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Everything posted by Buzzybee

  1. I missed one, nevermind Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz....
  2. Whats the name of the anime in which those four girls are in?
  3. 6/10. WTF!>!>!!>!>!>!>! Choose something multi coloured and animated, that would suit you. And does my avatar require transparency?
  4. He can't be, he's a.....BUZZZZZZ.....mod
  5. Oh cool. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! A MOD!!!! \/
  6. Oh...... Boring... BUZZZZZZZZZ......person. How do you get automatically changing avatars?
  7. 578 We should make a petition to have him banned?
  8. Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....
  9. Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz.... Buzz....Buzz.... Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz.... Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....Buzz....
  10. 576 I swear Abc's a troll or a spammer.
  11. /\ Missed you? I never met you! < Awesomeness.....Buzzz.....Defined. \/ Has small man-bits
  12. What? Off the pirate bay.... Buzzz......com or are you downloading it legally?
  13. Slightly disturbed by the last one.... I mean Buzzz.... Buzz..... Buzzzzz......
  14. A naked guy in a funny mask driving a car rapes you and you explode with passion (litterally... explode)
  15. That made me laugh SO HARD!!! :lol: Yo! Yu gonna eat ma beezz??!!??!!? Vell u goota pay for it mildly famous DBZ character. Ya! you can touch my TRALALALALA
  16. Omg, No!!!! are you a quantum physicist or something. Didyja know that I am a bee.
  17. I love the first picture Dusty.
  18. A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is very easy to eat without teeth because it has microscopic organisms. Pigs aren't too keen on swimming with alligators, crocodiles however, they really like to fly with mudkips. They like slaughtering eachother quickly. One day, an H-Bomb exploded, but nothing has destroyed mankind. Elephants, whose bank statements are very cool are likely to buy melted cheese. However, Stereotypes are a really nice thing. Grammar Nazis are epic phails, but they help to watch youtube videos of paris hilton, which does not rick roll people. A plot is something nice and warm. People should shove icecubes up their nostrils, because teh_langzor says so as he is really really hot... Not! Someday someone died because they wanted him alive. Gehackte is cool. Suddenly, a dragon killed a zombie, but it survived. And it went to the hospital. Unfortunately the hospital said: "You son, only you have enough power to automatically parse URLS. The Zombie was diagnosed with testicular... arthritis. The cure is playing with a really big shrimp that will shoop da whoop. Out of nowhere, Mollypop came and killed every person. Then, Captain Falcon licked my armpit it was salty, and he seeked the Holy Grail. On his quest, signatures owned him. Then Rick Astley flew down to read the Necronomicon Galaxy to kids, in which he starred as the faliure of life, jimmyw3000 was his..... noob for life. Then a lobster ate him. Pigs fly out my window into the Shadow Moses Island. Everyone loves Pickles. Except for the overlord boris5000. Chuck is whack. Pepper is for killing guthan312 that famous nub who likes stinky socks. "That go in the oven!" said the Remote Control. "No it doesn't!" Yelled the iPod, shouting "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JJJJJJJJJJJJJJENKINSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!#@!@#$!#@%r#%@&*&^^$%3465345." Suddenly,a kitty died from eating vegetarian food from Silver_Wits house. I, Gallade64, pwn everyone. Fortunately, Ouchy_S rescued the food from Wongtong, so she ate more cookies, instead of glass...Then, Danno385 owned a glass menagerie. Danno385 is stupid. His sister pwns. Gallade64 Falcon Punched yo mama to try and copy fifty twss onto a large mudkip. The Large Mudkip evolved into a Chuck Norris clone whose power level was below -50. Goldblade29 is leet. Goldblade29 then died from Captain Falcon's bad looks. His dog likes men who make cheeseburgers and work in a really big nuclear disposal facility. This Nuclear place was secretly a lol cat farm. The small farm hosted gatherings of flamingo's that moo'ed. But Superman came and ate kryptonite which didn't exist. This somehow stopped Googlebombing tip.it to the power of -9000. Then, Tip.it pwned Rune HQ. Courage is the seventh cat on some sweet benches that were fluorescent that turns dreams into glass. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the name of the game where everyone is spontaneously combusting to pornographic images. Doctors fled to Cuba for more porn involving sexy Dragoonson (-plastic surgery enhanced genitals-) and so they got a dog whose leg was full of zits. Michael Jackson touched my uncle's cousin's brothers' son's dog's owner, Cousin Bob. It felt nice. Ugozima is kick-[wagon]. He is also a sad nub. Everyone agrees and Ugozima killed them. But suddenly they all exploded. KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! Including Ugozima, when Guthix came earlier, he became Batman's new furry hat A few years back, scientists discovered the cause of the result. That this sentence wasn't a banana cream noob. Travis Touchdown taunted the tall green cat, who then ate Travis. The photophobic cat saved Travis Touchdown from a giant short person. "What the &@#$!?" said a noobish person, his name was not chuck norris. Star_in_the_sky's honorable mention is epic fail. As usual. When this happens, one two three is before 0 in negative numbers, so I is fail, just like the one named stewie3985. That was wrong because it's correct. Forum spammer abc1230: "I owned myself." abc1230 is a tantalizing piece of very very very fine pork scratching. Forum gamer abc1230 was feeling depressed because he just ruined forum games. Gallade64 is jealous of Ddraiggoch06's amazing forum spamming skills. Don't worry though I'm not stuck in a blender, I'm eating a ROUS. It's very long and hard just like those noobs called RSOF'ers who spam lots The new paragraph ate lolz cats but got sick. So it setout, and that means:<--To find the captain falcon punch but instead found jimmyw300 and laura00777 who killed itzdeffiliate whilst kissing eachother. With that done laura dumps jimmy in a fiery fire. Laura downloads pictures of jimmy. Jimmy resurrects and joins Gallade64's team of uber noobs. Jimmy gets kicked into outer space, where Raptors like Captain Falcon's fist enjoyed Wensleydale cheese and.. The end... of Nuck Chorris, which will never end, he wins. Unless he were a puppet pizza, because then he would never be magical flying unicorn. Ripping through the large white atmosphere
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