly good however.
  14. Yes of course I used ED, what other free online encylopedia wiki that anyone can edit is there?
  15. It turns out to be a really rubbish band from wales which is also called metallica. I wish for a cooler smiley then :twss: on the forums.
  16. Buzz.... Buzz.... WHAT THE [bleep]!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!! WHY THE [bleep] WHY THE HELL!!! OMG WTF I HATE YOU WTF !!! [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [cabbage] [cabbage] [bleep]. I can't belive I just opened ecchi.. its not nice.
  17. It turns out to be a special gun which explodes banana's and your in the middle of the street when it gets set off. Everyone wonders why your covered in sticky white stuff and so they kick you into the ground. I wish for a problem slueth.
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